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  1. I only had three stages with 2020 First stage - water popping out of ground on a short flight between Jasper, Alberta and Hinton, Alberta. As I got closer to Hinton everything was snow cover in the middle of July cause by poor default satellite imagery for this area. Second stage - Thought I would check out the Casey Emergency Strip in Quebec. Tried to take off from the nearest airport CSU5 because the Casey Emergency Strip isn't depicted in MSFS (didn't expect it to be). Could not takeoff or do anything because my plane is setting on the roof of a building that covers the whole CSU5 airport. Third Stage - Decided to do a flight from my home in Alberta airport to The Pas CYQD airport in Manitoba. One problem, could not create a flight plan because CYQD airport does not exist on MSFS 2020 even though it has a 6300 foot paved runway. Decided to take off from a nearby airport to The Pas airport to see what was up. Reason for no airport, poor satellite imagery for this area. this includes poor waterbodies which looks a widespread issue for parts of northern Canada. Haven't used MSFS 2020 since, went back to P3DV5 and probably will not try MSFS 2024 unless they I know for sure they have done a better job with the scenery in parts of Northern Canada. John C.
  2. If LM does go with satellite scenery, I hope they do a better job than what MS/Asobo did MSFS2020 in northern parts of the Western Canadian provinces and territories. Poor satellite imagery equaled poor scenery. Would have been nice to have a default tile/landclass scenery where scenery is poor. In some parts of Northern Canada in MSFS, parts of the same lake would be part water, part tree covered and part winter. I do not have MSFS2024 to see if they fixed this somehow. Since I mainly fly in this area of the world, I am still using P3DV5.
  3. There are still a lot of scenery issues with V6. These will all have to be fixed before another version is release in my opinion. For example, LM moved a lot of smaller airports to their proper location in V6. Unfortunately, a lot of these airports now have their runways reversed for some reason. In some cases, the runway was moved, and the aprons were left in their V5 location causing other issues. I also know there are some issues with buildings floating in the air in V6. Some examples of airports with their runways reversed, found these in 15 minutes using Little Navmap. There are many more. These are all small single runway airstrips but still indicates an issue. CFF2, CEC3, CJC8, CJN7, CKZ3, 7NA2, 4NA6, CFL2 (apron not moved in this one), 13MT, CKU6, 88ND, 9ND8, 97ND, 7MN6, MT45, 0SD3, CD02, 18SD, SD53, 6LL4, 4KY0, 42KY, 42TN, 8AL7 and AL99.
  4. Some things to check: Check in ORBX Central under My Products and select Global Vector and confirm where Vector is installed and verify the files. Go to settings in ORBX Central and select help and Sync simulator. Try uninstalling and reinstalling. If you do get it working, I would recommend the Global_Default_Vector_Removal fix in the AVSIM file library. This will improve P3DV5 performance greatly when using Global Vector. John C.
  5. Still sticking with P3DV5 and if ORBX completely adds Global scenery for V6, will move to it. Have both XP12 and MSFS2020 and have done less that 20 flights combined in both of them. Most of my flying is in northern parts of British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The MSFS 2020 scenery for this part of the world is marginal in a lot of areas and it get worst the farther north you go. Missing water bodies and the same water body can have water, trees and snow at the same time. Still like having snow outside my house in winter and also having snow in the sim, P3DV5 has this feature. Also, in P3DV5, you can turn off the road night lighting unlike XP12 where every single road has streetlights no matter how remote it is, kills the night flying immersion factor for me. My other main reason for still using P3DV5, I can easy change things to my liking. This includes airports, scenery, can modify gauges if they don't work properly, etc. They are all great sims, and each one provides different features for their users for the type of flying they do and areas where they fly. P3DV5 works best for me. John C.
  6. I will not be impressed until they fix the Northern Canada scenery.
  7. I very seldom use MSFS 2020, but I do remember a post mentioning that if the sim is in Developer Mode, the logbook will not track flights. Setting in Options>General Options>Developers.
  8. Should try flying in northern Canada. Some parts look like they took a jigsaw puzzle, mixed it up and dropped the pieces on a table and went with it. MSFS 2020's main strength is also its main weakness, taking Bing satellite imagery and converting to scenery. Good imagery good scenery, bad imagery bad scenery.
  9. I do not have a exact answer for you, but I can explain how the weather and seasons works in P3D and FSX and hope this will help you. The seasons are set by the "seasons.bgl" file located in "P3Dv5 Scenery/BASE/Scenery" folder. They change on the first of every month. For example, where I live in Western Canada, On September 1st all the leaves turned to fall colours indicating fall. On October 1st all the trees will lose their leaves but no snow on the ground indicating mild winter. On November 1, the ground will have snow on the ground indicating Hard Winter. The weather is separate from the seasons. For example, If the weather has snow, the ground will be white no matter what the season or what temperature is. I set up weather for snow with plus 70F temperatures in July and there was snow on the ground and trees. I then turned off the snow and the ground and trees were green. If you want to explore this further, you can use TMFViewer from the P3D SDK to view these files. As mentioned earlier they are located in the Scenery "P3Dv5 Scenery/BASE/Scenery" folder. You can just drag the "season.bgl" file into the TMFViewer icon and they will open and show a map with season information for the whole world. You can move the mouse around and it will tell you what season it is. In the "View" menu item, chose "Seasons/Variations" and you can select each month to see how the seasons change. If you have more questions, let me know. John C.
  10. MSFS major strength is also its major weakness, taking satellite imagery data and converting it to scenery. Good Imagery = good scenery, poor imagery = poor scenery. John C.
  11. ORBX announced on February 24, 2024 in the changelog for ORBX Central that they rolled back the detection of P3DV6 in version 4.2.10 because it was causing issues with the final stages of product testing even if you had P3DV6 installed. We will need an ORBX Central update before P3DV6 is detected. John C.
  12. I am having the same issue. The direct links from the AVSIM front page does not work for the P3D Guide and FSX Config Guide. I can access the FSX Config Guide when I get the Oops! we could not locate..... message by clicking on "Downloads" at the top of the error box. Cannot get the P3D Guide no matter what I do. John C.
  13. Was going to try and help on removing default airports, but there seems to be some confusion about the names and ICAO codes. In P3DV5/V6 WAHH (Adisutjipto) is located in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. IN FSX, WAHH use to be WARJ, not WIJJ. Also in P3DV5/V6, WIJJ (Sultan Thaha) is current an airport located Jambi, Indonesia and use to be called WIPA is FSX. I also checked in MSFS and X-Plane and WAHH is a current airport in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and WIJJ is a current airport in Jambi, Indonesia. With these airports in two different locations WIJJ should not be showing through at WAHH, so it's safe to assume that the default WAHH scenery is showing up in the new WAHH scenery. You would have to removed the default WAHH instead of WIJJ scenery. There are ways to remove and rename individual default airports by editing default files. These files are copyrighted by LM but I'm not sure what AVSIM's rules are on providing instructions to change copyrighted files. I've changed many of these files for my own use, but will not redistributed them. John C.
  14. Not sure if this is what your looking for, Jon Dyer has made some freeware gauges based on real models including the Bendix KAP 140 and 150 autopliots. Unfortunately, they are not available in the AVSIM library but are available over at Flightsim.com.
  15. The same issue exist in the province of Saskatchewan in Canada. parts of the province has many lakes missing in MSFS. In some cases only half of a lake shows up and the other half is missing. This matches up with the data in open street maps. This probably means that MSFS is using free data instead of buying better quality vector data. John C.
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