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  1. Hi Evan, The FE suggests to leave 120 lbs as safety measure to correct for gauge error. It is advisable that you have more fuel in the inboard tanks vs. the outboard tanks to prevent high wing loading. In other words, best practice is to equalize your main tanks.
  2. Hi Rob, Could you point me to the page where the 'auxiliary blower light' is mentioned? Thanks! EDIT: I found it. Will correct. It is in fact, or should be, VOLTAGE REGULATOR OVERHEAT warning light.
  3. Hi Evan, I am busy testing your scenario at the moment. Currently set up exactly as you described, with engines 1 & 2 feeding from Main2 and engines 3 & 4 feeding from main3. X-feed levers are in the 1-2/3-4 positions respectively. Tanks 1 and 4 are off (most aft position). See attached pic. So far I am not seeing any issues. I will keep flying and monitor this.
  4. Hi there Stefan, I will be answering your question re. the fuel distribution. Tell you what - let me have a chat with Sam (our DC-6 Flight Engineer who consulted on this project) hopefully tomorrow, latest Monday (it is weekend after all). I will discuss your questions with him and then get back to you with good information.
  5. Craig, The DC-6B will come equipped with a Sperry A-12 autopilot.
  6. In your FMS, go to PMDG Setup->Aircraft->Equipment. Use 'NEXT PAGE' or 'PREV PAGE' to go to WARNING SYS page [9/9], and set 'RESETTABLE SIREN' to 'YES.'
  7. Please check pg. 64 of the Pilot’s Tutorial, as well as pg. 71 of the Pilot Introduction document.
  8. The DC-6 was fitted with either a Pioneer PB-10 or Sperry A-12 automatic pilot. We are modeling the Sperry A-12 (which is fitted in V5-NCG ).
  9. Hi Eberhard,The low and over with gear up was taken at Eros. The landing is either at Sossusvlei or Oanob (can't remember.)Low level over Oanob Dam:
  10. Rest assured, the V5-NCG livery will be included.
  11. We are planning on adding both the cargo and fire bomber variants.
  12. ons mis die B200 in fsx.. maybe one day flight 1 will get around and complete the project

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