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Engjell Berisha

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Everything posted by Engjell Berisha

  1. Ok new development, I'm trying to code characters - letters - in my FMC.I'm using the GPS Variable IcaoSearchEnterChar and I need to know a few things- I don't know all the correspond #'s that are equivalent to their letters I just know that 65 = A, there isn't any other source out there where I can find this information from I've been searching a lot.- <Click>65 chr (>@c:IcaoSearchEnterChar)</Click> - Is that the proper way to set up the code? I have a macro where name C that directs to FS9gps so that explains the missing FS9GPS in the front.- How do I display the string? So I know what I'm typing and such? :(
  2. Thx Bill, that really helped I figured out a lot!The only thing that is proving difficult now is that, I need to derive the minutes from the entire degree value, so here's some math that I figured so far.Example:S7.3119
  3. WOW! I'm terrible sorry I feel like such an idiot, I failed to properly explain my code. :( Ernie you're right, (L:PWR,bool) 0 == is like that right when I load the aircraft. It's an LVar I created to tell me when the aircraft is powered, (if the APU is on, EXT PWR Connected, Engines started and their appropriate switches on to provide power, or the RAT is out and spinning at appropriate RPM's).So essentially I want it to capture the LAT/LON of where I am right before I turn the aircraft on/power it up - while it's cold an dark. This is to make it easier for the user to be able to enter the IRU LAT/LON when he/she starts the aircraft up and is ready to align the IRU's. The LAST POS will theoretically give you the current POS you're at and so if I enter that it would align appropriatley.There's a bit of code I did not post, that says if the enter position for alignment is close to the LAST POS then you align, but if it's way off then it doesn't align and produces a invalid entry message.It is important that the LAST POS value doesn't change while the aircraft is powered so I can't just put APLANE LAT/LON on a string and pos it there. Also I need LAT/LON to be equivalent to one specific value and that's why I needed that variable.I hope this helps you all understand what I'm trying to do with that bit of code.
  4. But I have no intent on reseting or reloading the flight at any time during the time of the flight. The way I've got it figured is if you want to fly it, you fly it from the beginning to the end and then do what you will, but you can not do just load the flight at anytime. I've not invisioned that capability yet, and don't really feel as I need it yet.Now if that's the only approach, seeing as I have almost no C gauge experience would it be terribly difficult to create? Is there a way to do that through XML? :(
  5. Thanks for your reply Herbert, but that is exactly the process I was trying to avoid by posting on here - in hopes that someone would see my problem right away, particularly someone who done this before - programed an FMC that is. :( Once again thanks.
  6. I'm aware of that. I want them to be reset if the aircraft or flight is changed. :(
  7. <Mouse> <Position X="0" Y="0"/> <Size X="DEFINE WIDTH" Y="DEFINE HEIGHT"/> <!--===============USE THIS TO REMIND YOURSELF WHAT THE CODE IS FOR===============--> <Area Left="DEFINE LEFT BOUND WITHIN THE SIZE ABOVE OF CLICK AREA" Right="DEFINE RIGHT BOUND OF CLICK AREA" Top="DEFINE TOP OF CLICK AREA" Bottom="DEFINE BOTTOM OF CLICK AREA"> <Cursor Type="TYPE OF CURSOR HAND/UPARROW/DOWNARROW/ETC"/> <Click>DEFINE FUNCTION OF CLICK, GVAR/LVAR/CLICK EVENT/ETC</Click> </Area> * CLOSE AREA* <Area Left="490" Right="515" Top="101" Bottom="126"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>6 (>L:C17, number) ! (L:HYD-SYS-SEC-PUMP-1,bool) ! (>L:HYD-SYS-SEC-PUMP-1,bool)</Click> </Area> <Area Left="516" Right="541" Top="113" Bottom="138"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>6 (>L:C17, number) ! (L:HYD-SYS-AUX-PUMP-1,bool) ! (>L:HYD-SYS-AUX-PUMP-1,bool)</Click> </Area> <!--===============SYS-2-CNTRL===============--> <Area Left="544" Right="569" Top="101" Bottom="126"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>6 (>L:C17, number) ! (L:HYD-SYS-PRI-PUMP-2,bool) ! (>L:HYD-SYS-PRI-PUMP-2,bool)</Click> </Area> <Area Left="571" Right="596" Top="101" Bottom="126"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>6 (>L:C17, number) ! (L:HYD-SYS-SEC-PUMP-2,bool) ! (>L:HYD-SYS-SEC-PUMP-2,bool)</Click> </Area> <Area Left="597" Right="622" Top="113" Bottom="138"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>6 (>L:C17, number) ! (L:HYD-SYS-AUX-PUMP-2,bool) ! (>L:HYD-SYS-AUX-PUMP-2,bool)</Click> </Area> <!--===============XFER-PUMP-CNTRL===============--> <Area Left="605" Right="630" Top="165" Bottom="190"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>6 (>L:C17, number) ! (L:HYD-XFER-PUMP,bool) ! (>L:HYD-XFER-PUMP,bool)</Click> </Area> <!--===============SYS-3-CNTRL===============--> <Area Left="625" Right="650" Top="101" Bottom="126"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>6 (>L:C17, number) ! (L:HYD-SYS-PRI-PUMP-3,bool) ! (>L:HYD-SYS-PRI-PUMP-3,bool)</Click> </Area> <Area Left="652" Right="677" Top="101" Bottom="126"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>6 (>L:C17, number) ! (L:HYD-SYS-SEC-PUMP-3,bool) ! (>L:HYD-SYS-SEC-PUMP-3,bool)</Click> </Area> <Area Left="678" Right="703" Top="113" Bottom="138"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>6 (>L:C17, number) ! (L:HYD-SYS-AUX-PUMP-3,bool) ! (>L:HYD-SYS-AUX-PUMP-3,bool)</Click> </Area> <!--===============SYS-4-CNTRL===============--> <Area Left="708" Right="733" Top="101" Bottom="126"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>6 (>L:C17, number) ! (L:HYD-SYS-PRI-PUMP-4,bool) ! (>L:HYD-SYS-PRI-PUMP-4,bool)</Click> </Area> <Area Left="735" Right="760" Top="101" Bottom="126"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>6 (>L:C17, number) ! (L:HYD-SYS-SEC-PUMP-4,bool) ! (>L:HYD-SYS-SEC-PUMP-4,bool)</Click> </Area> <Area Left="761" Right="786" Top="113" Bottom="138"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>6 (>L:C17, number) ! (L:HYD-SYS-AUX-PUMP-4,bool) ! (>L:HYD-SYS-AUX-PUMP-4,bool)</Click> </Area> </Mouse> The above is a fairly complex rendition of one of my own gauges, this uses the entire screen so the size I had it set to initially was the total size of the window I placed it on so it was 1024x768 then I defined each area within that which I would be able to click and what that click would do.You can also put Area's within areas, but the positioning is subsequently affected.I only edited the first area section to show you what it's for the rest is all unedited.Hope I've not overwhelmed you, good luck.
  8. Back again, with another probelm.I've been making a FMC for my panel through XML for FS9, now I've come to a problem. I've modeled the FMC after the typical Boeing FMC's - the 76 in particular - now the only difference concerned here is that I've used an IRU instead of IRS but that has nothing to do but graphics really.In the FMC the first page of relating to POSITION is the POS INIT page, in this page I want to display the LAST POS or the position in LAT/LON that the aircraft was shut down at. I've tried to accomplish this using the following code: <Element> <Select> <Value>(L:PWR,bool) 0 == if{ (A:PLANE LATITUDE,degrees) (>L:FMC-IRU-POS-LAT-LAST,degrees) } </Value> </Select> </Element> <Element> <Select> <Value>(L:PWR,bool) 0 == if{ (A:PLANE LONGITUDE,degrees) (>L:FMC-IRU-POS-LON-LAST,degrees) } </Value> </Select> </Element> <Element> <Select> <Value>(L:PWR,bool) 0 == if{ (A:PLANE LATITUDE,degrees) (A:PLANE LONGITUDE,degrees) + (>L:FMC-IRU-POS-LAST,degrees) } </Value> </Select> </Element> Now that should theoretically provide me with what I need. But when I go to display that bit of code, I got no value what so ever, not a "0" or anything.This is how I'm trying to display it: <Element> <Position X="115" Y="17"/> <Visible>(L:FMC-IRU-ALIGNED,bool) 1 ==</Visible> <Text X="50" Y="10" Bright="Yes" FontSize="10" Length="10" Font="Verdana" Color="#aeff00" Adjust="Left" VerticalAdjust="Center" Multiline="No" Bold="Yes"> <String>%((L:FMC-IRU-POS-LAT-LAST,degrees) d 0 >= s0 r abs d 3600 * 60 % r d 60 * 60 % flr r flr 'N' 'S' l0 ? ))%!s!</String> </Text> </Element> <Element> <Position X="165" Y="17"/> <Visible>(L:FMC-IRU-ALIGNED,bool) 1 ==</Visible> <Text X="50" Y="10" Bright="Yes" FontSize="10" Length="10" Font="Verdana" Color="#aeff00" Adjust="Left" VerticalAdjust="Center" Multiline="No" Bold="Yes"> <String>%((L:FMC-IRU-POS-LON-LAST,degrees) d 0 >= s0 r abs d 3600 * 60 % r d 60 * 60 % flr r flr 'E' 'W' l0 ? ))%!s!</String> </Text> </Element> (L:FMC-IRU-POS-LAST,degrees) is a variable I created to give me a unique number that represents a specific LAT/LON position, I can use this number to set my current position for aligning the IRU. If the value input into the SET IRU POS field is that same as the POS-LAST value then my IRU begins aligning and after 10 minutes-ish it is aligned.But I'll cross that bridge once I get there, first thing is I need to know what is wrong with the initial code?As I wait for the enlightened one that will show me the way I will be praying to the XML gods. :( :( :( B)
  9. Yea, posting the code that way is totally frustrating to me also, I tried changing the color of the new/changed code but it won't let me.Here's the new code I added from the original: (L:ENG-BLEED-1,psi) 0 < if{ 0 (>L:ENG-BLEED-1,psi) } (L:ENG-BLEED-2,psi) 0 < if{ 0 (>L:ENG-BLEED-2,psi) } (L:ENG-BLEED-3,psi) 0 < if{ 0 (>L:ENG-BLEED-3,psi) } (L:ENG-BLEED-4,psi) 0 < if{ 0 (>L:ENG-BLEED-4,psi) } (L:ENV-BLEED-1,bool) 1 == if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-1,psi) (>L:ENG-BLEED-L,psi) } (L:ENV-BLEED-2,bool) 1 == if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-2,psi) (>L:ENG-BLEED-L,psi) } (L:ENV-BLEED-3,bool) 1 == if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-3,psi) (>L:ENG-BLEED-R,psi) } (L:ENV-BLEED-4,bool) 1 == if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-4,psi) (>L:ENG-BLEED-R,psi) } (L:ENV-BLEED-1,bool) 1 == (L:ENV-BLEED-2,bool) 1 == and if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-1,psi) (L:ENG-BLEED-2,psi) + (>L:ENG-BLEED-L,psi) } (L:ENV-BLEED-3,bool) 1 == (L:ENV-BLEED-4,bool) 1 == and if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-3,psi) (L:ENG-BLEED-4,psi) + (>L:ENG-BLEED-R,psi) } The first set helps a lot because when I shut off the engines their subsequent bleed psi can go below zero (using the method that I had to derive bleed psi) and so now if it goes below zero it is forced to be zero so it doesn't mess up the total bleed from the engines on the L or R side.Then I told the system that if (L:ENV-BLEED-1,bool) 1 == which is the bleed switch feeding the air from engine 1 then that equals the total bleed on the left, but if both of them are on then the total of their psi's equals the Left engine bleed and that subsequently equals the Supply Press Left.The solution was fairly simple now that I think about it, but it required a different perspective which you definatley helped me with. I'd designed the gauge many, many months ago and never thought about this particular approach to derive what I wanted.Thanks loads Bill, really appreciate it! :(
  10. SUCCESS!After being really frustrated and toying with it for a real long time, I devised a code that works: <!--============== Engine Bleed ==============--> (A:ENG1 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0257 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-1,psi) (A:ENG2 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0425 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-2,psi) (A:ENG3 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0257 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-3,psi) (A:ENG4 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0425 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-4,psi) (L:ENG-BLEED-1,psi) 0 < if{ 0 (>L:ENG-BLEED-1,psi) } (L:ENG-BLEED-2,psi) 0 < if{ 0 (>L:ENG-BLEED-2,psi) } (L:ENG-BLEED-3,psi) 0 < if{ 0 (>L:ENG-BLEED-3,psi) } (L:ENG-BLEED-4,psi) 0 < if{ 0 (>L:ENG-BLEED-4,psi) } (L:ENV-BLEED-1,bool) 1 == if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-1,psi) (>L:ENG-BLEED-L,psi) } (L:ENV-BLEED-2,bool) 1 == if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-2,psi) (>L:ENG-BLEED-L,psi) } (L:ENV-BLEED-3,bool) 1 == if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-3,psi) (>L:ENG-BLEED-R,psi) } (L:ENV-BLEED-4,bool) 1 == if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-4,psi) (>L:ENG-BLEED-R,psi) } (L:ENV-BLEED-1,bool) 1 == (L:ENV-BLEED-2,bool) 1 == and if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-1,psi) (L:ENG-BLEED-2,psi) + (>L:ENG-BLEED-L,psi) } (L:ENV-BLEED-3,bool) 1 == (L:ENV-BLEED-4,bool) 1 == and if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-3,psi) (L:ENG-BLEED-4,psi) + (>L:ENG-BLEED-R,psi) } <!--============== SUPPLY-PRESS-L ==============--> (L:ENV-BLEED-1,bool) 1 == (L:ENV-BLEED-2,bool) 1 == || if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-L,psi) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } els{ (L:ENV-BLEED-APU,bool) 1 == (L:APURPM,number) 74 > (L:ENV-BLEED-ISOL,bool) 0 == and and || (L:EXT-PWR,bool) 1 == || if{ 25 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } els{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } } <!--============== SUPPLY-PRESS-R ==============--> (L:ENV-BLEED-3,bool) 1 == (L:ENV-BLEED-4,bool) 1 == || if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-R,psi) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } els{ (L:ENV-BLEED-APU,bool) 1 == (L:APURPM,number) 74 > and || (L:EXT-PWR,bool) 1 == || if{ 25 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } els{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } } <!--============== ISOL ==============--> (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) > (L:ENV-BLEED-ISOL,bool) 0 == & if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) > (L:ENV-BLEED-ISOL,bool) 0 == & if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } <!--============== Starters ==============--> (A:GENERAL ENG1 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 12 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG2 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 11 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG3 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 14 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG4 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 11 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } <!--============== Anti-Ice ==============--> (L:WING-ANTI-ICE,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 3 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG1 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG2 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG3 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 4 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG4 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } <!--============== Air Conditioning Packs ==============--> (L:ENV-PACK-L,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 10 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (L:ENV-PACK-R,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 11 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) -1 < if{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) -1 < if{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } Now I've got a true to life 4 engine environmental bleed system, everything works exactly as it should!Thank You for all your help Bill, trully appreciate it!
  11. That was what happened the first time, with the "Update" replacing the "Element" - I got an indication of "0" on both the left and right Supplies.After replacing element with update, and changing all my Lvar's that used PSI to number (I originally had them all using number, but a friend suggested I use PSI and so I did.) this is what happened:Now both the right and left supplies read "172369". :( Here's what the code looks like, I've also included the display code. <Update Hidden="Yes"> <!--============== Engine Bleed ==============--> (A:ENG1 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0257 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-1,number) (A:ENG2 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0425 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-2,number) (A:ENG3 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0257 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-3,number) (A:ENG4 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0425 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-4,number) <!--============== Supply Systems ==============--> (L:ENG-BLEED-1,number) (L:ENG-BLEED-2,number) + (>L:ENG-BLEED-L,number) (L:ENG-BLEED-3,number) (L:ENG-BLEED-4,number) + (>L:ENG-BLEED-R,number) <!--============== SUPPLY-PRESS-L ==============--> (L:ENV-BLEED-1,bool) 1 == (L:ENV-BLEED-2,bool) 1 == || if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-L,number) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) } els{ (L:ENV-BLEED-APU,bool) 1 == (L:APURPM,number) 74 > (L:ENV-BLEED-ISOL,bool) 0 == and and || (L:EXT-PWR,bool) 1 == || if{ 25 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) } els{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) } } <!--============== SUPPLY-PRESS-R ==============--> (L:ENV-BLEED-3,bool) 1 == (L:ENV-BLEED-4,bool) 1 == || if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-R,number) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) } els{ (L:ENV-BLEED-APU,bool) 1 == (L:APURPM,number) 74 > and || (L:EXT-PWR,bool) 1 == || if{ 25 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) } els{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) } } <!--============== ISOL ==============--> (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) > (L:ENV-BLEED-ISOL,bool) 0 == & if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) } (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) > (L:ENV-BLEED-ISOL,bool) 0 == & if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) } <!--============== Starters ==============--> (A:GENERAL ENG1 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) 10 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) } (A:GENERAL ENG2 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) 11 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) } (A:GENERAL ENG3 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) 12 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) } (A:GENERAL ENG4 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) 11 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) } <!--============== Anti-Ice ==============--> (L:WING-ANTI-ICE,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) 3 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) } (A:GENERAL ENG1 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) } (A:GENERAL ENG2 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) } (A:GENERAL ENG3 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) 4 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) } (A:GENERAL ENG4 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) } <!--============== Air Conditioning Packs ==============--> (L:ENV-PACK-L,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) 10 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) } (L:ENV-PACK-R,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) 11 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) } (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) -1 < if{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number) } (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) -1 < if{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number) } </Update> <Element> <Position X="30" Y="80"/> <FormattedText X="150" Y="50" Font="Glass Gauge" Linespacing="50" Adjust="Left" FontSize="15" Color="#00FF00" Bright="NO"> <String>%((L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,number))%!2d!</String> </FormattedText> </Element> <Element> <Position X="280" Y="80"/> <FormattedText X="150" Y="50" Font="Glass Gauge" Linespacing="50" Adjust="Left" FontSize="15" Color="#00FF00" Bright="NO"> <String>%((L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,number))%!2d!</String> </FormattedText> </Element> :(
  12. No luck mate, still the same result as before using "Update" rather than "Element" my L and R Supply PSI shows zero.I could post the entire gauge, but that's rather lengthy. If it would be useful/helpful I'll post it.
  13. Fr. Bill, not sure wether or not that was the answer to my question - if so I totally don't understand it. If not I assume it's just a tip, for me to put that entire piece of script in <Update></Update> so that it is continuously evalutated.Either way, thx.
  14. <Element> <Select> <Value><!--============== Engine Bleed ==============--> (A:ENG1 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0257 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-1,psi) (A:ENG2 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0425 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-2,psi) (A:ENG3 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0257 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-3,psi) (A:ENG4 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0425 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-4,psi) <!--============== SUPPLY-PRESS-L ==============--> (L:ENV-BLEED-2,bool) 1 == if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-2,psi) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } els{ (L:ENV-BLEED-APU,bool) 1 == (L:APURPM,number) 74 > (L:ENV-BLEED-ISOL,bool) 0 == and and || (L:EXT-PWR,bool) 1 == || if{ 25 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } els{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } } <!--============== SUPPLY-PRESS-R ==============--> (L:ENV-BLEED-3,bool) 1 == if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-3,psi) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } els{ (L:ENV-BLEED-APU,bool) 1 == (L:APURPM,number) 74 > and || (L:EXT-PWR,bool) 1 == || if{ 25 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } els{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } } <!--============== ISOL ==============--> (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) > (L:ENV-BLEED-ISOL,bool) 0 == & if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) > (L:ENV-BLEED-ISOL,bool) 0 == & if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } <!--============== Starters ==============--> (A:GENERAL ENG1 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 12 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG2 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 11 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG3 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 14 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG4 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 11 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } <!--============== Anti-Ice ==============--> (L:WING-ANTI-ICE,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 3 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG1 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG2 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG3 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 4 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG4 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } <!--============== Air Conditioning Packs ==============--> (L:ENV-PACK-L,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 10 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (L:ENV-PACK-R,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 11 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) -1 < if{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) -1 < if{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } </Value> </Select> </Element> Above is the code I've come up with for use in my panel, the aircraft has four engines, my problem is I've not figured out how to utilize the bleed air of engines 1 and 4 in any functional way. Right now the bleed from 1 and 4 are only show in a dummy configuration, so I can initally start the aircraft with engines 1 or 4 I need to start either 2 or 3 first so that I can then start the others - starting off of APU or External Power.I need a better logic to be able of going around this problem.I've had one idea, but it doesn't seem to work - don't know why. I get an value of zero for both L and R supplies. <Element> <Select> <Value><!--============== Engine Bleed ==============--> (A:ENG1 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0257 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-1,psi) (A:ENG2 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0425 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-2,psi) (A:ENG3 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0257 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-3,psi) (A:ENG4 N1 RPM,percent) lg 16.0425 * (>L:ENG-BLEED-4,psi) <!--============== Supply Systems ==============--> (L:ENG-BLEED-1,psi) (L:ENG-BLEED-2,psi) + (>L:ENG-BLEED-L,psi) (L:ENG-BLEED-3,psi) (L:ENG-BLEED-4,psi) + (>L:ENG-BLEED-R,psi) <!--============== SUPPLY-PRESS-L ==============--> (L:ENV-BLEED-1,bool) 1 == (L:ENV-BLEED-2,bool) 1 == || if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-L,psi) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } els{ (L:ENV-BLEED-APU,bool) 1 == (L:APURPM,number) 74 > (L:ENV-BLEED-ISOL,bool) 0 == and and || (L:EXT-PWR,bool) 1 == || if{ 25 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } els{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } } <!--============== SUPPLY-PRESS-R ==============--> (L:ENV-BLEED-3,bool) 1 == (L:ENV-BLEED-4,bool) 1 == || if{ (L:ENG-BLEED-R,psi) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } els{ (L:ENV-BLEED-APU,bool) 1 == (L:APURPM,number) 74 > and || (L:EXT-PWR,bool) 1 == || if{ 25 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } els{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } } <!--============== ISOL ==============--> (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) > (L:ENV-BLEED-ISOL,bool) 0 == & if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) > (L:ENV-BLEED-ISOL,bool) 0 == & if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } <!--============== Starters ==============--> (A:GENERAL ENG1 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 10 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG2 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 11 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG3 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 12 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG4 STARTER,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 11 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } <!--============== Anti-Ice ==============--> (L:WING-ANTI-ICE,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 3 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG1 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG2 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG3 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 4 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (A:GENERAL ENG4 ANTI ICE POSITION,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 2 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } <!--============== Air Conditioning Packs ==============--> (L:ENV-PACK-L,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) 10 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } (L:ENV-PACK-R,bool) 1 == if{ (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) 11 - (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) -1 < if{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-R,psi) } (L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) -1 < if{ 0 (>L:SUPPLY-PRESS-L,psi) } </Value> </Select> </Element>
  15. I emailed the company that made them on it, hopefully they can give me some information on it.Penny & Giles Aerospace is the company from what I gather, there really isn't much information on it out there.If you get to anything email me at Simpilot04[at]gmail.com
  16. I'm good at making panel textures, but that's irrelevant when you don't know what to make.
  17. Definatley possible, here's how:In the Level-D Panel.cfg if you scroll down to the bottom ish there are three [Vcockpit0X], now what you need to do is just add the gauge, below is an example, I'm using the Vcockpit03 since it's the shortest.[Vcockpit03]Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=1024,1024visible=1pixel_size=1024texture=$lvld_b6_apovhdgauge00=LVLD\VC\B767Overhead!Hydraulics, -89,0,285,820gauge01=LVLD\VC\B767Overhead!Electrics, 194,0,210,818gauge02=LVLD\VC\B767Overhead!Fuel, 405,0,202,818gauge03=LVLD\VC\B767Overhead!Pressurization, 602,0,204,818gauge04=LVLD\VC\B767Overhead!Pneumatics, 808,0,293,818gauge05=LVLD\VC\B767Afds!MCP, 0,822,836,200gauge06=LVLD\VC\B767PedestalVC!STrimVC, 837,842,184,180gauge07=WXR2100, PositionX, PositionY, SizeX, SizeYIf WXR2100 gauge isn't in the same folder as the panel.cfg or in the gauges folder than you have to state that in the panel.cfg like LVLD\VC means that the gauge is in the folder LVLD and then the folder VC.I don't have the WXR2100 so I don't know how the route of the gauge is, that is if the gauge is within the gauge so to speak, but that's something you can do with FSPS.Now once you've got it on once of the VC textures, you've got to load up MSFS and look for it and change it's location accordingly - I don't know which VC is what part of the plane so it's a little guess and check on your part. If it isn't three than move it to VC2 or 1 and then situate it accordingly on the panel. Note that you have to reload the aicraft to see the changes, that is selected a totally different aircraft and then go back to the LDS and it should show what changes you made.People are not in the trend of answering questions like this around here.Good Luck!
  18. It's a fairly easy thing to do in XML from what I can see. There just aren't enough high-resolution photo's of the thing out there to do it and do it properly.
  19. For lights looks at the "[LIGHTS]" section.For fuel flow look at "fuel_flow_scalar=" and/or "fuel_flow_gain=" to mess with those settings. :( :(
  20. If you've got more pictures, I could probably do it if you give me like two-three weeks. Or less if I ain't busy.
  21. Been working on this for a while now, Most of the systems you see are fully functional as for the C-17. I've still got lots to do but, it's very flyable at this stage, I'm comfortable doing a whole flight with it now. I plan on adding a fully functional FMC in the near future adding as much accuracy as I can. If anyone has an good photo's and information that you think would help I'd appreciate you send it my way.Let me know what you think.
  22. Yea I see how that would be interpreted.I guess it developed with me naming files on my computer such as pictures and stuff, I always do it, put a dash in something, if the dash isn't there I feel like something is missing and look it over a hundred times as if something is wrong.Especially with aircraft I can never write "EMB120" rather "EMB-120" just seems more logical to me. Although I have to stop using it in gauge, I believe I've even used it in C programing and haven't had any problem - not sure I'll check. I guarenteee you the computer is dazzed by that. :(
  23. Not to familiar with the whole airfile editing thing, but a thought came across my head, now this could be completely stupid but what if you wrote a simple XML code describing the correct parameters for the engine. I've done that on some of my general aviation aircraft such as the DHC-3, lower RPMs in colder temperatures and making it hard to start in cold temperatures and making the engine more b*****y in cold temperatures. So I think I can apply the same thing here.Not sure if you've any XML knowledge but you would just have to state the circumstances in which the engine would be at the set range of RPM, so (not using actual code here just stating things) when Throttle percentage 0 > and 3 < and the RPM is 500 > if{ RPM 1230 > if{ RPM increase by +.4 } ((Ambient Temperature celcius) 2 *) + }.Sorry that's awfully sloppy - I'm in a bit of a hurry - but I hope you get the general idea.Hope it all works out for you.
  24. Old habits persist, I can't promise anything but I am going to try. I am very comfortable using dashes rather than anything else, I know you can us spaces and underscores but dashes come more naturally.The thing is I've coded so much using dashes, and particularly in this panel I bet most every variable I've used dashes in. I've never had a problem from it although that doesn't mean I wont have one. Thx once again! :(
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