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Everything posted by dusty_sourdough

  1. Hi Bryan.Ok, I guess this has both of us stumped. I am glad that the workaround was a success. I have used this (you program) successfully now for a couple days.Still scratching head on this......Thank you for responding again.
  2. Hi Bryan,Yes, I did install the MD-11 just prior to installing the FS2crew MD-11 version.I was scratching my head as I had searched on the forum for an answer(s) prior to making a post. I agree that if it were an widespread problem, you certainly would be aware.I am not sure why I am marked for this weird anomaly.I do not understand why the installer is not depositing the file where it is supposed to, as it is in a different location that the MD-11 files?!Things that make you go...oh crap...!Thanks for your response. I am puzzled still on this.
  3. Hi Bryan,Thank you for responding. I did uninstall and reinstall several (4-5) times. And no successwith the installation of the missing file. I decided to try being a little clever and copied the .wav file for the cvr from sound\PMDG\MD11\various (the file named CVRTest)That seems to have satisfied the missing file request. However Bryan, I do not understand why the file is missing in the first place and can not be reinstalled...Thank you Bryan. If you have any idea(s), please holler.
  4. Hi. I have the MD-11 FSX and the fs2crew fsx version w/update.About the 35 min point during preflight I get an FSX freeze/fatal error. The message contains : sound\fs2crew\md11\to\cvr.wavcreation failed. Please make sure file is available...or something to that effect.I am confused and a little frustrated.Any help would be appreciated.
  5. OK Ian,I am using Vista 32 bit Home premium. I will try what you said. I had defender disabled but not updates. I had a successful takeoff and landing from PANC before trying with your suggestion. I hope that the freezing will stop.Thank you for your response.
  6. Hello.I have been away for a little bit. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, updated and thought I was finally in the clear...until now.I was at PANC doing touch ad goes. Well the "goes" part went OK. I took off and was coming in for short final and...freeze. Unlike before I had no message.I am so frustrated.
  7. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I am thankful for the in depth answer. I will wait until the review to see what the in depth story is.You are right, this is a lot of money, hence the hesitation.
  8. Thank you Signmanbob for your honest answer.I wanted an opinion from someone who also has those aircraft as well. I have recently purchased the CS 727 and I am spoiled regarding the VC quality. However the systems fidelity is not there as I wish it were. I have been reluctant to purchase due to seeing the screenshots of the 737 and not seeing even close to the same quality VC wise as the 727.The immersion factor in the VC of the 727 is something else. How immersive IYO are the sounds? I have the TSS CFM sounds for the Wilco 737 PIC and I think they are really good. I would like to think the Ariane sim is more complex than the Wilco?!Thanks for your time.
  9. Ok.I asked a legitimate question. Apparently the flammable type comments are the only one(s) that generates interest in this thread.I rarely post and this has a lot to do with why.I believe I have my answer. Thank you for your help.
  10. Ok, I am going to comment, ask a question or both.I have read the entire thread with a mixture of feelings. I know that you do not know me or I you. I have been around FS for several years. I like many of you, have purchased ALOT of software.It is difficult to ask this question but I must, as I am teetering on getting the Ariane 737. This is my opinion only, I have the PMDG MD-11 and for an airliner and everything that I have wanted in a simulator is there..ie: systems complexity, very immersive sound (without having to buy a sub) decent outside model, pushback, ground crew interaction....How does this stack up? I desire a very immersive 737. How good is the VC lighting? Sounds? I am asking because you have it and I am looking for an informed opinion.Thank you for your time.
  11. Hi Dan.I did contact support when I had the MD-11 installed on my older computer. I was having the same problem then. Operating system was Win XP Pro (SP3).I was given a list of things to try/experiment with. I did most of those with no joy. I was not wishing to monkey around anymore, So I took the software off.Since then, I have an newer computer with a..cough...cough different (worse IMO) operating platform. Yes, you know the one. Starts w/a "V...a"Dan, I am at a loss as I know there are many that are enjoying the bird. I have been very impressed by what Bill, Michael, Vin and all concerned have produced.As stated earlier, I am confused as to why the same problem as before with a completely different system.No worries Dan on the shameless plug. You are right in what you said IMO. I wish to comment on an earlier post,I have no desire to uninstall/reinstall FSX, "XYZ" software and conduct an exhaustive troubleshoot so that I can fly this bird. As much as I would like to fly it, I have others that I enjoy as well.
  12. I can say, (I posted elsewhere in this forum on this subject) that I also have been experiencing this.I am not a computer "guru" nor do I want to be. However, I know that I had this problem on two separate computers with two different operating systems, software...The only constant I can see in this equation is the MD-11. I am not accusing the developers of turning out a shoddy piece of work. Have much respect for you folks and have enjoyed past works of yours very much.I have no explanation as to why the FSX crash. I had no problem(s) of a same/similar type until installing the MD-11.I un-installed said software for now and am very disappointed as not only having spent more than being accustomed to for an add on, also mainly because I, like others, waited for a long time for this bird. I am certain there is a way to fix this. Tried what was suggested by the developers...no dice here either.Will have to wait until a solution has been realized before reinstalling.
  13. In my experiences, the panel state had nothing to do with the FSX hanging then giving me an fatal error, which at that point wants to send a report to MS the restart FS...
  14. Every time I take off from PANC, just after gear up... I receive a message"fatal error" and FSX wants to restart.I had similar problems on an older computer (AMD Athlon 3800X2/WinXP Pro)I now have Q6600 (NOT overclocked as well), 4GB RAM, 8800GT (512MB), Vista(I know I know...) home premium. I still get the message like the old rig that the error message containing: ACS.dll, FSUIPC.dll and I forget the other two or three dll's.I did not have this issue on my current box until recently (2 days ago) installed the MD-11 on this rig?!
  15. HI Michael.Thank you. I am glad you know what the problem and solution is. I am not surprised. I thank you for your response.Sincerely,Chad Dillon (PANC)
  16. I have made a new file xml several times to no avail. As for the other suggestion, I am not sure how to accomplish that.
  17. Hello folks.I am having a frustrating time. First, I have searched the forums and have followed the instructions on the FAQ regarding this issue. I have achieved zero success thus far.I have my FSX crash with the "fatal error" listing the MD-11 acs.dll as the culprit. I have uninstalled the MD-11, the FSX.cfg and the dll. xml file(s) and no joy.There is the buttons to click on after re-installation of MD-11/ to accept or reject the gaugers/modules...however this does not work. I hope this does not require a re-install of FSX, but it is what it is.I had this bird working fine before and yes I have checked the dll. xml file as specified. It would seem that all the info that was on there before has disappeared and will not resurrect. The only thing showing is FSUIPC 4.3 seems like the MD-11 is not writing to or communicating with dll.xmlIf there is any way to solve this I would appreciate the help.Thanks..Chad Dillon (PANC)
  18. Oh yes...I feel your pain.Just went through this very recently. Whatever the cause, I hope for a speedy recovery for puter so that you can get airborne again.Having thy wings clipped sucks.
  19. Did I ask a stupid question and no one wants to give it the dignity of a response?:-)
  20. Hi everyone.I have a question. How does a person figure out how much fuel to load for a particular route. I have not found a specific answer or formula for this? So far, it seems like we have to use the SWAG method.I believe there has to be a more intuitive and precise method.Any help/answer(s) would be appreciated.Have a great day.
  21. Hard to say, what exactly you are experiencing. Any "popping" noises?
  22. Hey, I noticed all that posted are Vista users. Does anyone use Wix XP Pro and if so...any ideas on how to solve this? I was running ASX at the time, whilst on the ground. Oh, yeah...at KJFK (addon. Nothing else.Had no OOM probs otherwise.system is roughly AMD 64x2 3800+ w/NVid.GeForce 9600GTsoundblaster cardThx for help if possible.Chad D.
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