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About Bones309th

  • Birthday 09/04/1969

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    Miami, Florida USA

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    I belong to both VATSIM & IVAO
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  1. Hi John! Man, I'm really sorry you feel that way man. Believe me when I tell you that I respect your opinion, but I think your perception appears a little extreme. People get killed every day while driving, but we can't stop driving man! A visit to the flight deck while the airplane is at the gate is NOT a big deal, and is perfectly safe! Even if someone puts a gun to my head to take the airplane, it'll take a team of people to just take the airplane off the gate! Pilots, kids, and aviation enthusiasts come up to take a look and ask questions on a regular basis when I'm working. We can't just blindly shot out aviation enthusiasts like yourself because there have bee terrorists acts involving airplanes throughout the world. We have to take precautions of course and follow security procedures, but just completely lock out everyone simply implies that the terrorists have really won the war! If I'm at the gate, and I have time, I'll be happy to show you guys the office. Come on in and take a look! Just don't touch nothing! :-) Ray
  2. Hi Robert! I would ask during boarding if is possible to visit prior to departure. If the visit is granted, then ask if you could take that picture. If the flight crew is not too busy, you may take that picture right there and then! I normally ask to come up during deplaning, as most of the time we're busy trying to get the airplane ready for flight during boarding. Good luck and don't be embarrassed to ask man! Hopefully you get a cool flight crew!
  3. Send fifty thousand US dollars cash, unmarked, un-sequential to every member of the forum offended! Lol Just kidding! Yep! I saw that man! It was misinterpreted and you did apologize. That's cool of you. I just thought it was some funny ###### how fast and brutal you jumped on the guy, that's all. See Yah! Lol Ray "Bones" Lemus Send fifty thousand US dollars cash, unmarked, un-sequential to every member of the forum offended! Lol Just kidding! Yep! I saw that man! It was misinterpreted and you did apologize. That's cool of you. I just thought it was some funny sh&t how fast and brutal you jumped on the guy, that's all. See Yah! Lol Ray "Bones" Lemus
  4. Slow down there 77West! It was clearly an innocent request in a freandly forum! :-) Have you considered going into litigation? Lol
  5. Guys thank you for the replies! I'll try all of the above and post here when I get back home. Thanks! Ray Lemus
  6. Anyone!..............anyone!............Don't all of you jump on this one at once! Lol :-) Ray Lemus
  7. Hey Guys! Does anyone have any difficulty disconnecting the autopilot with just the joystick mapped with the "z" command? Everytime I've tried to use the button mapped to the autopilots disconnect, I see the button action on the MCP being pressed but the autopilot does NOT disconnect. The only way I can succesfuly disconnect it is by clicking the yoke autopilot disconnect using the mouse, or by right clicking the screw on the MCP. Other than the issues reported and this one, I've had no other issues with this airplane. PMDG, you guys have totally impressed me again! Keep up the awesome work! See Yah! Ray Lemus
  8. Hey Guys,I absolutely love this airplane. However, one thing I wish Carenado would do is to give us more control of VC cockpit lighting. Is there a way of turning off those bright blue dome lights and leave just the instrument lights on. Thanks guys. See Yah!Ray
  9. You guys may be on to something here. I got my first panel freeze when I first installed the airplane and flew it for the first time. I then attempted another flight and had no issues. I've been flying this airplane with the PMDG paint job, since from the cockpit I can't see the paint job anyway. I updated to HF 3 and haven't seen any freezes since. See Yah! Ray
  10. Hey I'm curious, are the guys getting freezes using the Track IR? The reason I ask is because some times if you look up or somehow your view position goes off and the view point happens to fall inside the head rest of the seat for example, it will prevent you from clicking on anything on the overhead panel. I really don't think this has anything to do with the hot fixes. I had the panel freeze issue the first time I tried to fly this airplane. I then tried the same flight again the next day and had no problems. I'm up to hot fix 3 and have had a couple of flights now without any issues at all. I have noticed though when my view point falls inside the head rest I can't click on anything on the overhead panel. When this happens I simply reset my view and everthing starts to work again. Check it out guys. See Yah! Ray Lemus
  11. Okay, that solves that. Thanks Dave. See Yah!Ray Lemus
  12. That's a good question A.J. I noticed that as well. Ray Lemus
  13. Hey Dazz,I felt like I threw my money away when I purchased it. I could not get it to work right with my Track IR. I just gave up on it dude. If you have and use a Track IR, I would not recommend it. Ray Lemus
  14. Oh Heck Yeah! I would definitely buy something like that dude! That will be great! See Yah!Ray Lemus
  15. Dude that worked! Instead of deleting the line however, I decided to put “//” in front of the line. Just in case I need it later or something. But that got me exactly what I was looking for Dave. Thanks man. See Yah!Ray
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