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  1. you are not understanding what Skyforce does...the night ambience, lighting and moon has changed dramatically..plus what PTA brings to the table it changes the environment.
  2. Im sorry for all the haters out there but this shot right here is money for me...here it is a FL300 down in southamerica, might as well add this is with P3dv3, PTA and OPUS as weather engine... right on the spot...plus the night time flying is a whole different beast now! http://
  3. So it is amazing!! but does installing SKYFORCE mean i can delete TEXTURE DIRECT+SOFTCLOUDS OR DO THEY HAVE TO BE TOGETHER...just from a saving disk space point of view...
  4. flying vatsim on a non controlled network is worse than default atc...i might think of it as the loneliest flight ever...I prefer my AI 40x than lonely vatsim...
  5. its a proper assumption...you do the math...6yrs for a fsx release...32bit one...im guessing all those .DLL's have to be changed...just saying...it will just refresh the FSX p3d v3 users who were expecting this for a long time...after all the planes are v4 compliant...then probably everyone will jump...this just reinforces my theory that it was a sound decision to keep p3dv3 a little longer...
  6. i think if it works in fsx it will work in P3D v3...i just hope...P3D V4 will probably take about 6 months...given the fact that they have to rebuild the plane from scratch for 64 bit... it will keep my p3d v 3 up to date until the Aerosoft buses, and FSL come out for v4 then the jump.
  7. Well i also play ARMA3 on steam and their workshop/download section for mods is fantastic and thats what AI should migrate too...problem is trying to consolidate every model/owner with every different repaint/painter for each model and coordinate such a massive effort...some modellers arent even in the community anymore... However that being said...you just need to compile each airline once...and whenever a new repaint/model or say optimized model comes out, update the airlines accordingly with AIFP. i have at least 500 different fltplans for the entire world and whenever a new paint comes out it takes me 15 mins to get them flying...i probably update this on a daily basis if something new and shiny comes out...but thats just because im picky and i want the latest and the greatest...guess if i have to wait for someone to do that for me ughh...thats what got me into repainting...i couldnt wait to get a fleet in my sim which in turn led me to repaint them by myself...and now i see many users worldwide using them as well... im sure it would be ideal to have it the way you are presenting it but it would entail such a massive effort im willing to bet it would have to stop being freeware, and having to cut the pie into all of the modelers/repainters/fltplaners would be more difficult to accomplish... my 2cts
  8. 1. Socialism is dead...best interests of well anybody... 2. let say you made a freeware project...and 2 days later you see your own project in the web and some selling thousands of copies for just 1 dollar each download...let see how you feel about copyright then...
  9. Well im one of the many repainters out there and believe me...we dont do it for you...we do it for us and you just tag along if you want...one thing that cannot be permitted is some users packing all our work and selling them for a fee...that is not right... cheers
  10. This guy is one of the situations I predicted where the day one frenzy would just hit a roadblock whenever addons where released for v4...he just thought 64 bit would resolve his issues... as Rob said: "If you compare Apples to Apples, V4 performs about 15-20% better than V3. So 15 FPS in V3 with 15-20% improvement is 17-18 FPS in V4 ... not going to be very noticeable when your base FPS is already very low. So not sure what your expectations were/are" you just have to administer graphics in v4 so as to match v3 and start from there...people just tend to go extreme on the simulator and then start ranting...its really annoying
  11. Wow if you have to go through all that just to get it to work why not just wait till everything is sorted out...sometimes people are just...sometimes... "guys guys you just have to disable the keyboard and the joystick to get it to work...and with no addons omg its smooth as silk" 4 months later these are the same people complaining that they installed addons and now the sim is not as sttutter free as it was...
  12. according to initial results...you would need to wait till the 2080 comes out...so you can really crank up the values...its just not about RAM OOM's anymore but VRAM OOM's according to what ive seen vanilla v4 being pushed to the limits...if you just start filling everything up with your 4096 textures those 1080 will burn in flames...lol... people need to understand the term "compromise"
  13. so now its not an memory bound OOM but a VRAM OOM...lol...im waiting for next gen PC's and GPU's before spilling my money on this...3.4 works fine for now
  14. Wow really nice effects! i concur you nailed it lol...well send those effects my way aamontoy @ gmail . com obviously without the spaces...i will surely appreciate em... cheers and keep up that good work! cheers Alfredo
  15. Hey Gamer19 nice shots!! im looking for a sunglow and flare that reflects what you have...i cant by all means get to show like that on my pC...the only thing i see is a white yellowish orb but no shine, glow...would you mind helping me out get that exact effect...im using URP 1.1 Suneffect thx cheers Alfredo
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