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About JoeFackel

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    20NM north of LOWS

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  1. It amazes my why this urban legend is still circulating in some heads.
  2. Thats normal. P3D is dropping textures to far away. Thats a automatic thing to save you from VRAM crashes.
  3. It actually is nearly always because the systems are not the same, different hardware, different software, different addons ...
  4. Did anyone already mentioned StudioDrivers instead GameReady Drivers.
  5. Oh man ... 😅 I did a test few days ago and forgot to revert to my "normal" AM setting. Usually i use 4085.
  6. Have the same CPU and use [JOBSCHEDULER] AffinityMask=21845 Two first HT cores are deactivated and enough cores free at the back for other apps.
  7. No. You could uncheck the two LPs of the first two cores but you should use the AM if an app gives you the possibility.
  8. Spoileralert: EVERY game/sim will benefit to have the right AM when you have a CPU with HT. Thats not an P3D exclusive thing.
  9. SDK is used for proper texture compilation AFAIK.
  10. There is nothing that sucks more than cliffhangers 😬
  11. Its only a database/model update, no new version. You can start verifying the simobjects manually if you haven't been told to do so at program start.
  12. Hello Federico,

    i don't know if i can be helpful testing your new ATC app but i would try my best to do so.

    My email adress is 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JoeFackel


      I have an Skype account but didn't use it for ages. It works but i don't have an Mic here at the moment.

      My skype name is linus_the_nose

    3. fs1


      Thanks, just sent you a Skype message

    4. fs1


      and sent you an email

  13. May there also be the possibility to activate "inactive" runways for AI? Like opening RWY 18 at EDDF for departures only?
  14. I'm just wondering: which payware models would i need just to fill the gaps of missing freeware models at the moment?
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