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New Active Sky XP 12 update

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On 1/12/2024 at 9:25 PM, Damian Clark said:

Thanks very much for your support, and thanks for the support from all our customers.  It is tremendously appreciated.

keep up the good work.  you guys have always been consistent in releasing proper high quality products with good customer service to boot.

nearly none of the other developers do that. 

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3 hours ago, jcomm said:

Acabo de actualizar a esta última versión e instalé la última actualización de XP12 para probar.

En mi humilde opinión, hay dos aspectos que pueden afectar más considerablemente la experiencia de los usuarios y generar comentarios sobre los efectos finales del uso de ASXP12:

.) Optar o no por el "modo híbrido", donde de alguna manera, como lo hace otro simulador conocido, combina la representación de las condiciones climáticas en altura/basadas en el pronóstico con las capas inferiores basadas en AS, hasta el nivel METAR.

El hecho de que siempre encontré que Active Sky hace un trabajo notable en los distintos niveles, desde la tierra hasta la estratosfera, sugeriría que el modo híbrido es un poco "inútil", pero la verdad es que LR ha actualizado considerablemente su modelo meteorológico y ahora supuestamente simula con detalles más precisos, como la altura variable de la tropopausa, SIGMET y los efectos de la temperatura en la altura geopotencial.

Estas nuevas funciones probablemente aún no estén disponibles para que los 3pds las utilicen en sus propias aplicaciones, por lo que HiFi aún no puede tener acceso adecuado a las partes internas para poder modelarlas adecuadamente.

Como resultado, AS decidió permitir que los datos por encima de una determinada altitud/nivel de "transición" se entreguen al propio modelo meteorológico de XP, sin dejar de hacer su "magia" en términos de efectos de modulación como los relacionados con la turbulencia/cizalladura.

En los niveles inferiores, AS toma el control de las variables y crea "su propia visión del tiempo".

Si un usuario opta por no participar en el modo híbrido, que es el predeterminado si no recuerdo mal, AS toma el control de toda la parametrización meteorológica.

Todavía no estoy seguro de cómo aborda AS aspectos como los efectos de las precipitaciones, la formación de hielo, el sobreenfriamiento, la turbulencia debida al terreno y, lo que es más interesante, la variación de la altura geopotencial debido a temperaturas muy bajas o muy altas, pero intentaré encontrarlo en mis pruebas. ... Mi creencia actual es que tales características todavía están codificadas en el nuevo modelo meteorológico XP12 y no están abiertas a inyectores meteorológicos externos.

Los efectos climáticos geopotenciales están muy bien logrados en XP12 y tienen la ventaja sobre el otro simulador de estar presentes independientemente del clima real o del clima definido manualmente.

.) Esto puede parecer ridículo, dados los muchos parámetros que tiene la interfaz AS para permitir a los usuarios ajustar el resultado de su sofisticado motor, pero para mí es un parámetro que realmente puede marcar una gran diferencia en términos de opinión del usuario sobre El efecto de ASXP es el que modula la turbulencia general, que por defecto es 100% y he encontrado que está mejor ubicado en 50% o incluso menos porque en mi muy corto vuelo de prueba hace un par de días encontré que el avión rebotaba camino a mucho, recordándome a aquel otro simulador... Lo puse al 40% y me pareció más adecuado...

Luego, Zulfi, el "Indi Crazy Rotary Piloteeee" (@Humpty), me tentó con la versión " VisualXP Light ", solo por las imágenes y los colores, y estoy muy ansioso por instalar y probar esa también, junto con ASXP... En P3D (sigue siendo el segundo simulador que uso más estos días...) " Cloud Art " siempre ha sido mi opción preferida, pero en XP12 los gráficos se ven tan ASOMBROSOS a veces (especialmente después de que arreglaron parcialmente la pared). efectos de nube...) que va a tomar mucho trabajo crear algo en la línea de Cloud Art para XP12...

¡Active Sky y la excelencia de las creaciones HiFi desde hace más de 2 décadas! creado en 1998 y lanzando su primer producto en 2002!!!

Me sentí orgulloso de formar parte de su equipo beta desde 2005 y, como alguien directamente relacionado (profesionalmente) con Aviation Weather, ha sido un placer probar y contribuir lo mejor que puedo al desarrollo de sus productos, pero en los últimos años, Los asuntos de la vida privada y lo que todos sabemos le sucedió a esta "industria" debido al efecto de deglución de una plataforma bien conocida, de alguna manera ha relajado o prácticamente nulo mi contribución, pero espero un futuro brillante para HiFi y su comunidad de usuarios. , especialmente aquí en X-Plane, una plataforma que no se ve afectada en absoluto, ya que realmente no tiene competencia si lo miramos con atención....


Much appreciated for your comment it is always good to learn from those who know much more than me. I look forward to hearing from you about your tests!

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Yeah, I can agree with @jcomm , turbulence in XP12, even with ASXP made me stick with XP11 a lot longer than I expected to. First couple of tests reminded me of MSFS, in some occasions even ASXP turbulence at 50% made light aircraft shake uncontrollably when cloud turbulence is injected. It was even more pronounced than shaking  in MSFS. The only difference is that turbulence in XP11/12 is modelled properly, so that aircraft will shake around all 3 axis (yaw, roll and pitch), while in MSFS only yaw turbulence is present. I love to call that "slap turbulence" since aircraft behaves like some kind of giant hand slapped the aircraft from the side, and does that famous wiggle around yaw axis, and on top of all it is an very fast and twitchy movement. No smoothness at all.

I'm eager to test latest XP12/ASXP combo, maybe things got better. But overly I'm too busy testing our latest soundpack, this time for HotStart TBM 900. I got hooked to that addon, it's incredible. Sadly it's only available for XP11 at the moment.


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Current system: ASUS PRIME Z690-P D4, Intel 12900k, 32GB RAM @ 3600mhz, Zotac RTX 3090 Trinity, M2 SSD, Oculus Quest 2.

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TBM on xplane 12 is what will make me uninstall mfs for good, I can't wait to buy it.

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6 hours ago, Aglos77 said:

TBM on xplane 12 is what will make me uninstall mfs for good, I can't wait to buy it.

There are many (and growing with each new update along the XP12 version) good reasons to keep XP12 as a go-to platform for more realistic and detailled airrcraft, specially in the aerodynamics side of the simulation and when it comes to complex designs, rotary wing, etc...

Weather in XP12 also has some advantages over the weather in MFS, including but not only a more detailled form of representation of temperature effects on geopotential, which get's modeled irrespective of using Real World weather or manually defined, but not only...

Then, there are surely addons, like anything from Hotstart, that really make a difference...

Edited by jcomm
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Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Preferred addons: TOLISS A32N, TOGA MU-2, VSkylabs DC-3 and R66, LES DC-3, AWX DC-3

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Yes, here is the changelog below.

Update 013024

  • Applied alternate tropopause temperature handling to prevent out of range values causing crashing/issues with some aircraft including HotStart Challenger 650
  • Fixed bug in previous turbulence changes causing excessive turbulence (translational forces) in some cases

Update 012624

  • Adjusted snow coverage depiction to not display snow when surface temps are greater than 5C, to reduce snow depiction when lower snow depth data resolution/processes can indicate snow where it is not expected
  • Added basic smoothing for snow depth (depth changes more slowly, over about 2 minutes minimum to maximum) – some instant terrain snow coverage shifts between certain levels are normal

Update 012524

  • Fixed problem with ground snow conditions persisting incorrectly, which caused snow where there should not be
  • Adjusted conditions representation in all depiction modes for more intuitive weather conditions reporting
  • Adjusted map to display proper variable weather instead of globalized current weather at infinite distances, regardless of depiction mode and XP12 connection status
  • Adjusted turbulence effect based on feedback
  • Reduced turbulence effects overall
  • Fixed issue with excessive vertical force by up/downdraft, turbulence or thermals

Update 012324

  • Changed ground snow control method, allowing proper runway friction depiction (per current conditions) regardless of snow depth – Also allows ground snow control during hybrid or passive weather control modes
  • Added new Passive weather control mode, which uses XP12 live weather mode for weather depiction in the simulator, while all other AS features are enabled including weather reporting, planning, mapping, air effects, turbulence, ground snow control, etc. – Requires Live wx mode and overrides Hybrid wx mode when enabled

Update 012024

  • Fixed issue with download failure detection and auto switchover to DataNet that would cause download failure if METARs failed from NOAA
  • Added new experimental Control ground snow conditions feature/option, using GRIB snow depth data, forcing ground snow conditions (via runway_friction dataref) accordingly in XP12 when GRIB data indicates – This is defaulted ON – Use Map and hover over user aircraft, or the debug screen to see ground snow level information
  • Tuned apparent visual snow depth based on snow depth level
  • Updated documentation
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Damian Clark
HiFi  Simulation Technologies

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some updates ago LR introduced a rather unnatural "rain whenever there are clouds" which is not exactly like this, but it's quite the experience we can have, and really spoils an otherwise amenable experience with the way XP12 does it's weather...

Could ASXP12 fix that?

And another question related to cold / hot temperature effects of geopotential height, now simulated in XP12.

Is  ASXP12 compatible with those effects ? I've seen mention to the Tropopause temperature handling which is not directly related to that but represents yet another instance of the new non-ISA modelling of pressure gradient with T.

Thanks !

And congratulations for the great work you're doing with ASXP12 !!!

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Preferred addons: TOLISS A32N, TOGA MU-2, VSkylabs DC-3 and R66, LES DC-3, AWX DC-3

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2 hours ago, jcomm said:


some updates ago LR introduced a rather unnatural "rain whenever there are clouds" which is not exactly like this, but it's quite the experience we can have, and really spoils an otherwise amenable experience with the way XP12 does it's weather...

Could ASXP12 fix that?


Yep, we already address that with the last update(s):

Update 010324
- Fixed issue with cumulus clouds creating precip always (related to SDK cloud types)

This results in nearly complete elimination in rain in clouds when precip is not expected, however, in some cases, there are rare momentary periods (seconds) of in-cloud precipitation using the ASXP12 modulated cloud types that may trend towards cumulus (where full cumulus clouds are currently causing the rain issue - we use slightly less cumulus specification to manage this).

2 hours ago, jcomm said:

And another question related to cold / hot temperature effects of geopotential height, now simulated in XP12.

Is  ASXP12 compatible with those effects ? I've seen mention to the Tropopause temperature handling which is not directly related to that but represents yet another instance of the new non-ISA modelling of pressure gradient with T.

Thanks !

And congratulations for the great work you're doing with ASXP12 !!!

As far as I am aware, yes, and this is due to us controlling temp/pressure in an ambient fashion, based on the existing data, inherently accounting for geopotential height in altitude calculations.  But I am not very knowledgeable about XP12's effect simulation and details here, other than the very limited SDK documentation and experience with a very dynamic and initially problematic interface and/or understanding of its effect use (getting better).  It's a bit of a work in progress.  If you are aware of any issues or documentation/references regarding any required specialized implementation in XP12 despite our ambient controls as described, I'd appreciate you forwarding that to me and I'll take a look.  Thanks!

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Damian Clark
HiFi  Simulation Technologies

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keep at the good work @Damian Clark if the other devs put in as much effort and pride into their work as you guys this would be a fantastic hobby. 

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How do I ensure AS is providing the wx for my XP12 and not XP downloading its real wx? Thanks.

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When I installed the beta version of ASXP12 8788, I saw snow, as well as the effect of rain (puddles, drops on the surface during rain), which I was very happy about. But when I installed the stable version 8795, I noticed that the rain effect on the surface disappeared... Is this a bug?

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Yesterday I bought active sky for xp12. I knew about the free upgrade for xp11 users but since I didn't own xp12 back then I forgot about it.

This is the fourth time I bought active sky and I did not regret any one of them.

It works flawlessly for me and their support and dedication is amazing.


I paid 27 euro's. There is a lot of worthless stuff that it way more expensive. I remember the 70 euro's for a particular cloud addon which I used for about 2 hours in 2017. Asxp has given me a lot of joy over the years.


Just my 2 cents





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3 hours ago, jozeff said:

Yesterday I bought active sky for xp12. I knew about the free upgrade for xp11 users but since I didn't own xp12 back then I forgot about it.

This is the fourth time I bought active sky and I did not regret any one of them.

It works flawlessly for me and their support and dedication is amazing.


I paid 27 euro's. There is a lot of worthless stuff that it way more expensive. I remember the 70 euro's for a particular cloud addon which I used for about 2 hours in 2017. Asxp has given me a lot of joy over the years.


Just my 2 cents





I agree 100%. Long time customer.

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