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  1. Thanks for the link, unfortunately I didn't search for the FAQ on Github
  2. Thank you for the clarification, that is also an important info as I consider buying a RTX4000-series graphics card to be available to use native FG.
  3. Thanks for all your great work for this App. Is it possible to uninstall and/or deactivate the App if you, whatever reason, don't want to use it anymore, with reverting all the changes the app has done to the sim? Do you recommend to backup any files before trying the App? (Excuse if there are already answers to these questions anywhere in the two threads. Maybe a little FAQ-readme would be helpful for some users.) Thanks in advance
  4. Thank you @Cpt_Piett for all your work comparing different settings and your explanations in the other threads regarding this topic. Are the framerates mentioned with native FG or do you reach these framerates without FG?
  5. Thank you all! yes, the 5800x3d should also be considered. First, I thought only 8 cores are not enough today, but the reviews of that CPU with huge L3 cache in P3D or MSFS sound amazing. I know that new Zen 4 and Intel 13000 CPUs will be announced this fall, but I assume that the prices will be very high and the availability low at the beginning. I‘m more concerned over the reports of a possible 5900x3d, which would have the huge cache of the 5800x3d with more cores and make the investment in a 5800x3d a bit worthless.
  6. Thanks Scott, do you operate the 12900K overclocked or with standard clock? Has anyone else experience with the 5900x vs. 12900K in MSFS and P3D? Is the better performance of the 12900K worth the higher price?
  7. Hello, what‘s your advice regarding a cpu upgrade from intel 8700k? I think about getting a Ryzen 9-5900x or 5950x, but after reading some good reviews an intel alder lake may also become a candidate. The cpu will be used for MSFS and P3D (maybe XP12 if that becomes a good sim). GPU is a MSI RTX 3090
  8. I'm very familiar with frankfurt airport and this version looks nothing like frankfurt. The layout may be correct, but the colors or even the shapes of a lot of builds doen't match the reality at all. The premium deluxe version with the freeware update looks a lot more realistic than this. Too sad that no good addon for germanys biggest airport is in sight.
  9. Hello Steve, thanks for your good explanations about Hyperthreading and Affinitymask. What setting would you recommend for a 6-core i7-8700K (5GHz)? If I understood your explanations correct I would go with something like 11 11 11 11 01 01 or 00 11 11 11 01 01 ? Or should I turn off HT completely via BIOS? Thanks for your advice!
  10. Great Work Federico! I hoped someone would develop a program for this for years. Thank you so much.
  11. Maybe a solution to this problem would also solve the problem with the too bright nights
  12. Ok, I think that's a misunderstanding, of course there are 737NG with updated cockpit layout and SSW, but there are also a lot of operates who retrofit the SSW to old 737NG, and a lot of those don't get any new things in the cockpit, only the SSW. No, of course I don't know the processes in your team, that's just an assumption, as I stated in the explanation. In the end it will stay your descision, it would just be really nice to get such an update, of course we can't demand it, but a lot of people are interested in it. best regards, Mathias Mueller
  13. There is no new engine or updated cockpit layout on retrofittet 737NG. Yesterday I was onboard a ten year old 737-800 which got the split-scimitar-winglets. And that we all are flying from the cockpit is no argument, because if that counts, we won't need any external model. Of course I would prefer an updated flightmodel, but pmdg has no time for that, and I assume the differences would be really barely noticeable. And an NGX model update would not hold up the 747 development: At this time of the 747 development I expect that the 747 models are finished already. (They even did the 5th engine transport option which is in reality really rare to see) So I thought maybe the modellers could do a visual SSW update for the NGX while the rest of the team works on the 747 programming. best regards, Mathias Mueller
  14. Hello, I'd like to ask whether there is a chance for a small visual-only split-scimitar-winglet update for the 737 NGX, as more and more 737NG are getting the SSWs these times. I know really a lot of people who are waiting for such an update and would pay a few dollars for that. I know that it has been asked before, and the answer has been, that an update isn't possible because of missing performance data or a lot of programming would be needed. But what about a visual-only model update, like you did with the 748 model for your 744V1? For talented modellers like you are, it should be possible to build such an update in reasonable time. The split-scimitar-winglets are so amazing-looking, and it would be really great if you could do small update for us. I'm sure a lot of loyal pmdg customers would pay for that. Sorry for asking again, but I wanted to underline the demand, and mainly to ask for a visual-model-only update, in comparison to a flight-model update what would be too much work at this time. Thank you so much, Mathias
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