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DC Designs F15 Released

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3 hours ago, Chock said:

You port over some FSX and P3D stuff - with varying degrees of success - an example being the TPD freeware Grumman Goose if you want an amphibian.

Takes a bit of effort, and you do have to indulge in a few workarounds, but it's not desperately difficult...


I have that Goose and it's really cool for a free download. Giving that a more detailed model/textures actually might be a really fun project to learn on.

I don't suppose I could try porting built in P3D aircraft? For personal use? Not distribution. I'd love to have the P3D F-16 in MSFS. Or do those have encrypted components? I've never poked around at the aircraft data in my P3D install, might prove enlightening, guess I should. 

Is there a faq on ports? Or just for P3D or MSFS aircraft file formats and filetypes? Converters to move the models into and back out of Blender or Maya?

And are most of the free ones distributed with standard licenses like the GPL? Ultimately the goal of learning would be to contribute to distributable aircraft. 

Perhaps this should be a new thread for newbs interested in getting into modding or making add ons? 

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I see the Goose was released under "Microsoft's Game Content Rules", but the link to that on the Microsoft site is defunct and all the searches give me defunct links? So I have no idea what's permitted or not?

And while I do love flying boats. I really want a smaller to mid sized float plane. I live in Vancouver, I walk past the Harbour Air Beavers and Otters on my typical exercise walks on the sea wall. And I've watched them take of and land a bazillion times. Took a sighting flight in one of their Beavers. SO, I really want fly a Beaver around BC! And just explore the Pacific coast, do the flight to Seattle etc. The Icon A5, is cool, but just ain't my thing as nearly as much. I'd KILL to OWN an A5! That's gotta be a blast to go on excursions with, but in sim I don't love it. It's a simple, slow and kinda boring plane to fly.

Milviz has made no updates on their work on a Beaver since first mentioning it. I have no doubt that will be amazing. Someday....

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Easiest way to figuring out that porting stuff over malarkey, is to just download this and give it a whirl. You can point that at any FSX or P3D aeroplane and give it a try, some will work okay, others less so, and you might have to faff with the settings and give it more than one go on different settings to get a decent result, but that's about the size of it.

Be aware that this is basically okay to faff around with at home on stuff you've bought for yourself, since you already have a license to fly these things around in a sim at home on your PC and you paid for that privilege, strictly speaking it's going a bit beyond what that licence covers, but the point here is without actually seeking the original developer's permission, putting those things out there for other people to use who have not bought them would be a big no-no, obviously.

Alan Bradbury

Check out my youtube flight sim videos: Here

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Main issue with this F-15 is the price 

I would not mind a price under $ 3 .   (I would not even bother download for free)

The Aermacchi is nice, but still too fast and high altitude flier.  Fs2020 scenery  is perfect for Carenado Mooney . I fly between airports with it, and Piaggio for circling around scenic airfields.

Still waiting for GA aircraft - study level expecting a price tag between 50 -100 $  (Yes I am looking at you A2A).

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On 1/21/2021 at 10:15 PM, 177B said:

OK so I bought it.

This is a super easy to fly jet. Very stable, and very predictable. And fast acceleration.

The HUD is great, I set up a view where it is really big, I have a 4 monitor setup and use the top 3 for view, and the 4th bottom one for instruments, either popouts or AirManager panel.

I was amazed I just jumped in at KBOS, flew out over the bay climbed to 20,000 and came back in to land, super steady and rock solid to land. All this in about 3 minutes.

Then I took off to KPSM about a 5 minute flight, tried a stall at 15,000'  a couple rolls. Then set up for another easy landing she stops fast if you use the airbrake and maintain 145 on approach. Seems much more solid feeling than the Eurofighter.

Tomorrow I will do more testing but this is one fun plane in FS2020. And even with my middle range 4 year old system my frame rate was great no stutters at all even in Boston at 500kts.

So I highly recommend this for some easy fun flying after wrestling with the WACO, I love the WACO as well. But this is a different thrill. It is all good.

You don't get much for $40 these days, just a tank of gas for the truck. So to me it is a no brainer...

Be safe out there. And Sim on.

$40 bucks doesn’t even get me half a tank of gas in my truck, I’m Canadian😂😂!

ROG MAXIMUS X HERO, Intel Core i7 8700K, 32 GB's 3200 RAM, Gigabyte RTX3080,

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10 hours ago, Daytona125 said:

$40 bucks doesn’t even get me half a tank of gas in my truck, I’m Canadian😂😂!

Tell me about it! Expensive to be a simmer in Canada. Silver lining? There's a huge mess of community made improvements to small airports, airstrips for BC. 

Now where is that FSim Studios CYVR that's supposed to be released any day now....

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14 hours ago, Chock said:

Be aware that this is basically okay to faff around with at home on stuff you've bought for yourself, since you already have a license to fly these things around in a sim at home on your PC and you paid for that privilege, strictly speaking it's going a bit beyond what that licence covers, but the point here is without actually seeking the original developer's permission, putting those things out there for other people to use who have not bought them would be a big no-no, obviously.

Goes without saying (for me, can't speak for others) that I would never distribute anything I didn't have the rights to distribute. The P3D built in aircraft porting would simply be for my own use given I own that. For my own enjoyment, frustration and learning. 

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9 hours ago, Dylanear said:

There's a huge mess of community made improvements to small airports, airstrips for BC. 

Did you mean 'huge mass'?  Or is it really a 'huge mess'? 😀

Rob (but call me Bob or Rob, I don't mind).

I like to trick airline passengers into thinking I have my own swimming pool in my back yard by painting a large blue rectangle on my patio.

Intel 14900K in a Z790 motherboard with water cooling, RTX 4080, 32 GB 6000 CL30 DDR5 RAM, W11 and MSFS on Samsung 980 Pro NVME SSD's.  Core Isolation Off, Game Mode Off.

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On 1/25/2021 at 12:53 PM, oeker said:

Main issue with this F-15 is the price ......

The Aermacchi is nice, but still too fast and high altitude flier. 

Confused... if the MB339 is too fast and high, then why would you be complaining about the price for an air superiority fighter which can manage Mach 2 plus? :unsure:

Mark Robinson

Part-time Ferroequinologist

Author of FLIGHT: A near-future short story (ebook available on amazon)

I made the baby cry - A2A Simulations L-049 Constellation

Sky Simulations MD-11 V2.2 Pilot. The best "lite" MD-11 money can buy (well, it's not freeware!)

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14 hours ago, bobcat999 said:

Did you mean 'huge mass'?  Or is it really a 'huge mess'? 😀

Ha! I did mean to type "mess", but I just meant "many", no reflection on the quality of these airports/airstrips. I don't expect many to be stunning, they are made almost entirely from existing MSFS assets, just fine tuned to be more accurate than the auto gen scenery. They look pretty great to have for someone interested in GA and bush flying around BC. 

Seems like there's more for BC than the rest of Canada?!



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Hi folks,

I've discovered this thread and while I rarely reply here ( too busy most of the time ) I take exception to the accusations that I'm launching aircraft early as a cash-grab or any other such nonsense. Those who know my work in FSX and P3D would I hope point out the opposite. This is what I expect of DCS World "anybody who doesn't like what I like is an idi*t" YouTubers, not AVSIM forum members.

The Eagles were ported to MSFS because I'm a young company, not yet a year old, and many customers of the Eagles had only recently bought them when MSFS was released but then couldn't use them. I felt bad about this, especially in these tough economic times, so I decided to convert the Eagles as they seemed like a good choice in a new sim with no combat jets. The plan, outlined at length on my Facebook page, was 1) Port 2) Update textures 3) Update aerodynamics 4) Update sound  That was the release plan and so far it's going perfectly, with far more happy users than unhappy. Custom sound is soon arriving via Sim Accoustics, with all the necessary bells and whistles, and bugs are being fixed and modeling / texturing all being upgraded throughout February as I build the Eagles up. There will be those who will say that I should have done this first, and to some extent they're right, but for the target market who want aircraft that are "fun" more than they care that every screw head is perfectly textured, the time was right, and frankly the sales and feedback support that. The Eagles could be a lot better though, and MSFS does throw out strange bugs from time to time that do make it look as though things were rushed ( nav lights floating in space, even though they're parented to nodes fixed in place / NAV functions coded correctly and working, yet deviation needles not moving in response etc ).

It's of course very hard to get the word out wide enough, and I was unprepared for the level of interest in the Eagles beyond the customers who had already bought them, and have been running to catch up ever since. The Eagles, like all of my aircraft products, will be updated routinely and regularly until they're fully up to MSFS standard. In retrospect, if I could do it all over, I'd build something for  MSFS directly first, then start on the ports. I live and learn.

I don't set the price, the distributor does. Down to me, it would have been cheaper, but they know more than I do about these things and I trust their opinion. My next two releases are to set up my own MS Store, and will be priced more in line with the current trends.

As for comparison with DCS World modules, I think that they're awesome productions and it is my aim to make my aircraft ultimately look as good as they do ( though never with the same systems, I firmly target the casual user ). However, I have zero interest in the opinion of DCS World users as their market size is so tiny as to be utterly inconsequential to flight simulation at large.

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51 minutes ago, DC1973 said:

Hi folks,

I've discovered this thread and while I rarely reply here ( too busy most of the time ) I take exception to the accusations that I'm launching aircraft early as a cash-grab or any other such nonsense...

I wouldn't take it to heart too much, there are all kinds of flight simmers out there, but as in any large group, there's inevitably quite a few who are always ready to be massively critical of anything and everything instead of acknowledging or understanding that not every product is aimed at their particular preference.

It's the equivalent of - and makes about as much sense as - someone into motorcycles and rock music launching into a big rant about the My Little Pony cartoons as though these were ever intended to be made for them. Most people can understand this concept, but there's always a few who just don't get it.

Keep on doing what you are doing. The ones who like to think they are a fighter pilot because they have DCS and a fancy joystick were never going to buy your products anyway, so there's no need to try to please them, even if you could.

Alan Bradbury

Check out my youtube flight sim videos: Here

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19 hours ago, Chock said:

Keep on doing what you are doing. The ones who like to think they are a fighter pilot because they have DCS and a fancy joystick were never going to buy your products anyway, so there's no need to try to please them, even if you could.

Thanks, Chock. I watched one or two DCS-fan "reviewers" recently on YouTube. One of them lamented the flight model, while landing the F-15 on an aircraft carrier with flaps down, in full afterburner, with the airbrake extended. The other is a DCS World fan, followed by a legion of DCS World fans, who didn't read either the manual or the Changelog before flipping switches that would have worked had he read the manual ( then noted that they didn't work ) and took off without trim set, before noting the take off roll "was a bit long". The flight before, he crashed it into a mountain. 

That's the standard of many folks these days on YouTube and other places. Fortunately their reach is so small that it has little effect, but you're right, they really do think they're the real deal, but in truth are all talk and no ability.

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Thanks for your input, Dean!  I don't get the carrier landing fixation from some reviewers and user. What's all this "landing an F-15 on a carrier" malarkey all about? The F-15 is not designed to be based on an aircraft carrier! Best case, it lands, it traps somehow and the USAF pilot walks away to get hazed by the Naval Aviators present on board the ship... The Eagle is stripped of all portable and important parts and then the shell gets pushed over the side..

Is "will it land on a carrier?" the new benchmark test for flight models in the new sim? :laugh:

Also a public thank you for your FSX Concorde (and here's to some updates if you can) 🍻

Mark Robinson

Part-time Ferroequinologist

Author of FLIGHT: A near-future short story (ebook available on amazon)

I made the baby cry - A2A Simulations L-049 Constellation

Sky Simulations MD-11 V2.2 Pilot. The best "lite" MD-11 money can buy (well, it's not freeware!)

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