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Everything posted by skwaL

  1. Sounds like your parents bought you your PC. NOTE: Didnt notice how old the topic was
  2. Will try it for sure! Thanks for the suggestion. -K
  3. When the lagging and skipping starts, all systems fail, plane start totally misbehaving. Nothing responds to inputs unless I turn off the terrain mode and switch to manual control.
  4. For some reason when I select the terrain mode, the plane (or sim) go haywire. The plane starts lagging/skipping, doing barrel rolls, dead flips. As soon as I switch mode to OFF or go to WXR settings, everything goes back to normal. Any ideas? Thanks, Kosntantin K
  5. I think ActiveSky is the only addon that works with PMDG 777, so that takes my pick.
  6. Keep in mind the fact that all guides are universal therefore there is always a change that you will get more out of your sim by tweaking things yourself.
  7. I hope those FPS statistics are taken on a mediocre machine and not a high end super computer (ex. 5960X CPU, 32GB ram, GTX 980SLI)
  8. Slowly leaning to KDEN, but its a close battle. Still debating pressing that "buy" button.
  9. I forgot to mention that I own KPHX as well but its essentially West Coast.
  10. I dont really feel like dishing out $100 right now. $50 I can live with
  11. So I have manged to get a hold of bunch of airports within North American continent: On the east coast I got FlyTampa CYYZ, FSDreamTeam KJFK, FlyTampa KBOS, KMIA, FlightBeam's KIAD. On the west coast I got FSDreamTeam KLAX & CYVR, FlightBeam's KSFOHD, Aerosoft Anchorage and T2G KSEA. Here is my issue, I have essentially all of those airports for North America, and some of you might see a problem here, they are all either East Coast or West Coast, nothing in the middle. So I have decided that I will purchase an airport for continental US, somewhere in the central states. After all the research that I have done I have ran into another issue....I could not pick between the two airports which I was thinking of getting. FSDreamTeam KIAH Houston or FlightBeam's Denver. Both those airports have amazing reviews, both have similar price, both are extremely detailed and both are located almost right smack in the middle of the states. Help me out here :smile:
  12. Well I dont believe it! Big thank you goes out to Umberto, he managed something out of simple suggestion (after literally almost 2 hours of testings via teamviewer) and it worked. Essentially and sadly the problem comes down to the flight simulator itself. As far as I have understood there is LOD problem with FSX Deluxe Edition with SP2. After installation of FSX Gold Edition (acceleration), and reinstalling all addons, everything works flawlessly. I am sure he will put it down as the solution for those issues. The ordeal is over.
  13. I never got a reply from Umberto, sat the whole day at home and waited for nothing. My gut feeling is that they have no idea how to fix it and wont as I am the only person with this problem. I guess I will be flying to the airports with no terminals......on the bright side....at least the runways are working.
  14. Yea, all compatiblity settings are off, Umberto was gonna Team Viewer with me tonite not sure if its still happening but we shall see...
  15. Im actually in talks with Umberto (owner of Addon Manager and FSDT) and I let him know that I went through those steps, I also managed to to reinstall Visual C++ Packaged. Nothing helped, I think either my CPU or GPU is interfereing with Addon Manager. Essentially they (Both Umberto (FSDT) and Mir (FlightBeam)) are clueless on what is going on, therefore I took it else where to see what people will have to say. Also I have several other sceneries installed for test, KPHL, CYYZ from FlyTampa and EDDF from Aerosoft, no such problems with them.
  16. So recently I ran into a scenery issue where the causes are a mystery to both FSDreamTeam and Flightbeam. Now Remember their sceneries are controlled by couatl (addon manager). So to the issue, essentially when I load the flight spawning at any of the airports made by those software manufactures half the buildings are either missing or they are gone. I know that sounds the same because it is. Every single time I spawn at FSDreamTeam or FlightBeam airport some buildings go missing. I decided to play around and restart addon manager ( couatl) several times....and guess what happened....some buildings reappeared and some disappeared. But here is where it gets interesting as soon as I start flying closer towards the buildings they reappear as you will see in the screenshots that I have posted. So far what I have tried: - Reinstalled both addon manager and sceneries - Reinstalled fightsim - Reinstalled 3 versions of Windows: 7, 8.1 and 10 - Refreshed and rolled back video driver to very old, old and new. - Switched the locations of my RAM sticks as well as my Video card to different slots. - Refreshed (obviously) my FSX.CFG - Tried various settings in Nvidia Inspector FSX CFG Questions: Yes I have ran FSX.CFG resets but results were the same doesnt matter which configuration are ran be it LOD_RADIUD 4.5 or 6.5 or 8.5 My hardware setup: Motherboard: Rampage IV Formula CPU: i7 3820 @ 4.75Ghz (yes I tried stock clocks) Harddrives: 2 SSD and 1 Regular (Samsung 840PRO 256 SSD, OCZ Vector 256 SSD and 1TB WD Black) Video Card: Gigabyte Windforce GTX 770OC Sound Card: Asus Xonar DSX Below are the screenshots showing me setting addon manager (black spots are missing buildings) Below are the screenshots depicting sequence of events as I get closer to the missing scenery buildings All suggestions are welcome. Konstantin
  17. It was fairly organized. I will not say it was amazing....but controllers over oceanic were handing a million of flights ..... (as you can see from the screenshot) .... I would give controllers a good 8.5/10. Departure took me almost hour and half (to leave Boston) but it was handled quite well, for both departure and arrival for me, I will give controllers 9.5/10
  18. So everyone! How did you cross the pond? Anything exciting? :rolleyes: Share your thoughts
  19. OOM chance ------ small ..................................... large :lol:
  20. Thanks everyone for their inputs :rolleyes: things are looking good for GSX
  21. Thanks guys, im looking to decide by sunday on what to get.
  22. Because I'll be able to see what is highly recommended ^_^ I took all of those into consideration, and obviously my decision will be final but I do want to hear other opinions.
  23. Hey guys, I am debating which of these addons to get and I decided to turn my head to the public's help. Here're are the choices which I was thinking of...
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