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About BillW

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    Happily retired.

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  1. I expect it everytime one of these people bail out. It just never is acceptable. We have too many employment lawyers. No cost seems too high to avoid going to court. Bill W
  2. And Calhoun will leave Boeing with a huge severance package. This reward for failure is obscene. Bill W
  3. We eventually become our parents.😁 Heard the same song and dance when I was a kid. Bill W
  4. I'm sick of Microsoft period. If it weren't for simming I would be on something else. Everytime they send an update something gets screwed up on my computer. Bill W
  5. Noel, don't withdraw too much. You still have a lot to offer and being around people will keep you sharp. It's true that our world has seen a lot of change and not all of it has been good. The next generation will have the same experience. They will in essence become us. It is a loop in humanity that will exist forever. All the best. Bill W.
  6. Be careful about applying common sense to anything like this these day.🤠 Bill W
  7. We are crossing our fingers. Possibility of clouds. Typical Texas weather. Seldom cooperates. Bill W
  8. We are in the perfect line in Horseshoe Bay, Tx. We are expecting many thousands of visitors here. Bill W
  9. These days I don't need an implant to stay up all night. Sadly!
  10. As an American I am sick to death of conspiracy theories being issued by every Tom, Dick and Harry that professes to being an insider or expert to the public. If there's anything to it I feel sure that the FBI or some other police group will check it out. They wear me out. Bill W
  11. I agree with the pilot. Their maintenance crews should be more alert. They need to understand the extent of corporate greed. Flying really stinks unless you are ready to pay the price. We recently flew to Scotland on an A380 with British Airways. We flew Premium Economy. Great flight to London. The flight to Edinburgh on an A320 was miserable. Even the seats in Premium Economy were so close you had to scrunch your legs in. Corporate greed abounds. Bill W
  12. It seems that history rewriters that want to apply their values to decades old events often don't present the whole story. History is what it is. It may not suit modern values, but that's how it was in the past. Leave it to be a learning opportunity.
  13. The profit motive has moved a lot of production to certain Asian nations that are not motivated by quality. Brand after brand in this country left quality behind in search of competitive prices long ago. A large portion of products now are junk. Appliances, auto parts....you name it. This attitude has taken over this country. Integrity and pride of production is a rare commodity.
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