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Why adjusting control sensitivity is not the answer

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I made the same comments about how adjusting control sensitivity being required for reasonable control feel is NOT a good thing and a sign of poorly-tuned flight dynamics. Unfortunately I think the hype surrounding the sim is just quashing significant criticisms like this currently. Hopefully after the hype dies down, this sort of thing could actually be addressed.

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7 minutes ago, hangar said:

You do realize that Hotstart ended up actually removing the torque effects from their TBM?

It was in there originally but they removed it due to everyone complaining that it made the plane too difficult for them to fly 🙂

If there's a green trim indicator for the rudder (on the mfd?), try centering the rudder trim on it before takeoff just to see if that helps...you never know.

Real Pilot:


"Docile, steady, and predictable – those adjectives best describe the 930 in slow flight."

"Taxiing out was Cessna172-easy, but you could tell there were horses under the hood awaiting their opportunity to run."

AMD 5800x | Nvidia 3080 (12gb) | 64gb ram

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42 minutes ago, cwburnett said:

We already saw that Carenado put the default G1000 into their the 182 - and that's great

Sure? From @Chock review it seems they have made it custom. It has different fonts, weather radar etc.

See his videos linked in his post:


Marco Manieri

Perugia - Italy



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5 minutes ago, SceneryFX said:

Real Pilot:


"Docile, steady, and predictable – those adjectives best describe the 930 in slow flight."

"Taxiing out was Cessna172-easy, but you could tell there were horses under the hood awaiting their opportunity to run."

We're not taking about slow flight here, nor taxiing (which is performed in engine beta range. Take-off roll and climb out is performed at high power settings and high angle of attack which has nothing to do with what the pilot is saying in those quotes. It's a different phase of flight.

I'm not saying for sure itll help you in the sim plane, but in  real life what I said is true. Worth a shot if you're out of ideas and giving up is all im saying.

Anyway...good luck!

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Your trying to gloss over a problem, I've watched 50+ videos in Youtube of real pilots flying this plane. I know people that have flown them. The aircraft does not bob in level calm flight without the autopilot. You are just incorrect. It is one of the more stable planes because of the aerodynamics of how fast it can go, it cuts through small turbulent vectors fairly easily. Sure, it's still a small plane and it can get knocked around, but the wings do not go left-right-left-right-left-right.

I've seen pilots in videos actually SHOW hands off when not using any controls and showing how stable the plane is. So before you claim to know how the plane is supposed to fly, etc...

There are some planes that have the bobbing issue in real life, but this is not one of them. As far as takeoff goes, the amount of correction differential between level off runway and level in air is silly, it would cause some pilots to instantly crash even if they were expecting it.

I'm not saying it should take-off as level as a 172 in calm winds, but it's not just the take off that's the issue, it's that the wings are not level even in 0 mph winds it can suddenly tilt to almost 90 degrees, definitely bad modeling.

Now I like the game, but people need to stop glossing over every issue, where does that get us?



AMD 5800x | Nvidia 3080 (12gb) | 64gb ram

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49 minutes ago, SceneryFX said:


I'm not saying it should take-off as level as a 172 in calm winds, but it's not just the take off that's the issue, it's that the wings are not level even in 0 mph winds it can suddenly tilt to almost 90 degrees, definitely bad modeling.

Now I like the game, but people need to stop glossing over every issue, where does that get us?



I'm trying to understand what you wrote. What do you mean by "wings are not level 0 mph wind"? Also what does  mean tilt to 90 degrees? Lets establish common phraseology airplane has three motion pitch, roll or bank, and yaw. i

flight sim addict, airplane owner, CFI

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It's self-explanatory, only the roll would be that severely affected, it obviously couldn't yaw at 90 degrees in 1/4 second and if it pitched at 90 degrees you'd hit the ground.

There is no reason to specify it was the roll in this case, everyone knows what it means.



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No thanks, I don't feel like arguing about it. The Cessnas and the DA-62 fly fine so far, haven't flown that much else. The TBM has issues, as does the turbo props. 


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Well I’d be interested in knowing what issues the turboprops have... I’ve heard the startup isn’t accurate, but are there in flight problems? (it’s hard to understand the ones you’ve described with no cockpit video...). How do they model beta thrust on landing?

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6 minutes ago, SceneryFX said:

It's self-explanatory, only the roll would be that severely affected, it obviously couldn't yaw at 90 degrees in 1/4 second and if it pitched at 90 degrees you'd hit the ground.

There is no reason to specify it was the roll in this case, everyone knows what it means.



I'm still confused. You do you mean. "wings are not level even in 0 mph winds"? 


flight sim addict, airplane owner, CFI

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That's standard terminology to talk about the angle of the roll without specifying, sorry you don't understand. Sounds like your trolling. We all know a small plane taking off could not pitch or yaw instantly at 90 degrees in 1/4 second, so not sure what else to tell you. As far as not being level, I'm not talking perfectly level, the plane rolls erratically under all conditions.


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