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Everything posted by mnmon

  1. I finally got to try the suggestion concerning the overcast layer> I couldn't detect any change. In overcast conditions I still am getting fps in th 10-11 range with occasional dips into single digits. As soon as I get out of any overcast, either above or below the aircraft the frames jump right up to the mid to high 20's Mike
  2. Ok, I'll take a look at that and let you know. I don't recall where that option was set (not on my home computer at the moment) Mike
  3. I understand it's hard to track these issues down, but *nothing* was changed on my system except the installation of SU2, so I have to assume it's at fault for the FS minimization and frame rate hits. BTW, the frame rate drop seems to be most pronounced in overcast conditions. I know this is to be expected, but as soon as the weather changes to even heavy broken, the frames jump back up. I don't have overcast enhancement turned on, nor did before. Hope that helps somewhat. Mike
  4. My first issue was FS minimizing on its own. That's been solved by unchecking the 'keep ASG running' option. The second is that my frame rates are in the tank. My most recent measurement was with the PMDG 737 in overcast conditions. With AS6 original, I had my usual 18-24 fps, with SU2 update the best I could get was 11-12 and that's with 64 bit clouds and no changes in my AS options. If a fix is in the offing soon, I will hold off rolling back, but it's hard to keep flying with such frame hits. Mike
  5. I'd like to roll back to the original AS6 from SU2 until some of the issues are resolved. I got AS6 as an upgrade from ASV and have since deleted ASV. I have the AS6 setup launcher on my hard drive. Can I just run it and overwrite the present version? Should I uninstall first? Mike
  6. I noticed a drop also in frames, but I didn't do any measurements. My last couple of flights have been in fairly clear skies, but my first after the update was with overcast and I was really stuttering along. I have a 3.0MHZ, Nvidia card with latest drivers. Have clouds at 64, DTX. Never noticed the stutters until after the update. Is it possible to roll back to the original AS6? Mike
  7. Did another flight yesterday with the auto-submit disabled and there was no minimization. That seems to have eliminated the issue. My question now is: what does disabling auto-submit do when I'm using the WX-influenced theme in AS? Will I see any noticable effects in real-weather flying? Mike
  8. mnmon

    737NG Update?

    Could it be that PMDG will wait to see how the changes in FSX are before updating the 737? Seems a reasonable course to take rather than investing time and effort only to have to redo it all in a few months. Mike
  9. After installing the service update over the weekend, I have a new small bug: I have AS paused until FS is loaded. I get the flight loaded and then just sit back and wait until AS finishes its work of getting the on-line weather and doing its processing. Just as AS finishes, suddenly FS minimizes. This has happened consistently since I installed the update and never happened before. Not a real big deal as everything seems fine when I restore FS from the tray, but it was a bit of a shock when it first happened...what happened to FS?? Oh, there it is! :-) Mike
  10. Oh one more thing... I also have AS paused and then un-pause after FS loaded. Mike
  11. I did a couple of tests yesterday and disabling auto-submit seemed to stop it for one time I tried it. I was going to continue today with some different aircraft loaded. Mike
  12. I always start AS first, then I use FSAutoStart to shut down services and start FS. I set up the aircraft and go to the departure position. Only after As is finished do I then start up RC4. I'll check the auto-submit, and disable ASG, options and let you know what happens. Mike
  13. For me, like in a previous post: 1) Airliners--- absolutely no VC. I prefer to pop up the subpanels as I can get to them much easier and do what I need to do. Also, with the workload, the 2d just works better for me. 2) GA --- Guess what? I never fly WITHOUT the VC. Less complex cockpit, smaller plane, the VC just gives a better feel of flying that sort of aircraft. I really want both available, and really like the manufacturers who provide the option in their models. Mike
  14. I also have both, and have been flying the MD80 a lot despite it already mentioned flaws. However, I tend to fly airliners the most. The Aeroworx B200 is a completed product and I use it whenever I want to do a flight of about 200-300 nm into smaller airports. I use Milton Shupe's AeroCommander for low and slow. The MD80 will be a superb add-on once it is patched. My main issue with it right now is the autopilot which is not well-executed. There is also some FDE issues (e.g. very nose high attitude at cruise, decreasing power above FL250). The MD80 is fantastic for systems integration. Its configuration manager runs internally in FS, which I don't like as I believe it takes resources away from the computer for FS. However, a number of people really like it for its convenience. Mike
  15. I just read the review and agree with it 100%. I have the DF 727 and it is really a great plane, especially if you like to really fly the plane. I have the PMDG's, the DF727 and also the Coolsky MD80. The ones I've been flying most lately are the MD80 and 727 because the "program the FMS and then just sit and watch the flight progress" is fairly boring after using these 2 planes. I have to admit growing up with these 2 planes also, so there's a bit of nostalgic prejudice. The DF727 had an issue with turn rates initially, but the team in the new version have really brought together a great package. A hint at flying the 727: I stopped setting the plane in cold and dark condition as it just took too much time to get the flight off. I gave myself a promotion to Captain :-) and in the manager set the specs to "Ready to start engines". I figure that's what they hired the Flight Engineer for. There's still a lot of prep to do for a systems nut like myself, but it cuts down a lot on the time it takes to get to pushback. Wait until you hear the brakes groan when you push your toes down! A great little detail that brought back some pleasant memories. Mike
  16. Looks very good. In a related thread about flight dynamics that got off track, I was going to mention that Milton's Aero Commander, for me, is the absolute best in terms of flight dynamics of any plane I have except for the PMDG 737. In that case, the 2 planes are peers. When I get bored with airline flights, I hop in the AC and take a low and slow trip with a plane that handles just like I remember from my real flying days (too many years ago to mention) ;-) Mike
  17. thanks for the quick response. I'll work around until an update. Mike
  18. Is there a way to disable the display of the next waypoint in AdvDisp? I have been flying some older (like the F1 MD80)aircraft and am trying to navigate without those new fancy FMS's ;-) It's too tempting to just look at the AdvDisp to see how I'm doing. It's like having another GPS unit installed. Hopefully if I'm sim-IFR rated, I can navigate correctly to the next waypoint. If not, RC lets me know!! Mike
  19. I would like an answer to this also. I've had some success with some airports with parallel runways where I've closed one set for landing and the other for takeoffs. Sometimes it works, like Newark (KWER) and other times the AI seems to ignore what I've done (KDEN). When it works it really helps the traffic flow problem. Mike
  20. AI AI AI I would really like to see the way FS handles AI done much better. I would think something as simple as not spawning all the AI at once would help aleviate the silly cases of 3 planes all trying to land at once on one runway. Or better yet, open up the AI methodology so the wizards who produce RC or AISmooth can really control the AI both on the ground and in the air in a better way. I'm perfectly happy with the weather I get from AS, so no complaints there. I tend to spend most of my flights above 10,000 AGL,so scenery is not a big issue for me. Mike
  21. While I can understand some disappointment with RC (some just don't like the voices), I am a bit surprised with your also canning ASV. Now with a FREE upgrade to AS6, it, to me, is an essential for flight simming. I've had no problems, other than those of my own fault, with AS. RC is now also the essential add-on also. Frankly, I can't imagine what FSX can offer that I don't have now with these two prgrams running along side FS. Mike
  22. Ain't it the truth! I got so dependent on the Pepto-Bismol line at large airports. Now, I'm glad I have SimPlates and that I have an airport diagram that I can use to map out the ground routes. If RC ever gets ground handling on board, then it's going to be an even more amazing add-on. Mike
  23. Those frequencies look fine to me. I understand about you wanting to keep things consistent. Thanks for your concern. Mike
  24. It's basically what Ron just listed; relies on Bradley and Providence. Can I easily edit the file myself and then you don't have to bother with it, John? Thanks for the offer though! Mike
  25. I did my first flight from a what is supposed to be a non-controlled airport, but I was very surprised when RC came up with a tower, Approach/Dep, etc. (KIJD, which doesn't even have a FSS). I saw in the manual that RC gets its information from FS about the airport's facilities, but FS ATC has the airport configured properly when it runs. I know I can edit everything on the Controller page but I use this airport a lot. Is there a better way around this? Thanks. Mike
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