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About Arklight1

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    Cat Herder

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  1. No, they actually have a few real Lear 35 pilots. You can speak to them in their Discord.
  2. Has anybody else noticed the pilot figures sit extremely high in the 3D model? It looks like their eye level is actually above the windshield.
  3. A bunch of responses in this thread are a real facepalm. It doesn't matter if the minority here will pay for an upgrade if it isn't feasible for the dev team. They have said why. Time for everybody to move on and stop harping on the issue (which isn't an actual issue). Most 3rd party groups aren't supporting v6, why do you prople that is? Because 3rd party devs hate money? Spoiler Alert: Probably not.
  4. How so? Performance is absolutely terrible and it appears none of the main FS devs are updating their payware for the new game. Am I missing something? So far I'm colored underwhelmed. 😞
  5. Performance seems really.........................terrible.
  6. Yeah, doesn't really look all that much different and that was 3 yrs ago. Really underwhelmed by the announcement. Ugh..
  7. That v6 announcement video is one of the most underwhelming videos I've seen in a while.
  8. Just Flight - Black Square - Velocity XL Looks pretty good. Anybody try it yet?
  9. Hopefully these work... https://ibb.co/PFXGh9h https://ibb.co/ctj3CgG https://ibb.co/Dk9NFNH
  10. That was in overcast conditions, not direct light or dim light. How do you post pics here? *EDIT* None of my pics upload and I have multiple showing this problem now.
  11. The streams I saw focused on the cockpit/efb mainly. Not many spent time on the externals. Maybe thats why? lol
  12. From the pics I saw, it looks like the radome does not align properly with the fuselage body...so there is an edge that sticks out around the nose. I can take some pics when I am ingame and check it out. For as much work as the put into things like rotating brake fans, Im sort of surprised the nose looks that bad. I hope they fix it.
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