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  1. For those interested in seeing how clouds work in Flight Sim:
  2. The oddity in the stated male OR female question lies in having the option of choosing both ...
  3. Mark, your statements regarding Flight are bordering on libel. If I were you I'd stop spreading unfounded drivel.
  4. I meant pausing track IR not the sim itself. :(
  5. Islam, the head movement ratio is adjustable, in practice you only need to move a few inches either way to cover a full 360 degrees of virtual movement.Noah, you can pause the tracking when you need to interact with panels etc, middle mouse button works best I find.
  6. I've been using Track IR since version 3 and the above praise is well placed. Once you get used to it, it is absolutely superb. I even convinced my brother to get one which he uses daily with iRacing. :(
  7. This is horrendous news. Very sad.
  8. There are a lot of baseless rumours surrounding Flight. Let's stick to what we have been told - Microsoft have removed 'simulator' from the name not the software.
  9. This is indeed fantastic news. :(
  10. Daniel, when you shine a torch onto an object you illuminate that object and not what is behind it (that is why shadows are comparatively dark :( ). Furthermore, the shadow cast by the object (aka radar blind spot) grows relative to the inverse distance of the object from the torch.The pilots could have conceivably flown through what appeared to be a small storm only to be confronted by a much larger one behind it. Now factor in super-cooled water freezing on contact with the pitot tubes, instrument discontinuity, autopilot disengagement, severe turbulence and pitch darkness...
  11. There is disrespecting the casualties and there is disrespecting those who are disrespecting the truth, spot the difference?
  12. Coming down from that high horse anytime soon "mgh"?The only ********s in this forum (and the world at large) are those that spurt persistent irrational nonsense in public and expect it to go unchallenged.
  13. Seriously, are you for real? :(:(
  14. Do you also believe that 911 was an inside job and that the moon landings were faked? :(
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