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Curse you FTX!


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36 minutes ago, ieydis said:

You guys know there is a workaround for this, right?  Use Lorby's excellent free Addon Organizer, where you can copy all of your scenery to scenery.cfg, run the vector scan and then restore the scenery.cfg back.  Works like a charm and makes the Vector scan much more effective.

Yeah I do know and I have tried, it still didn't find those sceneries for me. But anyways, this new method of doing it manually is faster and less steps. 

Is it done yet? When will it be released? Will it be freeware or payware? How much will it cost? Any updates on the progress? Will it work for Xbox? Can I be a beta tester? How's the performance in VR?

1 hour ago, ieydis said:

You guys know there is a workaround for this, right?  Use Lorby's excellent free Addon Organizer, where you can copy all of your scenery to scenery.cfg, run the vector scan and then restore the scenery.cfg back.  Works like a charm and makes the Vector scan much more effective.

 Just my 2 cents, but that's way too much work for simply disabling a few airports with AEC. It's not like we're adding hundreds of new airports every day or every month even. I'm with PWJT8D, just do it faster manually.

 As for performance with Vector? As with every other complex addon we add to the sim, of course you are going to see some sort of hit. It's up to each user to tailor it to their own needs and capabilities of their system. Ultimate Terrain is good and has less of a hit, but that's because it doesn't have anywhere near the detail and data included.

i7-13700KF, 32gb DDR4 3200,  RTX 4080, Win 11, MSFS


Yep, I knew there were others with this problem. It's not a deal breaker for me but it's just annoying. I will try the manual way to see if it's better. I don't mind disabling once I find an airport but I just want to do it once. When you disable it do you mean you change it to .OFF? or do you just remove it? Thanks

1 hour ago, bosflo said:

 I don't mind disabling once I find an airport but I just want to do it once. When you disable it do you mean you change it to .OFF? or do you just remove it? Thanks

I just use AEC to disable it. Type in the airport ident that you have recently added and select disable, then apply. If the airport doesn't show in AEC, then it hasn't been modified by vector (funny that many users still like to blame vector for this).

i7-13700KF, 32gb DDR4 3200,  RTX 4080, Win 11, MSFS


Vector is a good product but make sure to disable secondary roads and I'm not a UT fan.  Improves coastlines greatly.  The Grand Canyon looks goofy without it.



On 2/23/2019 at 2:08 AM, bosflo said:

.... I would appreciate if someone can tell me if there is a better way. I have gone back and forth on uninstalling it or keeping it and I decided to keep it because everything else works but this airport elevation tool is taking the fun out of everything. Sorry about the rant, believe me I had to hold back. Thanks


I feel sorry for you !

But I think the main culprit are P3D's developers themselves.  Since years and years they tote this ancient FSX terrain engine around, from version P3Dv1 till up to P3Dv4.

Nothing has changed substantially in that case, regarding a complete overhaul of the terrain engine - and how the sim depicts and handels terrain/airport elevations since then.

In FSX you will get exactly the same messy results by installing 3rd party mesh. 

Even the terrain.cfg content of nowadays P3D 64bit has stood the same towards FSX terrain.cfg (--> in this case I'm talking about both's default configuration.  And YES: I myself have compared both files via notepad++ multiple times).

Of course, only this file is not the main issue by far. 

But for me just one shred of evidence to show up how much of FSX's old garbage and unsolved issues (depiction of terrain) are still under the hood of P3D v4 in 2019.


1 hour ago, KBUR said:


I feel sorry for you !

But I think the main culprit are P3D's developers themselves.  Since years and years they tote this ancient FSX terrain engine around, from version P3Dv1 till up to P3Dv4.

Nothing has changed substantially in that case, regarding a complete overhaul of the terrain engine - and how the sim depicts and handels terrain/airport elevations since then.

In FSX you will get exactly the same messy results by installing 3rd party mesh. 

Even the terrain.cfg content of nowadays P3D 64bit has stood the same towards FSX terrain.cfg (--> in this case I'm talking about both's default configuration.  And YES: I myself have compared both files via notepad++ multiple times).

Of course, only this file is not the main issue by far. 

But for me just one shred of evidence to show up how much of FSX's old garbage and unsolved issues (depiction of terrain) are still under the hood of P3D v4 in 2019.


I don't doubt that at some point there'll be an overhaul in this area. There's a problem though:

"We want a new terrain engine! Get rid of all that useless stuff from FSX! We want it now!"

"OK, here's your new terrain engine."

"What, you mean none of my scenery addons work, so I'm gonna be stuck with default scenery? And there's nothing available yet because it's an all-new system, and for some reason all the scenery developers are saying they want me to buy my addons again to put in to this new version? Why did you do this? No way am I buying that, I've spent way too much money on scenery and now you want me to throw it all down the drain and buy it all over again? I'm sticking with P3Dv4/P3Dv3/FSX/FS9/FS2002 <delete as appropriate>."

I'm not saying it doesn't need to happen, but I'm sure you can appreciate the commercial risks involved on all sides -- LM and scenery developers alike -- in fundamentally overhauling (i.e. breaking) everything that we've known for the last 20+ years, and why they might be quite cautious about how and when that happens!

On 2/23/2019 at 10:36 AM, Dave_YVR said:

Ultimate Terrain is good and has less of a hit, but that's because it doesn't have anywhere near the detail and data included.

UTX regions have far more detail and data compared to the same area of Vector.

Matt Wilson

On ‎2‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 2:08 AM, bosflo said:

Another problem is that if you go into the AEC panel and deactivate an airport the next time you run a complete new scan all the changes that you made are erased.

Simple solution: run AEC once after the initial installation of P3D. Later, do not run the autoconfig tool anymore but disable the airports manually. There is no reason to run the autoconfig tool after adding a single scenery of which you exactly know what it is, no?

Furthermore, I always do a testflight with the Robinson on a novel scenery. Like this, it can basically not happen that I arrive at a scenery that looks bad after a long flight.

Verdict: yes, the vector tool is outdated and not very useful anymore in P3Dv4.x, but no, if you are used to how it works, it is not that much of an hassle...

Greetings, Chris

Intel i5-13600K, 2x32GB 3200MHz CL14 RAM, MSI RTX 4080 Gaming X, Windows 11 Home, MSFS

12 hours ago, skelsey said:

 -- in fundamentally overhauling (i.e. breaking) everything that we've known for the last 20+ years, and why they might be quite cautious about how and when that happens!


For heaven's sake: I would take a new terrain engine immediately- exclusivley developed for P3D64bit !

I would not even think about backwards compatibility !

E.g. look at the other sims on market, like DCS, AFS2, X-Plane11:  their out of the box terrain engine/depection is sooo much more progressiv than FSX/P3D - and no airport elevation issues at all, even with sloped runways by default.  Yes:  Give it to me now :biggrin: !

Very similiar to all of our journey of life:  At a certain point on your way you have to let go for something better, or things will become worse !


All the very best.


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