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Everything posted by vc10man

  1. It's Manfred Jahn's latest output, a Beverley transport aircraft.
  2. Link to the D/l please, Mark. I know it's Manfred's but cannot find his homepage.
  3. I have the latest HF I just cannot be bothered to keep track which HF it is or is not but it definitely is v4.5 whatever flavour Ee'rm, and just how did I do that, beg a pardon? Did I categorically say I was running v5? Wish I had never bothered posting now!
  4. Glad you say that because I have been noticing in that latest separate Active Sky P3D, for v4 and v5, it's the same cotton balls weather everywhere, plus some error message that 'this version is for 4.5' when I am already running 4.5HF1. Have AS got a clue what they are doing? Going to uninstall and go back to previous.
  5. I updated all 3 same as you to P3Dv4 not over a month ago. Sorry cannot help you re: v5 as I am not there yet, equipment-wise.
  6. In fact, I used one of those snow-capped peaks to more or less keep me pointed towards where SEQM lay behind all those treacherous mountains, because it is well hidden. Pity I do not have an image hosting website to post a shot of that UPS 747-8i squeezed between a KLM 747-400F and a SkyLease MD11F.
  7. Luckily, managed to take a Bulb exposure this evening at it appeared around 10:12pm. Not the best Bulb exposure as I overexposed, but did manage to get a trail of it. Hope to get better tomorrow, as Bulb exposures are not my forte. And I was, touch wood, not bothered by passers-by.
  8. Great reportage again, P_7878, once more.👍 Having flown the PMDG 747-8i from PANC(AS') to SEQM(Flighbeam's) a few times---a real catch-out approach, you now inspire me to bring the MJC Dash8 into SEQM. Where did you get the TAM livery from, through? Nice. Yes, Mark there are 2 very competent Lufthansa ladies bringing that MD-11F into Quito. Wasn't aware it is the new Quito till I read your bit, because I know the Fb old Quito is a thinking approach
  9. Ah, yes, as I too have known far well, Bill, it's okay for sisters to criticise, name-call sisters, but if a man opens his mouth to say anything unflattering, woe betide that man🤣. That's why like you, I just hold my counsel and smile benignly inwardly🤣
  10. That's a better time than 22:57 last night. Thanks for that Ray.
  11. Thanks, Ray. Maybe tempted to take a gamble and try your tip tonight then.
  12. Good Morning Ray. Not a question of being suspicious of my motives, more a case of me being a victim of a mugging , etc as it's a fairly isolated spot, no passers-by, etc, and with a very expensive body and equally expensive lens, I am loathe to chance it. Is the ISS being seen tonight, again?
  13. Thanks for the tip, Ray, which I was aware of, but I was erring on the cautious side not wanting to be seen with a tripod, camera, a very fast standard lens f/2.8, cable release, etc, etc, hence was wishing for less darkness. I like to be wary of my surroundings.
  14. Well done, Ray, with your timing. Just seen at 23:01.Tracked it roughly above Chorley-Bolton before it faded away. Pity it had not been 20 minutes earlier, might have got a shot off, but it was too dark for a 600mm lens at f/6.3. Great heads-up, though.
  15. Oddly enough when I got back indoors, a pal of mine from Maghull called, and I told him of the cancellation of SpaceX.Like you being an RC man,he suggested I photograph his drone with fancy lights and nobody would know the difference between it and a spacecraft🤣. I reminded him, not only was he locked-down, but I most certainly was not going to Maghull at night to photograph his drone. I'd rather see the real thing!
  16. Thanks for that Ray, as I have just got indoors from a hopeful sunset shot. Will go look again, but the light has gone for a shot of the ISS.
  17. Are you Magnus Magnusson by any chance, Mark, in another role(hint-hint)🤣? You must allow me some leeway for fading memory.
  18. Takes me back to the 60s watching Apollo missions, in Streatham, London, huddled with friends watching on a b&w set with that BBC chap, James something.
  19. word not allowed, and there was me just setting up my lens. Good thing there was the Daily Telegraph link to follow.
  20. You mean to say you escaped being banished to.....................take your pick, Mark? You must have more lives than a cat!!!🤣 Wise Irish counsel, Bill.👍
  21. Likewise, when I was stationed at RAF Marham, in Norfolk, the skies were perfect for star-gazing, like Australis around Margaret River is. Sadly, the light pollution from big conurbations like Manchester, Birmingham, London ruins it for astronomy
  22. Between you and Chris, I have been taught something new today about astronomy. Kudos to both!
  23. Wow, what a day for an event due to be launched in Cape Kennedy, and here, yet again, another really helpful piece of info. Thanks, Chris. I am definitely parking myself(on foot,really) on that vantage point I was watching that moon last night!
  24. Thanks for that heads-up. In fact it was not far from being phased out when I joined the RAF. I do like Manfred Jahn's aircraft from what I have perused here, but have never actually downloaded or installed any🤣
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