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Everything posted by byork

  1. FS2Crew Friends, Big news! We are now in the process of transitioning to our new support forum at: www.forum.fs2crew.com We love Avsim, but alas all good things come to an end... While Discord has pivoted to become our main form of communication (our Discord channel is vastly more active than our Avsim forum), we still need a traditional support forum because, well, not everyone likes Discord... namely, people like us old geezers who are still living in the 90s who still haven't gotten over the fact that sim titles these days don't come with 300 page paper manuals anymore 😉 Also, we have multiple new products coming on-line for MSFS, and it's hard for us to impose on Avsim whenever we need to create a new product sub-forum. We'll keep this forum alive for the next couple weeks so people have time to become aware of the move, then this forum will transition to a user to user forum on Avsim. In the meantime, we ask that you start positing in our new support forum. It's a very nice forum. In fact, we're using the same forum software as PMDG, so you should all be familiar with how it works!
  2. Please see this page for more info on what Manuel wrote: https://fs2crew.com/fs2crew-command-center-troubleshooting/
  3. Please send me a support ticket at: www.fs2crew.com You're not using Windows 7 are you by chance?
  4. Correct... there should also be a short cut link on your desktop.
  5. It sounds like a keyboard conflict. Try re-assigning the keys used to open the FS2Crew panels to something different.
  6. We haven't heard of that one before. By "gone" you mean you can't hear them or they can't hear you? Are you using Push to talk or open mic mode? Try it in Open Mic mode to try to isolate.
  7. Again, we recommend people not use the SU 10 Beta. We have no idea what they can break in the host aircraft.. They're betas.... betas have bugs.
  8. I'm sorry, I don't totally follow. Can you explain that in more detail. By car you mean tug? Also, PBE is not linked to any APU.
  9. Hi Zachi, You can uninstall and re-install Pushback Express or any FS2Crew MSFS product via the Product Manager.
  10. That would explain it. Please check the voice control setup guide. Windows voice control should "not" be running. https://fs2crew.com/fs2crew-voice-control-setup-help/
  11. We generally strongly suggest not using MSFS "betas". The beta could have broken something in the aircraft, which in turn impacts us. I assume this problem didn't occur prior to installing the MSFS SU 10 beta?
  12. Please send us the entire message via a support ticket at: www.fs2crew.com
  13. The Mobile Device integration is now out! Please update via the FS2Crew Product Manager!
  14. The FS2Crew Summer Sale is on now! Bring your flight deck to life with our latest range of MSFS products (which by the way now feature mobile device support via your home network). You're cleared via present position direct to: www.fs2crew.com Product Range: FBW A32NX Aerosoft CRJ Leonardo Maddog RAAS Pushback Express
  15. July 9th, 2022! The big update this weekend is that we've updated all FS2Crew MSFS products... again! The big new feature this week is Mobile App device support via your home network. This allows you to essentially run FS2Crew through your mobile device (the Setup panel however still needs to be done via the stand alone exe). This is great news for home cockpit users, people who prefer "touch", or people who just don't like panels on their screen. It's very easy to setup: Please see this link: https://fs2crew.com/fs2crew-mobile-app-networking-setup/ Change logs: https://fs2crew.com/fs2crew-change_logs/ Important, you need to have the latest versions of FS2Crew installed. For that, please use the Product Manager: https://fs2crew.com/downloads/
  16. Try uninstalling FS2Crew, and re-installing it.
  17. Okay, we'll code that tomorrow 😉
  18. Hi Volkern, We're using the default vehicles from MSFS. We can only do what MSFS allows us to do.
  19. Do you see this file: FS2Crew Maddog for MSFS.xml Located here: C:\Users\***your user name***\AppData\Roaming\FS2Crew Maddog for MSFS
  20. Try hitting "CTRL A" to select all then copy the text in the Details section and post it here. Also try without 'auto start'.
  21. FS2Crew Weekend Update! 1. This week the MSFS Maddog received a big update that dealt with some post release issues: https://fs2crew.com/fs2crew-maddog-x-change-log/ Shortly we'll be releasing our update that adds mobile device integration, which will essentially allow you to run FS2Crew off your mobile device. This is pretty big, especially for users who are sensitive about screen real estate. 2. FBW A32NX and the Fenix: Due to popular request, it looks like we'll be updating the FBW A32NX to match the latest Airbus SOPs. The Fenix version is also coming, but no ETA, however, we're aiming for asap. 3. PMDG 737 for MSFS: Coming after PMDG releases their MSFS SDK. Have a nice weekend!
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