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  1. I think this might be possible when XPlane 11.xx is released, as they're making major updates to the rendering engine, to include physics-based rendering among other things. Rob Smith.
  2. It is good that it is a solid product at release - that has definitely been noticed! I certainly hope we see future products for XPlane as it is an incredible platform since the 10.xx releases, and in mine and others opinions leaves FSX/P3D in the dust. I appreciate no product is (ever?) bug-free, but with this being a new release, I would have thought there would be more [obvious] discussion of areas of concern than there has been to date. Rob Smith.
  3. Sorry if my last post seemed overly negative. A couple of comments by Kyle, the lack of feedback on 10.50 compatibility from the devs, and the more basic nature of the aircraft (several things are not modelled in the DC-6 which are taken for granted on other aircraft), and the fact the DC-6 is the bottom forum despite being the latest project all suggest (IMHO) that X-Plane is an after-thought of a platform, and that PMDG are not very interested in it. Just compare reactions to problems with the NGX or 777, and they're all over it within hours. It seems a bit too quiet in here. Fixing bugs should be priority in already-released products, not new product development. Official word from the devs would be very helpful, like they did with updates to the NGX and 777. When I couldn't find a major item regarding the pitot/static system (source selector), I was treated as if I hadn't RTFM. I'm 100% confident it isn't modelled. Just tumbleweed from PMDG on that issue. Quite disappointing. If it requires an SP to add it, then no problem, but some feedback would be good. Rob Smith.
  4. Hi, Is anyone running the DC-6 on 10.50 RC3? Any problems? I don't want to update XPlane if it will create issues with the DC-6. Rob Smith.
  5. I find it rather sad that "minor bugs" would be left unfixed! You make bug-fixing sound like a huge task, which it isn't. No love for the XPlane platform? Rob Smith.
  6. Another device found on aircraft that operated over water or otherwise in remote areas was a sight instrument that allowed you to watch detail on the surface you were over-flying, and align markers with where they entered/left the field of view. This provided a very accurate measurement of drift angle. Rob Smith.
  7. Just confirmed the reverse issue here. Using an axis is fine, but dragging the levers in the cockpit is not (aircraft powers forwards). Rob Smith.
  8. I've had some strange issues just loading the DC-6 on top of itself. As long as I load one of the simple XP aircraft before switching to the DC-6, it seems fine. Rb Smith.
  9. Stock, XP doesn't have winter textures. Rob Smith.
  10. If oil dilution is being used at shutdown then it can be a bit smokey. Rob Smith.
  11. The fuel freezing was more an X-Plane than DC-6 question. I did some searching and discovered that the X-Plane "icing" adds weight to the aircraft, and doesn't actually affect the aerodynamic model the way icing should. Apparent Austin has acknowledged the problems of the current system and is looking to improve them. At the moment the effect of icing is pretty severe, which some are suggesting is deliberate given its FAA certification, in order to dissuade flight into icing conditions. I haven't tried flying the DC-6 into icing yet to see what happens. I've already experienced carb icing (deliberate). Rob Smith.
  12. I hope more FSX devs look seriously at X-Plane. Up to now it has largely been ignored, which is a shame. Attempts to "FSXify" XP 11.0 to make it more enticing are a nice idea, but I hope they continue with original thought rather than copying what is an old sim. A major problem with FS was no-one was prepared to make a breaking change to improve things. Rob Smith.
  13. After much digging around, I can only conclude it is not modeled. Also disappointed to find the manual cabin altitude control is not modeled, either. Very surprised given PMDG's other products. Rob Smith.
  14. The DC-6 has multiple systems for fuel heat, anti-icing etc.. and I wondered if fuel freezing was modelled/the fuel heaters operated, and about things like air-frame icing, etc..? I'm still new to X-Plane and learning about what it supports in this area, and what I can expect from the DC-6? Could someone more familiar with X-Plane go over what it supports/models in this area? Thanks! Rob Smith.
  15. I installed the 64-bit version - no issues to report. I did have a problem with the installer itself - I have my SteamApps folder stored on an external disk on a disk image. It wouldn't accept the disk image as a valid location, so I selected the external disk instead. I then had to manually copy the files into the SteamApps folder. All worked fine afterwards. Rob Smith.
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