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Everything posted by AWACS

  1. Hi all, trying to figure what all this RAID stuff people are talking about is. What do I do with it? Also, I bought a new custom built PC, and I have this icon in my taskbar called "JMicron Raid Configurer" Does that have anything to do with this RAID stuff? Thanks,Jeff
  2. What framerate issue? No problems here on my new core2duo. hehe.Jeff
  3. Not sure, think I'll give them a call, I can get on Avsim just fine which is good.Thanks,Jeff
  4. Hi Jim, thanks, how can I fix that? Both sites aren't coming up. Jeff
  5. Hi, hopefully I didn't miss something, but I can't seem to get to simmarket.com as well as aerosoft-shop.com they both appear to be down and have been since at least yesterday. Anyone have any info?Thanks,Jeff
  6. Did you take those photos? They are pretty good, anyone can photograph airliners, but it's not easy to get a good picture of a fast moving little jet, I've tried with not very good results. Great shots!Jeff
  7. Thanks Jim, can you confirm that those are the new United colors?Jeff
  8. Sorry, I should have specified. I'm looking for one for the -200LR.Jeff
  9. Thanks, unfortunately I didn't one see one there.Jeff
  10. Hi, I was wondering if there is a freeware repaint for the PSS 777 in United's new colors.Thanks,Jeff
  11. I'm a private pilot, does that count? heh. Yeah, anyway, um I would say to you that during a standard thrust reduction takeoff, try not switching on VNAV until you've reached your thrust reduction altitude. At takeoff, set V2 +10-20 in your MCP, this will force the flight director to give you the vertical guidance required to maintain that speed. Climb at V2 + 10-20 until either 1000ft agl or 1500ft agl. At that point you should engage VNAV. Also there are other options available to you, you can use your lvl change mode while climbing to 10,000 at 250 knots. Yeah, you'll climb fast, 4000ft/min isn't as fast as you think, and remember altitude is your friend on takeoff, the point is to gain as much as you can incase of engine failure of course. Weight and temperature will ultimately decide how fast your plane climbs, props or jets, also look at a real life 757, I think you'll immediately notice how large her two engines are compared to how sleek and thin she looks, that's usually a good indication of power. Back to the climb thing, just an example, I've seen our jet (an E-3) climb at 4000+ft/min when we were light, which is amazing to see considering fully loaded we climb like a rock.Jeff
  12. AWACS

    Terrible Frames

    Yeah, frames are a strange one with this plane. A tip I received from Andre was to turn down the virtual cockpit gauge slider in the display, aircraft tab in FS, it won't affect graphics in the 757, but may earn you some extra frames as it did for me. To expand further on the performance situation, some people aren't reporting any problems at all, so maybe it's specific to people with a certain hardware or something, I really don't know, I'm not a computer whiz. Also, you mentioned that the installer wouldn't update the cfg files, it's a known issue and hasn't been corrected yet. I definitely think there are some things that PSS need to fix, but I know they will in time. I think the load editor should be first though.Jeff
  13. Hi I was wondering if horizon Simulation is still around? I can't get to their website, www.horizonsimulation.com yet I was interested in their scenery.Thanks,Jeff
  14. Hi all,First off I just want to state that I have the most recent gauge and I have a core 2 duo E6600 with a GeForce 7600GT, 2 Gigs of DDR Ram and a 250 Gig SATA HD. My problem is not low frames, but jumping crazy frames, no matter what view I'm in. Though like I've said previously I'm not a programmer, but someone did once mention that this is a symptom of what's called a "memory leak." Has anyone else experienced this? To specify my problem more clearly, my frames go from like 60 to like 23 then to 6 then to 50 and so on and stuff. What this does is it causes a "jerky" motion in the sim, like rolling down the runway the motion is jerky, I really don't know how better to describe it. What could be the culprit? I don't want to blame the 757, but my PSS 777 runs like a dream, as well as my 747 and 767 from other developers. Maybe this is a 3d setting issue or something else causing this, drivers maybe? (I've tried both the 91.47 nvidia drivers as well as the previous drivers from nvidia, getting same results) I should say that the rest of my addons have a very solid FPS, which don't fluctuate greater than 5-10 FPS. Hopefully someone can help, because I really like this plane.Thanks,Jeff
  15. Hopefully it's not TNCM per the demo (not that it's not a great place). For as long as I can remember it was Meigs airport in Chicago, and I'm talking back in FS4 days when I was a wee boy about 11 or 12 years old when I first started with FS. They didn't change it until FS2004 when they realized Meigs was no more. Anyway to answer your question, I believe it's still Seattle, a beautiful city by the way.Jeff
  16. Not sure what transparent AA does, but I left it unchecked because I wasn't sure if it's a performance killer. I'm going to turn it on and see if I notice any difference.Jeff
  17. Really? I haven't found any good S340 panels, where can I get one at?Jeff
  18. Hi,Was wondering if someone could tell me the best way to squeeze the most performance out of my 7600GT. Also, should I be using Nvidia drivers or some other drivers? I don't want to sacrifice the graphics quality though. Are there some settings that don't really do much, but cause a large performance hit that i should now about? Any help is appreciated.Thanks,Jeff
  19. Especially when everything is runnning smooth, it looks like a real wing when in wing view. Also, the motion in the flight deck is a really cool feature. Do you think when addon developers say that they'll make their aircraft FSX compatible do you think we'll see that wing flex and actual motion in the VC?Jeff
  20. Thanks all, I'll try some of those suggestions instead of deleting this time, about 3 hours to go.Jeff
  21. Ray, wish I could help you, but I'm kind of in a similar situation. Maybe there is a memory leak or something, though I'm no programmer so I really can't make that kind of claim, but I myself get crazy jumping frames like I've never seen before. I've seen up to 70 in the VC, but then it goes to like 30 then back up and even down to 6 at one time then back up then back down again. It's really strange which makes me suspect there is a problem somewhere. For instance in the 777 I get a very stable frame rate, no crazy spikes or lows, just a nice even 30 to about 47 and nothing beyond those two. I have a powerful Core 2 Duo which turned my PDMG from a stuttering mess into I can fly into KLGA with frames >25. I hope PSS looks into this a little more deeply, usually I've noticed with other addons, the problem is spotted pretty quickly and a fix is issued. Hopefully that will be the case here.Jeff
  22. It messed mine up after moving it.Jeff
  23. I'm trying again now, I'll report back in 4 hours or so.Jeff
  24. Hi all,Is there some secret about d/ling the beta that I have to know? I tried downloading yesterday and the file was "corrupt or invalid" It kind of ticked me off. Is there something I should be doing to get this file correctly?Thanks,Jeff
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