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About jencas

  • Birthday January 22

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    Aachen (Germany)

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  1. Jevon, thanks a lot for your mod. I stored the CJ2 in the hanger after a handful of flightsbecause the simulated ProLine FMC is a mess at its current state. Now, after about a dozend of flights I must say that your mod made a good looking aircraft also a good flyable aircraft. With your mod this thing finally is fun to fly. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Jens
  2. You can find a OLT repaint @ simviation.com, search fpr "razbam metroliner olt"
  3. Freeware ist mir auch keine bekannt, aber wenn Du so wild drauf bist, dann hol Dir EDXY für schlappe €2,95 bei aerosoft.de http://www.shop.aerosoft.com/eshop.php?action=article_detail&s_supplier_aid=12788
  4. Where do I find the Cumulative Service Pack 20130813?? It's not among the updates @ carenado.com.
  5. Any news on this topic? Can't activate my JS41!
  6. Really good news. I appreciate your sceneries very very much. Absolutely fantastic work and I'm looking forward to these eagerly!
  7. +1And just one more question: does the download version of the 600/700 expansion pack work with the Aerosoft boxed version??
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