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AIG OCI isn't one click at all

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1 hour ago, Ray Proudfoot said:

Updates are the other major part of the program once the airlines have been installed. 50% of the product.

It was a couple of years ago when I first installed AIG and I really don't recall having to press multiple screen prompts to get an airline installed. If the user has logins for avsim library and flightsim.com library it's pretty painless.

Calling the process "dishonest" is ridiculous but that's your prerogative. Why not post your thoughts over at AIG?

*AN* airline. Correct. If you choose a single airline out of all the many hundreds that make a complete install you may have been fortunate enough to have selected one that does not require you to download manually and that one airline will install with one click. However you may have selected one that does want you to download many parts of it manually and then there may not be just one click to the process it may indeed be many. OR, you can tell it to not install the ones that you would have to download manually but then, by definition, it's not installing them. Is it? It's then just a "one click not-installer" rather than a "One Click Installer"

Calling the name (not the process) dishonest or misleading is not 'ridiculous' it is accurate observation. It may be one click if you choose the correct airline or don't mind it not installing an or many airlines, models, paints and or whatever.

And I'm posting my thoughts here because the conversation is happening here. What on earth would have been the point of replying to the original poster there? 

5800X3D - Strix X570-E - 32GB 3600Mhz DDR4 - ASUS TUF 6900XT- Samsung 980 Pro x2                                                     

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@Jazz, I really do think you have got too much time on your hands. I missed the 's' off that earlier statement. I was able to select multiple airlines and use the OCI button to install them. If I install any now I select them individually and go through the process manually as some belong to payware models, others have NO PAINT so blindly installing those with the OCI will result in them not appearing in P3D.

Feel free to continue discusssion here but the chances of Kaii responding are minimal. If you want a response from him go to the AIG forum. That's all from me.

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Ray (Cheshire, England).
System: P3D v5.3HF2, Intel i9-13900K, MSI 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G, Crucial T700 4Tb M.2 SSD, Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR5 6000Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit, BenQ PD3200U 32” UHD monitor, Fulcrum One yoke, Fulcrum TQ (pre-production).
Cheadle Hulme Weather

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1 hour ago, IanHarrison said:

This has been explained so many times. It is no more dishonest than a car manufacturer saying the model is automatic. "Oh no it's not. I have to open a door, get in turn a key or push a button, then select a gear (and at the moment still operate a steering wheel and pedals)".

The majority of the work is automated if you disable the manual downloads. Then it IS  OCI and no attention is necessary at all.

As explained if you want to install more fancy models, which I have never done and I have stacks of AI, then nothing stops you going back and installing them but it is not necessary.

However, if you want to believe what you state, then be my guest.

If you disable the manual downloads then it's not installing them and that is the exact antithesis of installing according to the defintitions that I grew up with. So if you want it to be the One Click Installer that the name suggests you need to engage the mode that stops it installing things. This is silly my friend.

I believe what I state because it's a fact. It is not a one click installer. Or it is in certain circumstances or providing you don't want everything installed. Instead of an admission of this undeniable reality, having a laugh about it and then giving praise to the virtues of the program after having honestly discussed the negative realities we have this nonsense every time someone points at the elephant smoking his pipe in front of the fire.


5800X3D - Strix X570-E - 32GB 3600Mhz DDR4 - ASUS TUF 6900XT- Samsung 980 Pro x2                                                     

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Well obviously it’s not literally “one click” to install. I don’t know of a windows program that you can install with one single click. Just to start the installation it is a double click. 

Anyways I believe that the “One click installer” comes from how simplified it is compared to before in that you needed more than one program to get AI installed in FSX.

Edited by Samaritano
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1 hour ago, mpo910 said:

It's simple.

If you don't like it, do not use it. It's free to use. Nobody sold you something.

If you have suggestions to make the product better, go over to AIGAIM and post them there. You may be lucky you get heard or Kaiii3 has its own other opinion on his free product. 

But making such a point about his here, talking about honest, dishonest and truth or lie, is so useless and indeed very disrespectful for the people who made such a great addon with a HUGE value and a HUGE user group for FREE! Think about that. 

So many users like you claim and criticize but have not made a single suggestion on HOW to make this better. 

I am really flabbergasted about such behavior here.....I refuse to get used to it. 


It's simple.

I'm talking about the name. Not the product. Not the process. Not the people that made it. THE NAME. The name does not actually match the process. Not really. Not if you are being honest and that misleads newcomers. At no point have I said I didn't like the AI or have anything against anyone that made it but you crack on in fighting your phantoms if it makes you feel full of virtue but understand that whether the product is free or not is irrelevent.

If you are incapable or not willing to actually understanding what I have said on the subject and/or if what I have said damages your faith or if you have decided to take offence personally or if you suffer from that modern sickness where you get offended on the behalf of others for reasons that you perceive rather than truth then tough. You will just have to lump it, I'm afraid. Parts of your reply read like the ranting of a religious fundamentalist. 'Think about that'

I have challenged the name because it's not accurate. That is all. It is misleading. That is a fact that I'm confident a very high percentage of new users conclude very quickly.

If I want to respond to the original poster in agreement regarding the title of this thread and with honesty, as I have, I will do so and again, for you, that is tough. Seeing as he didn't ask for suggestions on how to make the product better I didn't provide one but as this is so important to you I will make one especially for your "flabbergasted" self. ......

Package the entire thing up into one program of 60GB or whatever it is and make a UI that can easily update itself with dedicated servers whenever it is launched that actually installs everything with one click. One that REALLY does it and then charge me for it. The UI could even be pretty with nice pictures and look like a departure board or an airport window complete with bum crack of baggage handler and noisy children sound enhancements. That is my suggestion. Do that and charge me for it. I'd pay between £50-£100 for such a complete AI program. But such a complex and and needy program as this requires constant work and updates so instead of a £50-£100 price tag why not just charge me a few quid every month for what I would regard as an actual service. Then I could pay for the months I use it and not when I'm not using it and the developers get a constand stream of income to keep coffee in their cups and the servers running. I'd pay for that. Would you?

And perhaps then it would come with a hidden feature where the outrage herresy hunt mob (people like you) would not come out with their torches and "burn the heretic" placards every time someone expressed a little truth that they perceive as something different.

But something tells me that no matter how much I paid for it, you would still want me out of the club, wouldn't you😉

Feel free to take my "suggestion" and you could even claim it as your own if you would like. I don't mind. Maybe if it was as big a problem for me as you and others seem to think I think it is I would have taken it over to AIG myself. But then again, perhaps I am not really all that bothered by it and I have only ever brought it up because it's observably true and I thought it rather humourous orginially and means nothing more to me than that. Perhaps, just a thought.

And I sincerely hope your "gast" is not "flabberred" for too long. It sounds rather uncomfortable but if you paid more attention to what was actually being said rather than what you percieved was being said then you wouldn't need to "refuse to accept it".  You would probably just accept it.

Have a nice evening, Marcus.


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5800X3D - Strix X570-E - 32GB 3600Mhz DDR4 - ASUS TUF 6900XT- Samsung 980 Pro x2                                                     

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1 hour ago, Ray Proudfoot said:

@Jazz, I really do think you have got too much time on your hands. I missed the 's' off that earlier statement. I was able to select multiple airlines and use the OCI button to install them. If I install any now I select them individually and go through the process manually as some belong to payware models, others have NO PAINT so blindly installing those with the OCI will result in them not appearing in P3D.

Feel free to continue discusssion here but the chances of Kaii responding are minimal. If you want a response from him go to the AIG forum. That's all from me.

I'm sorry, Ray. I have too much time on my hands because I have taken the time to clarify and reply to you carefully? I'm rather at a loss with this comment. Respectfully, I can only reply to what you actually write, not what you omit to. It's irrelevent however. I too have installed multiple airlines with "one click" doesn't change the fact that many will not and I have no idea why you seem to think that I want to talk to this Kaii fellow. I was responding to the original poster originally. A post in which I did warn that the usual "defenders of the faith" would show up to say that black was white and that donkeys walk on walls.

But there we are.

5800X3D - Strix X570-E - 32GB 3600Mhz DDR4 - ASUS TUF 6900XT- Samsung 980 Pro x2                                                     

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8 minutes ago, Jazz said:

and I have no idea why you seem to think that I want to talk to this Kaii fellow.

“This Kaii fellow” is the author of the AIG product you are castigating. Only he can change the name you feel so strongly about.

You say you love the product but all I’ve heard from you is how much you dislike the name. Get a sense of proportion for Pete’s sake. Post on the AIG forum complaining about the title if it bothers you that much. Moaning here will achieve nothing. Here’s the link...


And by the way, referring to those of us who have no problem with the program as “the desciples of the one click cult” or “Parts of your reply read like the ranting of a religious fundamentalist. 'Think about that'” are unlikely to win you any friends and could be considered aggressive.

A friendly suggestion to wind it in and vent your frustration over at AIG. That’s with my moderator hat on, not as a AIG user.

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Ray (Cheshire, England).
System: P3D v5.3HF2, Intel i9-13900K, MSI 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G, Crucial T700 4Tb M.2 SSD, Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR5 6000Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit, BenQ PD3200U 32” UHD monitor, Fulcrum One yoke, Fulcrum TQ (pre-production).
Cheadle Hulme Weather

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1 hour ago, Jazz said:

I'm talking about the name. Not the product. Not the process. Not the people that made it. THE NAME. The name does not actually match the process. Not really. Not if you are being honest and that misleads newcomers. At no point have I said I didn't like the AI or have anything against anyone that made it but you crack on in fighting your phantoms if it makes you feel full of virtue but understand that whether the product is free or not is irrelevent.

If you are incapable or not willing to actually understanding what I have said on the subject and/or if what I have said damages your faith or if you have decided to take offence personally or if you suffer from that modern sickness where you get offended on the behalf of others for reasons that you perceive rather than truth then tough. You will just have to lump it, I'm afraid.

I agree with you 100%.

THE NAME is mis-leading.

I personally feel that some of the replies in this thread, could be perceived, as being somewhat disingenuous to you, in that some have implied, inferred, and even, replied to things that you never said. Some have even assumed your views on AIG as a whole.

I am surprised by some posts, that appear to 'attack' the poster rather than the post.

BTW, I've just stopped laughing over the analogy made with an 'automatic' car.

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With the amount of keyboard clicks that have been used here to debate whether the name is misleading or not the op and others could have installed just about every airline and flight plan AIG offer! 😂


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Brian Thomas



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Oh wow, I didn't mean to start such a divisive topic. I was generally wondering if I was doing something wrong and that it was one click but I was being a bit thick!

It is such a great product and the guys over at AIG have done a really great job.

Just out of curiosity, if I disable manual downloads and deselect payware, how much will I lose out on?

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2 minutes ago, BWBriscoe said:

Oh wow, I didn't mean to start such a divisive topic. I was generally wondering if I was doing something wrong and that it was one click but I was being a bit thick!

It is such a great product and the guys over at AIG have done a really great job.

Just out of curiosity, if I disable manual downloads and deselect payware, how much will I lose out on?

Such a trouble maker 🤣

Like most of these things it all depends on how much immersion you want in your virtual world. I don't have nay of the payware models. As I'm only interested in seeing busy airports with decent quality AI models I'm not that fussed about whether the airlines are accurate to the airport, but I know that others are.

I just highlight all the major airlines and the click the aforementioned (once or twice) OCI button and let it do it's thing. As others have said you  probably will have to intervene a few times to get some manual installed models but after that it's all plain sailing or flying (wouldn't want to mislead anyone into thinking it's a sailing sim) 😀

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Brian Thomas



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3 hours ago, Ray Proudfoot said:

“This Kaii fellow” is the author of the AIG product you are castigating. Only he can change the name you feel so strongly about.

You say you love the product but all I’ve heard from you is how much you dislike the name. Get a sense of proportion for Pete’s sake. Post on the AIG forum complaining about the title if it bothers you that much. Moaning here will achieve nothing. Here’s the link...


And by the way, referring to those of us who have no problem with the program as “the desciples of the one click cult” or “Parts of your reply read like the ranting of a religious fundamentalist. 'Think about that'” are unlikely to win you any friends and could be considered aggressive.

A friendly suggestion to wind it in and vent your frustration over at AIG. That’s with my moderator hat on, not as a AIG user.

I'm not castigating the product but I have lambasted the name of the installer and originally it was not even serious. It still isn't as a matter of fact which I have suggested before. Neither do I remember saying that I dislike the name. I have said that it is not accurate and is misleading and I stand by that because it's true. I have made fun of it and it's getting silly now because some people are so defensive and serious. If I had come here and said that the product was a load of rubbish and the the developers are terrible people I could understand it but I have never done any such thing and I haven't because I don't believe it to be true. I have actually made clear how much I like the product. We all agree on everything with the difference being that I point out the one obvious thing about the product that some have chosen to ignore or deny for reasons I do not understand and I get the "pile on". Get a sense of proportion? Quite.

My reference to desciples and a cultish mentality was meant with humour but I have seen little to convince me that there isn't truth to it and I have no desire to "win" the type of friends that insist that I behave as though an untruth is a truth. None at all. And the 'think about that' part was a quote. It was said to me. Was it considered 'aggressive' then?

I find the whole reaction utterly bizarre, Ray. I really do.


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3 hours ago, Sparkrite said:

I agree with you 100%.

THE NAME is mis-leading.

I personally feel that some of the replies in this thread, could be perceived, as being somewhat disingenuous to you, in that some have implied, inferred, and even, replied to things that you never said. Some have even assumed your views on AIG as a whole.

I am surprised by some posts, that appear to 'attack' the poster rather than the post.

BTW, I've just stopped laughing over the analogy made with an 'automatic' car.

Thank you. I appreciate that someone can see it.

5800X3D - Strix X570-E - 32GB 3600Mhz DDR4 - ASUS TUF 6900XT- Samsung 980 Pro x2                                                     

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1 hour ago, kevinfirth said:

Jazz, just button it please chap.  You have clearly spouted off against an AI package you personally have some beef against, while not understanding at all the basis on which AIG actually works.  The install process does not warrant the abuse you have raised against it.  @Kaiii3 and @mpo910 have contributed so much to our community, and in comparison, your posts make you appear a destructive, mean spirited, poorly educated bully with a bee in your bonnet 😞

Feel free to abuse me in return, it will probably just serve to cement overall perceptions of you as above anyway, and I won't read it because I've blocked you, but I suspect mods will 😉

I beg you pardon? No I won't just button it while people put words and meanings into my mouth that were not otherwise there. I have no beef with AIG AT ALL and I like the package a lot and to call what I wrote abuse is disingenuous beyond belief.

Good grief.

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5800X3D - Strix X570-E - 32GB 3600Mhz DDR4 - ASUS TUF 6900XT- Samsung 980 Pro x2                                                     

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@Jazz, you’ve made your feelings about AIG perfectly clear. I have no intention of continuing this debate. I’ve pointed you to the place where you can address this to the author. Whether you choose to do that is up to you.

I will not be responding to any more posts from you as a forum member.

Ray (Cheshire, England).
System: P3D v5.3HF2, Intel i9-13900K, MSI 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G, Crucial T700 4Tb M.2 SSD, Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR5 6000Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit, BenQ PD3200U 32” UHD monitor, Fulcrum One yoke, Fulcrum TQ (pre-production).
Cheadle Hulme Weather

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