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Everything posted by ndflieger

  1. Hi all!I'm thinking of getting the PSS747 (have the 777 from FS2k days and love the updated 2k2 version). Could someone please tell me the size of the base package download for the 747? I have a slow 'net connection and was wondering if I'd be even able to download it.Regards,ScottKJMS
  2. Hi Chris,I had posted a question earlier regarding FSW SE, but never got a response...guess it got lost amongst all the others.I have been using the previous version of FSW and I must say it is wonderful! I installed the sun, moon, and halo sets with that version. I would like to use them with the SE version, but I've seen no mention of them in the documentation. Can I use them, and how would I go about installing them with FSW SE?Thanks for your creating this wonderful add-on!Regards,ScottKJMS
  3. Hi Chris,Thanks for creating the FSW packages. I have all of your original releases and really like them. I have downloaded but haven't yet installed the SE version.In this latest verion - the SE - I didn't see any mention of adding the moon set, sun set, and halo set that I've used with the previous version in any of the documentation.Can a person use these textures with the new version, and how would I go about adding them?Regards,ScottKJMS
  4. Mark,You wouldn't happen to have a file name for that L1011 panel, would you? I did a search here on Avsim for Sokolov, and L1011 in the fs2000 and fs2002 sections of the library, but all came up empty.(Oops....disregard. I just noticed in a post a little further down it's on the *other* site).Regards,ScottKJMS
  5. Hi all!At the risk of sounding like a complete dolt (wouldn't be the first time, I guess ), where are these new P&W sounds at? I hadn't seen mention of it before.Regards,ScottKJMS
  6. Hi all. I've had the same problems flying the CRJ and have finally given up. No matter what configurations/techniques I use I cannot get it to slow down. I'm not by any means a jet pilot in real life (just a lowly CFII), but it seems to me the plane is way overpowered.Yes, I have problems stuttering with VC too. However the visual model of the a/c is fantastic!Regards,ScottKJMS
  7. Leon,That is EXCELLENT news! Looking forward to being able to use that panel.Thanks for the time and effort it took to make it and get it uploaded. I think I can safely say that all of us simmer's out here really appreciate it!Regards,ScottKJMS
  8. Mark,Thanks for the info. I kinda had a sneaking feeling that might be the case when I couldn't find it.Regards,ScottKJMS
  9. Greetings! I just attempted to download (via the front page of new file postings) the alternate CRJ 200 flight dynamics file by Mark Ostheimer. When clicking on the link I got a message to the effect of no such file. I also did a search using the author's last name, and the file in question did not turn up either.Any suggestions will be appreciated.Regards,ScottKJMS
  10. Hi all! It's the Sporty's model for me. I've had it about 3 years and love it. While I don't tell my students that "...I won't teach you if you don't have one", I do encourage them to consider getting one. Usually, after they've used mine to plan one of their cross countries, they will be on the phone to Sporty's ordering one.Regards,ScottKJMS
  11. Allow me to cast my vote for the upgrading of the 747-200 panel! Can a person vote more than once? ;-)Regards,ScottKJMS
  12. Hi all! Great looking airplane! I was just wondering if anyone knows of any other CV580 panels out there? I did a search here on avsim and didn't come up with any.Regards,ScottKJMS
  13. Gavin,Here's the link to a site of a fellow who did some work to make Paul's MD80 panel compatible with FS2K2:http://digilander.libero.it/aliditalia/panelseu.htmlIt's in Italian, but you can easily figure out how to download it. If I remember correctly the documentation that comes with the panel is in English. You will need the original version of Paul's MD80 panel along with any upgrades/patches (I think there were one or two) in order for it to work.I've used the panel with the Project Freeware DC9's and it works very well. Another panel/aircraft that I would recommend was just released a couple of months ago by an SAS DC9 Captain. It comes with a great airplane, and I use this panel along with the included aircraft's cfg/air file with the Project Freeware DC9's also (you might have to copy the PF's contact points to the aircraft cfg). Here's the link:http://www.bahnhof.se/~classic/Hope this helps!Regards,ScottCFII/KJMS
  14. Hi all!I don't fly the PIC767 often enough to contribute to a FAQ, but I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who are considering putting one together...great idea!!!Regards,ScottCFII/KJMS
  15. Paul,Just wanted to thank you for the release of the BAC 1-11 panel!The work that people like you do makes this hobby so enjoyable for the rest of us. I, for one, really appreciate your efforts!Regards,ScottKJMS
  16. I couldn't agree more with the author who started this thread. This morning I was in the file library scrolling through the new files (they hadn't been posted on the the Avsim main page yet), and it was nothing but one splash screen after another. Unfortunately this is becoming more and more common, and to me, at least, very irritating when I'm looking for "real" flight simming files.Just my .02Regards,ScottKJMS
  17. Hi Scott,Thanks for the info. I'll just wait for Matt to upload the file.I appreciate all your time in tracking this down!Warm regards,Scott KJMS
  18. Hi Scott,No luck I'm afraid. Just tried downloading that file with the same results...also noticed when I get to the file page, there's a box with a red "X" through it where that small picture of the panel would be. Please note that I get to the page with the file, but it's when I click on the download button that I get the "page cannot be displayed" message. Earlier this morning I downloaded his A340 modified panel from the library without any problems...Regards,Scott KJMS
  19. Greetings! This morning I've been attempting to down load the file a330pnl_modified.zip by Matthew Campbell. I've tried from the front page listings of new files and from within the library itself. Both times I get the "Page Cannot Be Displayed" message.Just wondering if the link is broken or something...RegardsScott KJMS
  20. Phil,Several years ago I ferried an Ercoupe from Norman J. Perry airport (just outside of OKC) to Jamestown, ND. I took some pictures including a panel shot. If you'd like me to send them to you, throw an email my way:nodak@buffalocity.netRegards,Scott KJMS
  21. Just as an addendum, when you read a METAR (Aerodeome surface observation report), TAF(Terminal Aerodrome Forecast), or FD(Winds Aloft Forecast), the winds given are in reference to true north, not magnetic north. Runways and courses flown by aircraft are referenced to magnetic north. You have to apply the magnetic variation for whatever area you're in to convert from true to magnetic.As far as I know, the only times that winds are given in reference to magnetic north is in an ATIS or ASOS broadcast.Regards,Scott (KJMS)
  22. Thanks Tom!I tried using the extended search also. Don't know what I was doing wrong since I've used it with success in the past.Regards,Scott (KJMS)
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