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About boxman83

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  1. I don't doubt it for a second. It's Boeing. It hasn't been done well, yet. Rob's favorite airline, UA, flies a shed load of them. It seems like a great opportunity for their commercial business line, i.e. airlines. -Moe Syzlak
  2. ASN is PMDG-quality software, in my opinion. It's legit. I've got AS2012 but I'm too cheap to buy the upgrade to ASN at the moment. I highly recommend.
  3. Build your own. You can do it a lot cheaper than you'll pay Alienware or Chillblast for their computers and it really isn't that difficult. -jp
  4. :mad: Here's a data point... I spent the better part of the last two days flying PHX-SYD with the 77W. About 10 minutes ago, I'm 14.5 hours in, just beginning to start my initial descent and.......BLAM! Fatal error, do not pass go, do not collect $200, please restart the program and try again. Thanks, and have a nice day. I'm batting about .500 with my longhaul flights and successfully completing them with the 777. Other than the 777, the only other add-ons I'm running are AS2012 and Traffic X. I'm going to give PHX-LIH a shot here in a sec, hopefully I can finish that one. -jp
  5. But then there's people like me that have a limited amount of simulator time and don't want or need another narrowbody with the same mission as the NGX. I think that's what Ryan was alluding to when he referred to it as competition for the NGX - a lot of people don't want multiple aircraft of the same function. I'd honestly like to see some throwback stuff. Maybe an L1011, DC10, 727, etc. Although, commercial support from the manufacturers is probably non-existant with those. It seems like their sales are their market research. As in, the one niche aircraft they created sold poorly so they don't see another niche aircraft as being commercially viable. I'd imagine that PMDG has to keep an eye on the big picture here. As far as product planning is concerned, what can they develop and perhaps transition to P3D at some point as a commercial product vs what can they also sell to the kids with a home computer and FSX. It's not all about us, anymore. -jp
  6. Because it's not like PMDG has ever changed their mind before, right? -john paul
  7. By far. Keep in mind that all the people on here that enjoy punching buttons and letting the autoland do all the work in FSX are not professional pilots. Real pilots prefer to fly approaches and land by hand, unless environmental conditions dictate otherwise -john paul.
  8. I take everything PMDG says with a grain of salt. They make a wonderful product, but sometimes I think they should refrain from speaking about future plans. There was the A320, the Dash 8, the apparent stillborn DC6 that we've been hearing about for several years now, all of the grandiose expansion packs for the 737X that have never materialized(the -ER, the BBJ, the military variants...), etc. Don't get me wrong, I firmly believe the SP and the -300ER will be along shortly, but I've learned not to get my hopes and to only make periodic visits to this forum. Temper your expectations in other words. Mike Jones
  9. Most airlines don't opt for the aux fuel tanks because there are very few routes in the world that actually need them, and they add to aircraft weight and take up rear cargo compartment space when not in use. The economic reality is that any ULH route that would necessitate use of those tanks is probably a non-starter to begin with as they're incredibly difficult to generate a profit on, regardless of the capabilities of the aircraft involved. -jp
  10. Most people here are probably too young to remember, but Wilco will never get a dime of my money. -jean paul
  11. IIRC, I also paid additional for the 744F for FS9 when it was released as well. If it's priced roughly the same as the 777 is, I'll have to seriously examine whether it's worth it for some eye candy and a few other features implemented in PMDG's latest works. Hopefully, PMDG will give us legacy 744 owners a discount the same way they did with the 744X for existing FS9 owners. Otherwise, I'm fine flying the X. -jp
  12. V2 better blow my socks off. If I purchased V2, it would effectively be the third time I've paid for the 744(FS9, X, and now V2). -john paul
  13. All's I'm saying is that it adds to the signal to noise ratio significantly when I see one guy post without his name and then five people feel the need to jump down his throat for that. Repeat that a dozen times and it creates a lot of unneeded, garbage posts. If you're not a mod, I really don't see why you should feel the need to enforce the rules. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but this is, for all intents and purposes, a game. An ultra realistic game, but a game nonetheless. I'm a grown a** adult, I play it too. This isn't an "I'm better than you are..." type of thing. It's just coming to the realization that you're an overgrown child, which I am. -john paul
  14. Typical pre-release thread in the PMDG forum at AVSIM. Half of everyone is complaining and the other half have self appointed themselves as junior deputy moderators, demanding that people sign their names. Seriously people, relax. It's a bleeping video game. It's still summer here in the northern hemisphere, go out and get some fresh air. -john paul
  15. Really? Reaaaaaallllly? You think PMDG's website has some way of scanning your computer to detect pirated software and then denies you access to the website because of that? Wow. I think I've heard it all now. At the risk of indulging his grandiose accusations, if one had a pirated copy of an aircraft, they may be wanting to download liveries.
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