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    So. Calif.

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  1. Amiga was my first computer. Loved it for what it was at the time.
  2. A couple of times i had that happen, Not sure why, I just rebooted the Puter and all was good in the world
  3. from desktop to select flight screen..... 2.34
  4. I noticed a little sound issue when i look left or look left in the cockpit. Its been since the latest Beta update.
  5. I Just hit play and to my surprise it updated. So far so good! Just did a flight and it is working smooth!
  6. Your welcome, I start it all manually. When the plane is ready to start Electrical/mixture/prop etc.., if you click the key over to start it will not crank it enough before the key pops back to Run position... If you hold the key in the crank position and dont let it go, it will then crank longer then start. Thats for me anyways
  7. I always have to hold the Key in the start "Crank" position before it will start. Literally hold it there. Hope that helps
  8. Nice! I did my XC IRL from KCRQ-KTRM-KREI-KCRQ. Oh the memories Thank you
  9. Awesome work! Thank you!
  10. Flew from KHMT to L35 this afternoon in 2024 and man o man! Coming into L35 was a wild ride in a 172
  11. Same... I will say though when 2024 gives me a bad time, and it does now and again, I just load up 2020 and get my fill and call it a day. I always give 2024 first load though.
  12. Seems to Work good, But, I dont seem to have the steam gauge variant in 2024. Its there in 2020, but, not 2024? All other variants are streamed in 2024. Anyone else? Thanks
  13. After reading the manual which is very good, It is located between the seats behind the fuel selector.
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