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About cannonplug

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    Cavan, Ireland
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    Planes, music, dogs, books

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    Former AMT, AET, lawyer, instructor and translator
    TV watcher, reader and, of course, flight sim and aviation enthusiast.

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  1. I keep hoping it's a simple matter of an unpaid hosting bill while Ben is out of reach (which he has been before), but a lot of time has passed now. I do hope he's well.
  2. Same here. Twice during my last flight, it hung for 2-3 minutes each time. And then things went back to normal and I was able to continue the flight. I'd never seen these hangs in any previous flight. The only change to my system was that this was my first flight with FSLTL. I had been using AIG for AI before this.
  3. Had some time to do a little troubleshooting on this and found that a good number of my JustSim sceneries had this issue. It seems the LGRP installer wiped out the windsock texture file in my case. What I did was reinstall another JustSim scenery – LEPA, I think – and the windsocks are back everywhere.
  4. Are you by chance running MyTraffic 6.0a? If so, take a look at this thread: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/80955-getting-ntdlldll-crashes-consistently-after-mt60a-install/
  5. The "altimeter setting" nag is RAAS talking to you. I think it defaults to a transition altitude/level of 10000, so if you're flying in the US, you'll hear the warning between 10000 and 18000. You need to go into the RAAS settings to set the transition level or, as I've done, just disable the warning altogether.
  6. cannonplug


    Hello all, Now that Swiss has taken delivery of its first 777, I'm wondering whether there are any insiders in our forum who might be able to let us know what the different configuration options are on this airplane. Thanks! Cheers,
  7. The hat switch (sorry, should have been two words) is an 8-position switch on many game controllers that quickly lets you pan around the VC. Both FSX and P3d will even assign the "View (pan)" function to the hat switch by default if your controller has one.
  8. The hatswitch on the yoke/joystick for panning around also does the trick quite nicely. That together with the A key soon made me forgot about 2d panels.
  9. We've really strayed from the original topic, so I'll keep it short and just say that I'll do some more troubleshooting on this issue starting tomorrow before I contact support at My Traffic. I'll let you know what I find.
  10. Bob, Did you by chance recently install the newly released MyTraffic 6a? I've seen reports of this failure elsewhere. And it's happening to me as well.
  11. Do you tune the tower frequency in manually? The few times I've tried this, I've been stuck with the approach controller who never switches me over to tower. Only after landing does it switch me to ground.
  12. I've tried to do this and, unfortunately, it doesn't work. The best I can get is the approach controller, even if I'm lined up on final. After landing, I do get instructions to contact ground. Needless to say, I don't do this anymore. If you don't feel like talking to real people on Vatsim et al., Pro ATC X is doing a fairly good job of things these days. It still needs work, but the developer seems to be quite active, so it does look promising for future improvement. I also liked VoxATC at one time, but it's not P3d v3 compatible and the developer has gone quiet.
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