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Anyone Flying Majestic Q400 in P3DV5_2??

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Recently upgraded to P3Dv5. Everything went fine with the exception of the Majestic Q400. I have no less than six to eight hours into getting my favorite aircraft up and functioning in V5. Before I rub my neck and write a check to get a pro to get the aircraft functioning I thought I would ensure there are pilots out there flying the Q400 in P3Dv5.2. I have given up on Majestic support. Although brilliant dev’s and most likely very nice guys, IMHO they are simply burned out in the support area. They cite the changes LM have made as being the issues and have simply walked away from the issue. Thanks!

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I fly the Q400 in 5.2 without problems. I have the Pro version.



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A little more info would be helpful: Is this an installation issue or a configuration issue? Which version (Pilot or Pro)?

If an installation issue (and assuming you've installed an earlier version of the software), did you install the patch from their website?

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I also have the Pro version working perfectly. The visual expansion pack also gave it a new lease of life.

PC- AMD Ryzen 7800X3D, 64gb 6400mhz RAM, Nvidia RTX4090

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@Radial9 When you say not working, what is the issue you're having? Did you use the latest installer mjc8-400-Pro-1_021_x64-inst.exe (Installer name for pro version 1.021). Is the Navdatabase up to date from Navigraph? I like many in this thread have done a few flights in 5.2 without issue. If you gave us a particular problem we may be able to assist.

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No issue here...Pro version + visual expansion pack. Works like a charm 😎


Richard Portier

MAXIMUS VI FORMULA|Intel® Core i7-4770K Oc@4.50GHz x8|NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080ti|M16GB DDR3|Windows10 Pro 64|P3Dv5|AFS2|TrackIr5|Saitek ProFlight Yoke + Quadrant + Rudder Pedal|Thrustmaster Warthog A10|

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Reinstalling may help. 

When I switched to 5.1 from 4.5 the q400 loaded with some horrible shrieking noise each time. All went away after deleting and re-installing it.

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I'm, having loads of issues with the Dash since P3D v5. They revolve around disabling the autopilot. Firstly I noticed If I did it with a key rather than click on the AP switch it would plunge me into the ground. I now have another issue where I disable the autopilot and the plane will not roll. The column will not even move for a roll, pitch and yaw,everything else is fine but no roll. Getting a bit miffed with it now to be honest!

P3D & X-Plane 11 - Videos and streaming @ V Special 1

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4 hours ago, Matthew James de Bohun said:

I'm, having loads of issues with the Dash since P3D v5. They revolve around disabling the autopilot. Firstly I noticed If I did it with a key rather than click on the AP switch it would plunge me into the ground. I now have another issue where I disable the autopilot and the plane will not roll. The column will not even move for a roll, pitch and yaw,everything else is fine but no roll. Getting a bit miffed with it now to be honest!

By any chance would you use Ezdoc 3?


Richard Portier

MAXIMUS VI FORMULA|Intel® Core i7-4770K Oc@4.50GHz x8|NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080ti|M16GB DDR3|Windows10 Pro 64|P3Dv5|AFS2|TrackIr5|Saitek ProFlight Yoke + Quadrant + Rudder Pedal|Thrustmaster Warthog A10|

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