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Everything posted by Rocky_53

  1. I've dipped in and out of using DLSS/DLAA with DX12, and never really stuck with it, mainly because of the odd shimmering around the inside of the windshield and the smearing of the digits on the PFD and ND etc.in the PMDG 738. However, I followed to the letter, information in a YT video that was part of a thread elsewhere on the forum and have been really impressed with the results. I've seen a small increase in performance by using DLSS with DLAA, certainly worth having, but mostly a big increase in quality. I've been plagued forever with the jaggies and aliasing when using TAA, so it has come as a breath of fresh air. However, the shimmering around the inside of the windshield and smearing of digits on the displays, still remains in the PMDG 738. I remember some time ago about this anomoly being talked about on the forum and there was some suggestion from PMDG that the issue could be addressed. I'm resigned to 'live with' the anomoly but I'm wondering if anyone here knows of a way of eradicating the issue or if indeed have heard of it being addressed in some update. I'm interested in hearing fellow simmers' thoughts on this.
  2. $30 a month????? Hmm, I may be in a minority, but it doesn't matter how good it is, I won't be paying anything close to that.
  3. Hmm, well, this is a first for me. The whole sim just crashed half way through a flight. Never had that before. Dunno if it's anything to do with what others are experiencing.
  4. Ha ha, indeed Bob! It took me all afternoon to get thimgs working again. I 'fiddled' with so many things, I'm unsure which bit worked!
  5. It looks like I may have it back. I wish I could help others to understand what the problem is, but I've updated the Xbox app and logged out and back into my accounts, reinstalled a backup from January, updated Win10 and after a few button clciks it seems to be OK.
  6. Wow, what a great afternoon I've had. First MS would crash and wouldn't start, then reinsrtalled a backup, now I can't get into MS because Xbox app won't update. Oh, delightful, now I click on the MSFS icon to try and start and it opens up the MS store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Ah, thought I'd hit a wall at some point! Just tried loading MS and the sim crashed. It's impossible for me to get anywhere after getting an error message saying this game has crashed Error code: (0xc0000005) I've updated Xbox game bar and MS store, exited accounts and restarted and still no joy. Really miffed about this. Is anyone else experiencing this? Anyone have any ideas? EDIT: Hmm, dunno what's gone oing on, but now I can't even do a Win10 update. EDIT: Just done a system restore. Still no joy
  8. I haven't flown for a week, so it looks like I will have lots to look forward to!
  9. Thanks for the feedback fellas.I think I'll use the default scenery for the time being. Cheers.
  10. Hi matey, sure, I don't have the scenery, hence the reason for my question.
  11. I'm hoping someone can clarify something for me. When RD Preset released Gibraltar, I was disappointed with the rendition of The Rock, as for me, personally, I thought it looked like a bowl of mashed potato! However, having seen some recent videos and screenshots of the same scenery, it now looks very different and more like what I would expect. I'm wondering if the devs have redesigned The Rock. Can anyone confirm my thoughts, thanks. Personally, I think this looks awful...
  12. Hi Keith. I've been unsuccessful over at SimOuthouse, the originator of the B24 is reluctant to let me have the model for good reasons he explained to me. I don't have the FSX version either sadly. It was just an idea I had that would have helped out this history society that is putting together a short web video of a memorial of the crashing of a B24 on the Mendip hills in WW2. I thought it would be cool to reconstruct the flight for them. Thanks for the suggestion though. Cheers. EDIT: Just wondering if there is a free version that is reasonable that I could find somewhere and get it ported?
  13. Yup, I thought it was just me. Darn annoying. The filters are still there, but at a value I didn't save!
  14. Thanks Paul, much appreciated. I'll follow your lead. Cheers.
  15. I'm hoping someone out there may be able to help. I'm adding some drone shots to a short video that someone is making about the crash of a US B24 J Liberator, that came down on the Mendips, in Somerset, during WW2. It's only for a historical society's website, but I wanted to offer some help to them. In addition, I thought it could be fun if I could grab some video footage of the actual flight path in the sim, if I could get a B24 on FlightSim.to, but sadly I can't find anything. Is there anyone who could offer a suggestion? Perhaps someone who has ported over a model from P3d or FSX at some time which isn't available publicly? It's only a thought, but any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  16. Here's a stream on YT by FilbertFlies where at the end of the stream he compares the two. Interesting, it seems there are pros and cons for each, but overall I think the MK version has the edge. The comarisons start at 2:41:00
  17. Ah yes, sure, they look pretty poor to be fair.
  18. Hey, I've removed the GSX profile and while it has cure dthe floating VDGS anomoly, it has not made any difference whatsoever to the sinking jetways or connection. Very odd to see you have removed the problem and I haven't???
  19. Wow, that's great! I think I do have a LVFR GSX profile, sounds like that was the problem, which confuses me, but hey, what do I know, I'm not a dev. Nice find. I'll check it out. Cheers. EDIT: Hmm, while removing the profile has sorted out the VDGS anomoly, the jetways are still sinking right through the ground!
  20. You'll have to get a move on, I'm just approaching TOD
  21. Your welcome Darryl. I'm surprised yoy mention low resolution ground textures though, as that was one aspect of the scenery that I thought was great! Or are you talking about the grass photo imagery between the runways and taxiways?
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