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Everything posted by FengFZD

  1. To use ENB: - Download the d3d9.dll from the author's website (sorry, can't remember the link, just google it). There are many versions depending on the game. I'm still using a super old one from GTA. The date of this dll is 4/13/2009. You can try others. Almost all of them will work, but some might crash your game or produce weird artifacts. - Copy my text and save the file as "enbseries.ini" - Copy the effect.txt and save as "effect.txt" This is a sharpen feature. It's optional and some of the newer injectors has this built in. But since I'm on an old DLL, I need this file - Put all 3 files (d3d9.dll, enbseries.ini and effect.txt, into the root folder of FS9 - basically, where your FS9.EXE is located) - Then start the sim and see if you like the result. - Depending on your PC, ENB will effect your FPS. If you have a powerful GPU (probably anything above a GTX 280 or similar, then you won't notice any fps drop) - Graphics also vary depends on your PC setup and screen resolution. I'm running FS9 at 2560x1600 res, so I get to "see more" of the environment. This has a huge increase in quality imo. Hope that helps. ps. ENB works on almost all 3D games using DirectX 9 (won't work on DX11). I'm using the same settings for my ARMA 2, Fallout 3, Oblivion, XCOM, etc. -feng
  2. Hey everyone, I've been getting a lot of private messages lately regarding my FS9 settings. So I'll just post them here. In addition to the settings, some essential addons for FS9: To see all this in action, you can see some of my FS9 videos here: http://www.youtube.com/fengdesigns Ok, addons: - Max everything within FS9 (except Mipmap to 5 to avoid shimmering) - FSGenesis - Active Sky (see my custom ini below) - GE Pro - HD Clouds v2 from Pablo (free here at Avsim) - RealSky for sunsets, sunrise, etc. - UT USA, Canada, Europe - My treegen (free here at Avsim) - Imagetool to convert huge textures down (you don't notice a difference but it greatly increases FPS). Use this batch file below to convert the textures: Convert.bat (but in same folder as imagetool.exe, then move big BMP texture files, they are usually 4K in size, into the same folder and run the batch file) @ECHO off cls ECHO Convert textures to DXT3 format for this aircraft ECHO ------------------------------------------------- ECHO. ECHO Note - DXT3 is a 'lossy' compression format - some quality is traded for a ECHO more efficient texture file. ECHO Most textures convert very well, but some can become a bit blotchy or grainy. ECHO Colours and shades can often be slightly altered in DXT3. ECHO Once converted, top quality can't be regained by converting back to 32-bit. ECHO Mip maps are lower resolution copies of the original texture. Some grapics ECHO cards don't work well with them and some don't work well without them! ECHO. ECHO 1. Quit without converting anything ECHO 2. Convert all textures to DXT3 (Mip Maps) ECHO 3. Convert all textures to DXT3 (No Mip Maps) ECHO. set choice= set /p choice=Enter 1, 2 or 3 : if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1% if '%choice%'=='2' goto DXT3M if '%choice%'=='3' goto DXT3NM goto end :DXT3NM IMAGETOOL -r -brief -DXT3 -detail -nomip -nowarning -e bmp *.bmp goto end :DXT3M IMAGETOOL -r -brief -DXT3 -detail -nowarning -e bmp *.bmp goto end rem Run 'IMAGETOOL -?' to get a full list of the parameter options available goto end :end enbseries.ini [PROXY] EnableProxyLibrary=0 InitProxyFunctions=0 ProxyLibrary= [GLOBAL] UseEffect=1 AlternativeDepth=0 AllowAntialias=1 BugFixMode=0 SkipShaderOptimization=0 QuadVertexBuffer=0 EnableShaders_3_0=1 AdditionalConfigFile=enbseries2.ini ForceNVidiaCard=false ForceNVidiaCaps=false CyclicConfigReading=false [EFFECT] EnableBloom=1 EnableOcclusion=0 EnableReflection=0 EnableMotionBlur=0 EnableWater=0 EnableShadow=0 DepthBias=0 EnableDepthOfField=0 EnableAmbientOcclusion=false EnableSkyLighting=true UseOriginalPostProcessing=false [iNPUT] KeyUseEffect=08 KeyBloom=66 KeyOcclusion=79 KeyReflection=82 KeyCombination=16 KeyShadow=83 KeyWater=87 KeyScreenshot=44 KeyShowFPS=106 KeyAmbientOcclusion=121 [REFLECTION] ReflectionPower=0 ChromePower=0 UseCurrentFrameReflection=0 ReflectionQuality=0 ReflectionSourceSpecular=10 ReflectionSourceTFactor=0 UseAdditiveReflection=1 ReflectionDepthBias=0 UseLowResReflection=0 ReflectionSinglePass=1 UseEnvBump=0 EnvBumpAmount=100 EnvBumpOffset=100 ReflectionFlip=0 [bLOOM] BloomPowerDay=15 BloomFadeTime=500 BloomConstantDay=1 BloomQuality=3 BloomScreenLevelDay=35 BloomCurveDay=0 BloomPowerNight=3 BloomConstantNight=5 BloomCurveNight=1 BloomScreenLevelNight=20 BloomAdaptationScreenLevel=40 BloomAdaptationMultiplier=99 BloomAllowOversaturation=1 BloomMaxLimit=100 BlueShiftAmount=1.0 Radius1=4.0 Radius2=4.0 Contrast=1.0 [sSAO] UseFilter=1 OcclusionQuality=2 FilterQuality=2 DarkeningLevel=18 BrighteningLevel=15 IlluminationLevel=5 AdditiveIlluminationLevel=20 UseAmbientOcclusion=0 UseIndirectLightning=0 FadeDistance=50 UseIndirectLighting=1 UseForAlphaTest=1 UseForAlphaBlend=1 [colorCORRECTION] DarkeningAmountDay=21 ScreenLevelDay=30 ScreenLevelNight=15 DarkeningAmountNight=5 GammaCurveDay=1 GammaCurveNight=1 ColorSaturationDay=1 ColorSaturationNight=-2 UsePaletteTexture=0 [PLUGIN] WeatherMod=0 [WATER] UseWaterDeep=0 WaterDeepness=20 WaterQuality=0 [sHADOW] ShadowFadeStart=40 ShadowFadeEnd=80 ShadowAmountDay=60 ShadowAmountNight=30 ShadowScreenLevelDay=60 ShadowScreenLevelNight=20 ShadowQuality=0 UseShadowFilter=0 FilterQuality=1 ShadowBlurRange=30 CharacterShadowMultiplier=1.0 CarShadowMultiplier=1.0 [ENGINE] ForceAnisotropicFiltering=0 MaxAnisotropy=8 ForceDisplayRefreshRate=0 DisplayRefreshRateHz=60 ForceDisplaySize=false ForceAntialiasing=false AntialiasingQuality=2 AntialiasingUpScale=1.0 DisplayWidth=1024 DisplayHeight=768 [MOTIONBLUR] MotionBlurQuality=0 MotionBlurVelocity=20 MotionBlurRotation=4 [PERPIXELLIGHTING] SpecularColorMin=0 SpecularColorMax=100 SpecularColorMultiplier=100 SpecularGlossinessMin=0 SpecularGlossinessMax=100 SpecularGlossinessMultiplier=100 [DEPTHOFFIELD] DOFQuality=0 DOFNumberOfPasses=1 DOFFocusRange=50 DOFBlurinessRange=5 effect.txt (save the following into a file called effect.txt and put in root directly as enb) //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //http://enbdev.com //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /* THIS IS HLSL FILE FORMAT FOR EXECUTING ADDITIONAL POST PROCESSING EFFECTS. MAKE THE COPY BEFORE CHANGING IT! */ //enable blurring, useless, disabled at all //#define EBLURRING //enable sharpening #define ESHARPENING //if defined, color sharpen, otherwise sharp by gray #define ESHARPENINGCOLOR //enable noise in dark areas #define ENOISE float SamplingRange=1.5; //sharpening or blurring range float SharpeningAmount=2.0; float ScanLineAmount=0.0; float ScanLineRepeat=1.0; //0.5, 0.3333, 0.25, 0.125, so on float NoiseAmount=0.0; #define E_SHADER_3_0 //keyboard controled variables float tempF1; float tempF2; float tempF3; float tempF4; float tempF5; float tempF6; float tempF7; float tempF8; float tempF9; float tempF0; //global variables, already set before executing this code float ScreenSize; //width of the display resolution (1920 f.e.) float ScreenScaleY; //screen proportions (1.333 for 1920/1080) //textures texture2D texColor; texture2D texNoise; sampler2D SamplerColor = sampler_state { Texture = <texColor>; MinFilter = LINEAR; MagFilter = LINEAR; MipFilter = NONE;//NONE; AddressU = Clamp; AddressV = Clamp; SRGBTexture=FALSE; MaxMipLevel=0; MipMapLodBias=0; }; sampler2D SamplerNoise = sampler_state { Texture = <texNoise>; MinFilter = POINT; MagFilter = POINT; MipFilter = NONE;//NONE; AddressU = Wrap; AddressV = Wrap; SRGBTexture=FALSE; MaxMipLevel=0; MipMapLodBias=0; }; struct VS_OUTPUT_POST { float4 vpos : POSITION; float2 txcoord : TEXCOORD0; }; struct VS_INPUT_POST { float3 pos : POSITION; float2 txcoord : TEXCOORD0; }; //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VS_OUTPUT_POST VS_PostProcess(VS_INPUT_POST IN) { VS_OUTPUT_POST OUT; float4 pos=float4(IN.pos.x,IN.pos.y,IN.pos.z,1.0); OUT.vpos=pos; OUT.txcoord.xy=IN.txcoord.xy; return OUT; } float4 PS_PostProcess(VS_OUTPUT_POST IN, float2 vPos : VPOS) : COLOR { float4 res; float4 coord=0.0; coord.xy=IN.txcoord.xy; float4 origcolor; coord.w=0.0; origcolor=tex2Dlod(SamplerColor, coord); // coord.x=IN.txcoord.x-(1.5/ScreenSize); // float4 lshift=tex2Dlod(SamplerColor, coord); // coord.x=IN.txcoord.x+(1.5/ScreenSize); // float4 rshift=tex2Dlod(SamplerColor, coord); float2 offset[8]= { float2(1.0, 1.0), float2(-1.0, -1.0), float2(-1.0, 1.0), float2(1.0, -1.0), float2(1.41, 0.0), float2(-1.41, 0.0), float2(0.0, 1.41), float2(0.0, -1.41) }; int i=0; float4 tcol=origcolor; float invscreensize=1.0/ScreenSize; //for (i=0; i<8; i++) //higher quality for (i=0; i<4; i++) { float2 tdir=offset.xy; coord.xy=IN.txcoord.xy+tdir.xy*invscreensize*SamplingRange;//*1.0; float4 ct=tex2Dlod(SamplerColor, coord); tcol+=ct; } tcol*=0.2; // 1.0/(4+1) //tcol*=0.111; // 1.0/(8+1) //higher quality /* //not interesting #ifdef EBLURRING //blur res=tcol; #endif */ //sharp #ifdef ESHARPENING #ifdef ESHARPENINGCOLOR //color res=origcolor*(1.0+((origcolor-tcol)*SharpeningAmount)); #else //non color float difffact=dot((origcolor.xyz-tcol.xyz), 0.333); res=origcolor*(1.0+difffact*SharpeningAmount); #endif //less sharpening for bright pixels float rgray=origcolor.z; //blue fit well //float rgray=max(origcolor.x, max(origcolor.y, origcolor.z)); rgray=pow(rgray, 3.0); res=lerp(res, origcolor, saturate(rgray)); #endif //grain noise #ifdef ENOISE float origgray=max(res.x, res.y);//dot(res.xyz, 0.333); origgray=max(origgray, res.z); coord.xy=IN.txcoord.xy*16.0 + origgray; float4 cnoi=tex2Dlod(SamplerNoise, coord); res=lerp(res, (cnoi.x+0.5)*res, NoiseAmount*saturate(1.0-origgray*1.8)); #endif res.w=1.0; return res; } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ technique PostProcess { pass P0 { VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS_PostProcess(); PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PS_PostProcess(); DitherEnable=FALSE; ZEnable=FALSE; CullMode=NONE; ALPHATESTENABLE=FALSE; SEPARATEALPHABLENDENABLE=FALSE; AlphaBlendEnable=FALSE; StencilEnable=FALSE; FogEnable=FALSE; SRGBWRITEENABLE=FALSE; } } ASv6.ini (after editing, write-protect file or ActiveSky will remove the custom edits. Also, make sure you have a powerful PC, these settings are very demanding on the GPU). [General] WindowPosX = USE YOUR CURRENT VALUES WindowPosY = USE YOUR CURRENT VALUES DefaultWeatherFolder = PASTE YOUR OWN PATH SuppressionCeiling = 10000 SurfaceWindLimit = 20 FS9Path = PASTE YOUR OWN PATH PersonalAppDataFolder = PASTE YOUR OWN PATH CloudLayerLimit = 20 LocalSuppressionRange = 100 MinimumVisibility = 0 MaximumVisibility = 29 LastPlanFolder = NONE AutoVasFrequency = 0 AutoVasStrength = 0 TurbulenceFrequency = 30 DefaultStartupLocation = 4s2 DefaultGraphicsFullTheme = DefaultGraphicsCirrusTheme = AutoSubmitGraphicsTheme = False IncreasedWake = False DisableWindsAloft = False ForcePrimaryServer = False ForceSecondaryServer = False GEProAutoSubmit = False SkyOverride = GEPRO FavorCumulus = False ForceRoutePressure = False ForceLowestCeiling = True UnpauseOnReadyStatus = False DisableWriteThrottle = False DisableProcessThrottle = False ForceTstormsWithCB = True AutoSetFSTime = True IgnoreFSLocationUntilReady = True AutoConvertPlanFiles = True AutoRefreshAI = True DisableVisGraduation = False ExtendedThrottling = False ForceRouteAloftTemp = False OfflinePlayback = False EnableVAS = False AutoGenVAS = False ForceDestinationWeatherZone = False PreventIcing = False OnlineUpdates = True ExtendedDestinationWindsForce = False DisableAllGroundUpdates = False GlobalWrites = False DepictFS9HazeLayer = False ExtendTstormLayers = True DisableDirectWindControl = False VoicePlayback = False LocalSuppression = True StartupSound = False DisableGroundUpdates = False UseProxyServer = False FogLayerGeneration = True UpdateSuppression = False OvercastEnhancement = True IgnoreFSReadyStatus = True FSUIPCWindSmoothing = True LimitSurfaceWinds = False LimitCloudLayers = False AutoGlobalWriteToggle = True RainWithTS = True DisableUpperLayerGeneration = False VisibilitySmoothing = True DisableMessages = True AutoTimeZoneDetection = True UpdateInterval = 15 VATSIMData = False ZuluConversion = 8 AloftPredictability = 100 WindDriftRate = 0 MaxCloudThickness = 70000 MinStratusSeparation = 100 TAFProcessing = False EnforceVisibilityLimits = True WakeTurb = False StartPaused = False UseSystemTime = True DisableCAVOKClouds = False ProxyAddress = NONE that's all -feng
  3. Great plane from Carenado. I made a quick video of it:
  4. Great plane once again from Carenado. No fps issues and flies nicely. I did notice that the auto-pilot buttons for altitude and VS climb settings are not working well? It tends to reset or skip randomly.
  5. This should be the link: Scroll down a bit on the page and you'll can see Milton's hotfix update for the model. http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?74294-de-Havilland-Dash-7-Released/page2
  6. @Luis It's a known bug. You can download the model fix from the SOH website.
  7. Thanks for the HU. I'll be buying it for sure. And no 2D panel needed as Carenado makes some of the best VCs in the business.
  8. I've gotten a new machine since then. A i7-3960 overclocked at 4.3 GHz; 16 Gigs RAM and 3-way SLI 680GTX....all to run FS9! j/k. FPS stays pretty solid at 60 (locked at 2560x1600), but with the PMDG 747 parked at Vienna during a thunderstorm, the fps might dip down to the 50s. FS9 will never die! -feng
  9. With the right tweaks, ENB, addons, FS9 can look pretty nice too 50K Cloud layer with Active Sky:
  10. I don't have the DF727, but I had the same problem with the F1 ATR. It has something to do with missing DLLs in your system folder. Can't recall the exact name, but Flight1 has a fix on their download page. -fz
  11. Yup, noticed this as well. Everything (radio, lights, flaps, etc.) works without turning the battery/avionics on. Definitely a bug.
  12. Yup, same here. Bought it as soon as I received their newsletter. I hope they release the rest of their FSX fleet in FS9. -fz
  13. Trying out some Skyrim ENB files on FS9. Unedited video. -feng
  14. I ended up ordering 3 GTX 480s for triple SLI :) Now shopping for 3 screens to try out the super-wide thing (after watching youtube videos w/ 3 screens....i'm sold!...especially for driving games).I'll post some fps reviews when i get them in about a week. -feng
  15. thanks for the info. I'm getting some price quotes today for the 480s.....and also a pair of 460s to compare.-feng
  16. im thinking about swapping my Quad GTX 295s for a pair of 480s in SLI, but i heard the heat might be too much?anyone run these 480s in SLI mode? -feng
  17. In the 5 years of using FS9 (installed on 6 different PCs/Laptops), I've never had a single OOM or crash. I even left FS9 running accidentally for several days while I was on vacation (the plane just sat at the tarmac); and when I returned it, everything was still up and running (must have been cool to see the day/night cycle). I also have a lot of planes/sceneries/etc. installed. I'm currently running FS9 on Win7 64 Ultimate, and haven't had any issues (and i've never modified any core system files, set priority to fs9, etc.)FS9 is actually a very stable platform. I think the root of these crashes comes from the operating system itself. First try cleaning up your boot processes. Then shut off any 3rd party programs. If you have virus and firewall programs, set them to skip the FS9 folders. Also check your swap file settings. If you have two drives, set the swap to a drive that doesn't have FS9 installed or Windows installed (i have my swap on a super small; 30gig HD, but 15,000RPM spinning harddrive). And don't let the system manage your swap. Set it yourself and make it a few gigs bigger than the suggested size. I have my swap set at 15 gigs. If you keep your system super clean, programs tend to run very smoothly as well.-feng
  18. Sounds like the team bailed and setup a new studio (happens a lot in games related development).I'm a big supporter of Alphasim (they offered very unique aircrafts), so best of luck to the new team....and please don't abandon FS9! :)-feng
  19. Yeah, it's silly. Because i can't remember my login info while at my studio (the one at home has the auto-login thing). And using the "fogot password" feature doesn't seem to work (i get no email from AVSIM). So yeah, just made another account for when i'm at the office :)-feng
  20. I also own every Carenado plane; but i think we are a minority when it comes to buying FS9 addons.Any new comer to Flightsim is going to be using FSX. You can't even find FS9 in stores these days. So obviously when making addons, it makes sense to develop for FSX only. Nothing much we can do since companies like Carenado needs to make profit in order to stay alive. Developing for a 7 year old sim is probably not a wise decision financially.personally i just don't have the time to re-invest into FSX (even though i bought it). I'll stick to FS9 until the next FS comes out. In the mean time, I have enough addons to last me for years. And if i want some eye-candy, i'll boot up Wings of Prey or HAWX (i know...arcade games, but still visually stunning). -feng
  21. it's bound to happen one day i guess. FS9 is 7 years old after all. I'm just glad it happened at a time when we already have plenty of awesome addons for FS9. I'm 100% satisfied with my install and if no more add-ons are released from today forward, i'll be fine. Besides, there are too many other good games out there to be spending money on :)ironically, the last addon i bought was from Carenado. -feng
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