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Everything posted by dusty_sourdough

  1. Never mind. Was trying to help him out with getting his banner to show up, however when I copy and paste the correct method...it does not show up in the post.Sorry dude.
  2. PANC (Anchorage)>PACD (Cold Bay)>PADU (Dutch Harbor)
  3. Oh yeah...I'm joining you in the fun.Party on dude... I'm feelin capitol.
  4. Thanks Yoda.I am assuming the stick shaker test you were referring to..lol.I am really excited about a turboprop that is realistically modeled in FS. This sounds like just what the doc ordered. (pun not intended)
  5. I believe that we will find out for ourselves soon.It was said in another thread there will be no video as the release is so soon. I too am curious, however I have complete confidence the sounds along w/everything else will be outstanding.Just my 2c
  6. Well, I hear ya Pieter. Not for everyone on an initial flight I guess. I love flying up here for real and virtually. This "kid" has lived up here (Alaska) all my life, flown out there many times and don't think about it really, other than being aware of some of the potential hazards.If you want a bit of a challenge, fly in to Dutch. That'll make ya pucker a wee bit.Cold Bay has about a 14 thousand some odd foot runway (US space shuttle alternate landing) and Adak has a large runway also. Much easier to manage.I am flying (maiden) from PANC (Anchorage) to PACD (Cold Bay) then PADU (Dutch Harbor/Unalaska). Back (in direction) to PASD (Sand Point) then PAKN (King Salmon). Back to PANC.I am itching to get this show on the road.
  7. Thanks for asking. I lived and served out there for several years and have many wonderful memories. Plus, the weather is crap most of the time, which makes for some...well...fun times.Scary times for some.I live on the mainland now.
  8. Thank you Dan for taking the time to explain this.Really looking forward to this plane. Very impressed with what you folks have done, and I have not yet really seen all...Looking forward to reading the manuals and really looking forward to the maiden flight (for me) to the Aleutians.No, I am not excited at all.
  9. Yeah, I hear ya...I do not understand the silence.
  10. Hi Nick. Thank you for the response and offer for help re: guides and training materials.The material on Smart Cockpit is of course good in that it is the real deal. I would like to see the manual for the software due to the fact that it goes hand in hand with it.This also tells me/others that we are closer...in all honesty.I have used material from Smart Cockpit's site in the past and has proved helpful.
  11. Yeah, they sure have. I am dying here waiting. Especially with all the silence.....
  12. Nerve racking....yeah,exactly.I agree that these developers are getting a kick outta watching us squirm.
  13. Damn...just checked their site...nothin new.Sorry.
  14. I too am so ready for this bird. It is agonizing looking for some hope for a very soon release and....quiet.I am in agreement for desiring the manual. I too have looked at the Smartcockpit material and that is not what I am looking for either.A word from the devs on this would most certainly be appreciated. Things have been rather quiet, especially from Robert.Really looking forward to having this plane in/out of the hangar, as we all are...hint hint.Vin said he is looking forward to us having the plane. I am looking forward to flying it. I think I know which one is looking forward to what the most..LOLThank you.
  15. Man I hope so...been waiting for seems like....forever for this.
  16. Hey Ryan,Please pardon my thick skull...what is beta 1?
  17. I was thinking the same thing....with regards to the lack of comment(s)for pertinent question. I am not liking the way that flight sim is going...that's for sure.
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