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Everything posted by Ratherbflyin

  1. I have had the same problem a couple of times. It has occurred to me prior to v1.5. It does not occur often and I haven't been able to faithfully reproduce the problem so I figured it was operator error. George Shimada
  2. By looking at my profile, you can see that I come from the EXTREME silent crowd. My momma taught me, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." My wife says it with even more clarity, "Build up or shush up." PMDG, from the extreme silent crowd; Keep up the awesome work and know that many have your back. George Shimada
  3. I completed a flight being careful of com frequency. That seems to work, no flaps up on that flight! Thank you for solution!
  4. I am having same issue as well. Nothing works until I get to runway entry procedure and the FO starts responding correctly. Speech recognition is fine as captain green bar is picking up my words fine. Also did complete uninstall and reinstall of Ngx and FS2crew. Still same problem.George
  5. Speedbird144, Rereading your post, I think you already succeeded. If you can open up XGauge, then it worked. As VonMar did, I would try and install to ALL aircraft....or at least try and install to the non WL versions of NGX. I did it manually, steps below:As VonMar did, I would try and install to ALL aircraft....or at least try and install to the non WL versions of NGX. I did it manually, steps below:1. Go to your flight simulator folder (wherever you put it on your computer)SimObjectsAirplanesPMDG 737-800NGXPanel folder2. Make a backup of panel.cfg3. Open up panel.cfg in Notepad or Wordpad.4. Find lines that start with "Lower DU" and "[Window 8]"5. Make it look like this://// Lower DU////[Window08]//BACKGROUND_COLOR=30,30,30//size_mm=451, 424//window_size = 0.2348958, 0.3533333//position=8//visible=0//ident=408//zorder=95//gauge00=PMDG_737NGX!DU, 0, 0, 451, 424, LOWER #4[Window08]size_mm=240,193position = 5Visible = 0ident = 14991gauge00=XGauge!WeatherMap,0,0,240,193I basically commented out the original PMDG reference to the 2d gauge and then added the code to replace with XGauge. I recommend changing size a bit as this size is too small. I just resize when I bring it up and have been too lazy to resize in the cfg file.6. Save panel.cfg7. You are good to go.Hope this helps. Again, by doing this, it adds XGauge to both the non-WL AND WL versions of the 800.George Shimada
  6. My issue was that I was only installing into just the 800 WL. I agree that it probably works fine when you tell the installer to install into all aircraft. I am betting that the installer would even work if I just installed into the 800 no WL.George Shimada
  7. I had the same issue trying to install X Gauge into the 800-WL. I finally figured it out by looking at the Panel.cfg inside the 800-WL directory and found that it is basically a blank file. I then went into panel.cfg of the non WL version and manually inserted the X Gauge lines (I "stole" the lines from X Gauge installer successfully inserting the gauge into the default C172) into the cfg file. I commented out the Shift-9 in the existing file(I Believe the lower DU since I never bring that 2d panel up). That worked, even in the 800-WL. Apparantly, the WL versions are using the panel config files from the non WL version. George Shimada
  8. Has anyone successfully installed XGauge into the NGX panel? When I use the Panel Install Wizard, I get a message stating that the gauge is already installed. I've tried the uninstall option and then install, but get the same message. When I open the panel.cfg file, there is nothing there. Thanks.George Shimada
  9. I have the same problem with Flight1's Mustang. I've noticed that it only happens to me in the higher elevations, i.e. when approaching FL280 and higher. I am unable to climb to assigned flight level until the TAT returns to normal and I am usually about to stall just trying to maintain altitude.
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