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About paulwain

  • Birthday 01/21/1990

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  1. I use FS2 crew with Animated officer - all works perfectly my side and syncs well if you tweak few settings to how you like things. I disable everything in the Fenix EFB GSX settings, and I use fenix2gsx to take care of everything else, but also in the fs2 crew settings you can tweak few things to make it all sync together. No issues on performance from what I've noticed - I will never fly without Fs2crew / animated officer anymore - just makes it bit more realistic as the FO can do most things e.g control the lights etc.
  2. What a shock 😞 I use this software every flight, and I love how you can just switch to a frequency with a click of a button - very easy to use for vatsim ... Any alternative software that has this feature?
  3. Everyone needs to follow the instructions to make a fuss to get what we want CHASEPLANE How can I help get ChasePlane in MSFS? If you’d like to see ChasePlane in MSFS, there are 3 things you can do. POST CHASEPLANE WISHES here:https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/please-give-us-chaseplane/272780/27 UPVOTE here (top left):https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/camera-api/3077/36 ASK FOR CHASEPLANE IN DEV STREAMS here: https://www.twitch.tv/msfsofficial
  4. It’s been out for a while 😛
  5. FYI GSX integration: All FS2Crew's for MSFS have been updated to include fully integration with GSX (Voice and Button Control). The "Preflight events" routine now makes full automatic use of GSX ground services. You can even control GSX via voice'
  6. Does anyone use the Pro version? Is there Much difference between pro and the free version? (Apart from updated maps)
  7. For anyone that's interested, limited stock left 😍 miniCOCKPIT
  8. Anyone know when it will be back in stock?
  9. I use SLC and GSX - Both work well together - It will be even better in few weeks when SLC has integration with GSX so everything will in sync e.g boarding passengers, baggage loading etc.
  10. Also recommend this - use it all the time - its just nice feature that everything syncs with GSX 😍
  11. Has anyone tested out the latest driver - 537.13 - Any known issues before I update? thanks 😁
  12. Too much during a flight? What do you mean? Its exactly same as before with few added features - Turn everything to automated if you don't want to do it yourself and go through the menu and turn off the things you don't want - not that hard to tweak it your preference.
  13. Didn't know this even existed THANK YOU 😍
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