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  1. I'll add that if your reflections are too bright, you probably have cockpit shadows disabled. We recommend enabling cockpit shadows.
  2. We watch the forum on a continual basis. We'll take a look at this issue and if needed, we'll fix it up for a future update. Thanks for letting us know.
  3. That link is from 8 years ago!
  4. Rule of thumb: If it doesn't say it here... don't believe it. Trust me, if we were releasing a product, we'd be certain to notify the community ourselves ;)
  5. This is what we refer to as an FSXism. The FSX cameras in spot view have a clipping plane that cuts off geometry that is within a certain distance to the camera. Sorry, no known fix for this.
  6. Using your PMDG 737NGX Performance Manager located in your PMDG Simulations>PMDG 737NGX program group, you will need to select the High Resolution Virtual Cockpit Model. The lower resolution model has wings removed.
  7. A fun parting shot for the weekend ...
  8. If we delete a post, we have good reason for it. We wouldn't "undelete" it because someone whines about it.
  9. What specifically would you like added/changed?
  10. Unfortunately, as we discovered, the axis of rotation for the airplane and the camera are not co-located in FSX (for reason's unknown), so the airplane's rotation conflicts with the camera's rotation, and you get the exact issue you see here. We have been unable to find a work around for this.
  11. Yeah.. airline's typically paint their aircraft with flat paint or cement. We'll take it under advisement.
  12. Why would anyone recommend that for someone who is not a Developer? Turn it off... it will save you from endless messages popping up while using addon products.
  13. Hotfix 4 is all-inclusive.
  14. Be sure your global texture slider is fully maxed.
  15. The nature of the HGS combiner display is that it remains the same size relative to the outside. The best way to change the cropping is to change the eyepoint (i.e. your head's default position).
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