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Mission Ideas and Wishlist

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Leaks, storm damage, mud slides, flooding can actually move some pipelines.Encroachment is also a big potential problem - and construction - yes there are idiots who will try to dig a ditch across a pipeline right of way.

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>Leaks, storm damage, mud slides, flooding can actually move>some pipelines.>>Encroachment is also a big potential problem - and>construction - yes there are idiots who will try to dig a>ditch across a pipeline right of way.I'm not necessarily sure how we could model that in-game, but it certainly would be fun to find a way then maybe randomize what sort of damage you'd find and where.

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Guest Bottle

Fly an air-borne observatory into an eclipse zone in order to make observations (because it's overcast below). I wonder if we'll get eclipses with FSX?

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Guest archtx

Two I'd like to see:1. Being able to declare an emergency and have ATC give you priority handling. (I doubt I'll get this because I understand there will not be major changes in the ATC system.)2. An update of some of the FSAdventures.net adventures that use real ATC recordings. These guys did wonderful work. I never get tired of flying their SOCAL approach adventure. Unfortunately, the ABL language was so difficult that there were never many adventures produced. Also, because of the ABL, it made it quite difficult to fly the adventure in a different type of plane than the adventure was designed for. Hopefully, the mission editor will make that much easier.

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Guest archtx

Another thing:Hopefully the mission editor will give us some control over AI aircraft, where they will do more than just fly from airport to airport.

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Guest jbrians

Some great ideas here. I am really looking forward to the cool stuff you guys will create with the missions. There really is quite a lot that you can do with it.Yes, you can script AI aircraft and vehicles. No, missions don't function like "mods" in the sense that would allow you to run several at a time.

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From one Brian to another, Thanks!Out of all the things I am looking forward to, I think that the mission editor is the top of the list.Any word on if it is in the beta?

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Guest brewmaster

How about some missions fighting forest fires. With some of the flame and smoke effects I have seen in the videos of FSX seems this might be possible. What would be cool is huge fires with lots of smoke that really interfere with visability etc. It would be even better if we could actually drop water or retardant that would interact with the flames. (perhaps a pipe dream, but who knows) What would make this (and other missions) even better would be to use the online multiplayer shared skies feature to attack the fire as a team (perhaps in different, or the same aircraft). You could even have a central "base" on the ground directing aircraft etc.Seems with all the new visuals and mission elements one could think up quit a few "bush" style missions in remote areas such as alaska that would work well. (Sinking cruise ship in the Misty Fjords region, food/supply drops in the Bush, forest fire spotting/fighting, search and rescue for down aircraft or even people lost in the woods, mountain top rescues in nasty weather...Endless possiblities) Most of all I really think the idea of working together as teams on these missions using shared skies. It could be really exciting!Brew

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>How about some missions fighting forest fires. With some of>the flame and smoke effects I have seen in the videos of FSX>seems this might be possible. What would be cool is huge fires>with lots of smoke that really interfere with visability etc.>It would be even better if we could actually drop water or>retardant that would interact with the flames. (perhaps a pipe>dream, but who knows) >>What would make this (and other missions) even better would be>to use the online multiplayer shared skies feature to attack>the fire as a team (perhaps in different, or the same>aircraft). You could even have a central "base" on the ground>directing aircraft etc.>>Seems with all the new visuals and mission elements one could>think up quit a few "bush" style missions in remote areas such>as alaska that would work well. (Sinking cruise ship in the>Misty Fjords region, food/supply drops in the Bush, forest>fire spotting/fighting, search and rescue for down aircraft or>even people lost in the woods, mountain top rescues in nasty>weather...Endless possiblities) >>Most of all I really think the idea of working together as>teams on these missions using shared skies. It could be really>exciting!>>Brew The first thing my buddy asked me when I told him about missions was "Can you do them in multiplayer" and to be honest, I have no clue.But also, I saw a mission where an ultra light was dropping little packages of stuff on floating targets next to an aircraft carrier, so your firefighter mission may not be impossible.

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Guest Thad

Several really good ideas already.Someone mentioned sky diving into a stadium, but how about a mission where your the pilot for a sky diving school. You pick up sky divers take em up to 10,000 feet and drop 6-8 them. Repeat as fast as possible.Along those same lines you could have a military (C-130) cargo drop where the aim is to place the drop in a specified target area. Use different weather conditions to make it more interesting.Another idea would a mission where you're the pilot for an advertising agency and your job is to tow banners along the beach for all to see. You would have to fly low over the runway and "snag" the banner with the plane then tow it along the beach then release it. Repeat as fast as possible.All the missions could produce random failures to keep you on your toe's.-Thad

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Guest JuiceRabbit

What about a mission called "Fall of Saigon".Checkout this incredible picturehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_saigonYou need to rescue civilians from the roof of the US embassy in Saigon and fly them to the US carrier waiting offshore, then go back and rescue more.If ground vehicles and effects can be scripted then you would see the slow approach of the North Vietmese tanks rolling into Saigon, heading towards the embassy. Maybe you hear radio reports about the tanks getting closer, hear gunfire, shelling, see smoke. Hopefully other AI choppers can be scripted also, so its not just you doing the rescue.How about other military air rescues/missions. WWII - DDay - glider to pegasus bridge or DC3 parachutist drop behind the beaches.Vietnam - Ia Drang Valley, Fall of Saigon (see above), Air Support (eg the AC47 Spooky gunships), Siege of Khe-San supply dropsCold War - Berlin airliftSomalia - Blackhawk down, your chopper gets hit by rocket, badly damaged, spinning out of control, try to land it in the street without crashing (too bad)Desert StormThe list is endless.Sorry if this post offends anyone. Thankyou war vets for our freedom!

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I'm just delighted to see some "positive vibes" for a change! I think the new "Mission" system is going to be a very popular cottage industry, once authors have had a chance to experiment with the Mission Editor! ;)

Fr. Bill    

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Guest JuiceRabbit

Agreed! Maybe the missions in the demo will give us some clues as to what's possible

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>Agreed! >>Maybe the missions in the demo will give us some clues as to>what's possibleFirst, thanks Bill for the good wishes. I found myself reacting in kind to a lot of negativity around here and wanted to look at the brighter side of things.Secondly, I think even the videos and information we've gotten already tells us a lot. I'm mostly curious as to the complexity of the scripting/trigger system, as the more complex it is, generally the more open it is to do things with. The D-Day-1 airdrops were the first thing my friend suggested. I love the concept of Saigon.As a huge military history buff, I can think of a ton of great possibilities for non-combat war scenarios like the ones you've mentioned.If I was excited before, I am even more so now...in other words, tdragger, get me that mission editor before I tear my hair out!-Brian

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I want a mission with an Instrument Check ride.An FAA inspector sitting there.... giving you various stuff to do and he is evaluating you..and the end of the mission he either decides to give you a pink slip or congratulates you for the new rating.Same goes for a multin engine check ride....and on an on .... at various cities. So I can take the check ride anywhere.:)Manny.PS: At an advance level the check ride should be at Kai Tak. :(


Beta tester for SIMStarter 

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