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About Peterwk

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  1. I'm having problems with the default ATC that weren't there before the update. I can't hear the ATC, but I can hear my co-pilot speak. May I ask if anyone has also had this problem and managed to resolve it? Best regards, Peter
  2. May I suggest the following: Go through each of the following steps one at a time. Copy each line, one at a time, paste it into the Dos window (crtl + V) and press return and it will then run. Wait until each runs and finishes before you move on to the next one. When you are completely finished, Restart your computer and then try to see in MS2020 will start and run properly Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /checkhealth Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /scanhealth Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth sfc /scannow Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup https://www.supportyourtech.com/tech/how-to-check-crash-logs-windows-11-a-step-by-step-guide/ This procedure was provided by someone else in a similar thread. I have used this method and it has helped me solve a recurring CTD issue. I hope that it does for you. Best regards, Peter
  3. The A350 XWB is an advertising term (it means eXtra Wide Body (compared to the 787)). The official name is the A350-900 or A350-1000. In terms of the flight deck, it is a development of the A380 flight deck. I too am also looking forward to the A350, having been part of the original design team. I don't understand the negativity to iniBuilds - the A306F is my go-to aircraft when I'm flying virtual cargo flights. I think that it's great.
  4. May I ask if you have checked for any Windows corrupted files? This could be the cause of your problems.
  5. I recommend that you use the Event Viewer app. It may tell you the cause of your problem.
  6. I think (hope) that I've found the solution. I used the event viewer and it found "Device Setup Manager Event ID 131 Error". I found a very helpful website that recommended usiing sfc /scannow in the DOS cmd box and it found some corrupt files. After a restart, it's run normally for the last 5 attempts. Hopefully, normal service is back.
  7. sfc /scannow actually fixed the problem of launching MSFS for me, so it's not all bad.
  8. Hi, Sorry about the delay in getting back. MSFS went through a phase of requiring only a few start attempts, but it is back to usual requiring multiple attempts to get it to start. It's like trying to start an engine, and when it starts it runs perfectly. The sequence is: Attempt #1 - It gets to the XBox screen, freezes and then I get a CTD. Attempt #2 - It gets passed the Asobo screen and crashes on the Blackshark.ai screen. Attempt #3 - It gets to the copyright screen and then crashes. Attempt#4 - Multiple attempts to get past the copyright screen, and then suddenly it does and loads up. I then can re-start MSFS again many times and it runs every time. After I shut the PC down, the sequence starts again. I even did a re-install, but it didn't fix the problem. Just to put things in context, MSFS up to fairly recently has been loading up and running every time. Then, all of a sudden it stopped doing this and started requiring multiple attempts. My CPU is an i7-7700K running at 4.20 GHz I have 32 GB of RAM. My GPU is an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. I'm hoping that someone could highlight the cause of the problem. Best regards, Peter
  9. Hi, As per the title, I am generally unable to start MSFS at the first attempt. Sometimes it crashes at the white screen, but it usually gets past the blackshark.ai screen and crashes on the copyright screen. I tried every variation I can think of including emptying the community folder. Eventually (after over 10 attempts) it finally runs and runs well. I can then repeatedly restart MSFS and it starts up straightaway. The next restart of my PC, I'm back to square 1 again. I've not added any new peripherals or aircraft recently so I'm at a loss. May I ask if anyone else has had this issue and fixed it? Best regards, Peter
  10. I forgot - the BRK ACC LO PRESS annunciator should also extinguish when the DC pump is running.
  11. It was initially incorrect. I pointed out the error to JustFlight and they fixed it some time ago.
  12. The DC pump is not connected to the main Yellow hydraulic system so when it runs there will be no pressure indicated on the overhead panel. The DC pump only supplies the Yellow brake system to provide the parking brakes by pressurising the brake accumulator and it also supplies pressure to the brake system foĺlowing the loss of the main Yellow system. So when the DC pump runs, the pressure is shown on the Yellow brake system gauge. The DC pump also enables the Main Landing Gear to extend following the loss of of the Green hydraulic system. I worked on the design of the BAe146/Avro RJ hydraulic system from 1975 to 1992, and for a lot of this time I was the lead engineer.
  13. Hi, I get this too. The current version of MSFS is V1.36.20, so it's OK. I found that MSFS still does small updates such as one that occurred last week. Best regards, Peter
  14. Many thanks for getting back to me. I'm looking forward to SU15 even more! Best regards, Peter
  15. Dear All, For some time now, I get a message about encountering a DonelO Crash during almost every flight. The message randomly appears after about 10 minutes but it doesn't seem to affect the sim. I would be interested to know what the message is about and how I can stop having it. May I ask if anyone can assist me? Many thanks in advance. Peter
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