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Everything posted by coldhoist

  1. How does the key generator work? It does nothing for me.
  2. This was with the Wilco E-175. It uses that same keystroke pattern for something else. I just deleted the function. I had this same problem years ago, but could not remember how to correct it. Problem solved. Thanks JP Shelton
  3. Never mind. Problem solved JP Shelton
  4. After hitting ctrl, shift, K, OTTO does not take control of the COMMS. What I am doing wrong? Bear with me. I have reinstalled RC4 after many years. Some things this old mind cannot remember. LOL JP Shelton
  5. After many years of use I had to reinstall win 7. I also had to reinstall the PMDG 737 NG. The install program ran perfectly, but there is a problem. The aircraft does not show up in the control panel installed program list and I cannot open the aircraft cfg. file, but it DOES show up in FS9. What happened? Idea ideas would be appreciated. JP Shelton
  6. SUCCESS! It took a while but, I finally got KEY to be accepted. All is good. Thanks JP Shelton
  7. I have uninstalled and reinstalled RC4 two times and copied the Key clean into its space, but I still get nothing. I will try to reregister again. Thanks JP Shelton.
  8. When I copy and paste my 32 digit registration number to its box, it does not do anything. The dialog box disappears after about five seconds, but nothing happens. What is the problem? JP Shelton
  9. I have been running resolution 1440 x 900 for the last 6 years. All of a sudden that resolution is not available. Is it time to replace my video card (8800 GT)? Thanks JP Shelton
  10. Must have been a gremlin. The problem seems to have cleared up on its on. All is well. Problem solved. Thanks JP Shelton
  11. Hello Captains: All of a sudden I cannot input a Cost Index on the flight plan INIT page. Every number that I input gives me a "NOT ALLOWED" error message. I have been flying the MD-11 many years and I have never had this problem before. I had just done a flight the day before, with no problems. What am I doing wrong, all of sudden? Thanks for your help. JP Shelton
  12. PMDG had stated that they have no intentions of re-opening the MD-11 project for any updates. They have stated that sales of the MD-11 do not warrant any further updates. Why is it that people do not understand what PMDG has said? They said NO UPDATES! Why keep beating a dead horse? I think you will be waiting a long time for any updates. Don't hold your breath.
  13. On the FMC, at the Progress screen, the DTG is always counting up and not counting down. As a result, it always tells me that I do not have enough fuel. How can I correct this? Thanks coldhoist
  14. How does it land? Their Super 80 had some kind of bug when landing. Seemed to always have a nose downward attitude that I could not correct, no matter what speed I set. Not a good experience The price that they are asking is more than I want to pay to try another of their products. I will wait for more reviews.
  15. Does anybody really think that Microsoft is concerned about flight simming? Flight simming is a niche market, I doubt that any company is getting rich in the simming market. Right now, Microsoft has its hand full with its new operating system(Windows 8) and its new tablet. Who really expects Microsoft to take its focus off these products and get involved with simming? Microsoft"s future is pegged on Win 8 and their tablet as well as their new Office producn not flight simming.. When they closed down ACES, that was an indication that they were not concerned about the flight sim niche. Like someone said, it will take a new company with deep pockets to step in and either rework FSX or come up with a new sim. I do not see either of these happening. It is all about money in business and not many company see flight simming as a money making venture. We are going to have to be satisfied with what were have now(FS9 and FSX for a long time to come.
  16. From what I have been reading about Windows 8, nobody is going to see much gain from running FS2004 on Win 8. Will need to rememember that FS9 and FSX are really old platforms. There is only so much that can be gotten out of them. If you are running XP, your best bet would be a move to Win 7, 64bit. Wait until Win 8 as been well tested, before you even consider moving to it. Like others have said, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Don't open up a can of unneeded trouble.
  17. Jd you jogged my memory. I recalled that there was something in the aircraft configuration setup that did in fact use ctrl+shift+k. I deleted that and now all is good. ThanksJames Shelton
  18. Just to add a correction. The same problem does exist in FS9 also. Is this a plane that will not work with RC4. It worked with Vista 32 bit.james shelton
  19. I am flying the Wilco E175/E195 in FSX, Win 7 64bit. No matter how i try, Otto will not handle the comms. Ctr+Sht+k does nothing. This is strange because I use the same plane in FS9 and do not have this problem. This is also the only plane that I have this problem with. I have been using RC4 forever and have never seen this problem before.Is this a problem with the Wilco E175/E195 or a problem with RC4?James Shelton
  20. I did a repair and now the MD-11 loads fine. All is goodJames Shelton
  21. I just upgraded to Win 7 64bit. I installed the MD-11 and MD-11F. Now when I start FSX and try to load the MD-11, FSX just hangs and does not respond. I have to do a hard re-boot to recover the computer.Any ideas as to what is causing this?ThanksJPS
  22. My verdict: Crap, Garbage! Really did not spend a lot of time with this because of my first impressions.What was the point of this aircraft? This is not very realistic. The FMC is a joke.Thanks, but no thanks. I'll keep using the Jon Brown merge for FS9
  23. coldhoist


    I run both FS9 and FSX. I am really most satisfied with FS9. I just like the way it looks. It looks much more realistic and less cartoon like than FSX. I have both sims tricked out with add ons, but FS9 wins hands down. I am even thinking about taking FSX off my hard drive.
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