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Daniel choen

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Everything posted by Daniel choen

  1. yes, i do use the NGX pushback option, and i even been into the cockpit when the did it but didn't pay attention, so now i am breaking my had trying to remember how it's done, thanks.
  2. but if you push to talk, won't it talk to the ATC to?
  3. you should use LNAV and VNAV if notת lvl change and HDG.acceleration height, you can see i did a post not long a go called, reduction vs acceleration height.
  4. thhanks! so basically i don't need to press anything in real life?
  5. Hey,I know i have been to the 737 cockpit, but i missed the pusback procedures.just wondered, how do you talk with the ground, i mean you put the interphone on, but then what do you need to do to talk to them?thanks( :
  6. never mind, just wanted to hear everyone's thought's, why to be angry about it?(:
  7. http://upload.wikime...-800_Bakema.jpgHere's what i am looking for, thanks
  8. i'll tell you what, actually you'r possibly right, but, the same people who you wanted to visit your post won't visit if it'll be in the pmdg general forum, that what i think(:
  9. Hello,i really like Tuifly.com, and only found the yellow one's, someone know, where i can get the 700 series in the blue livery?BTW for those of you who ###### due to the stupid question, please enjoy this beautiful video!:
  10. May I ask, where can i get all of these liveries, it looks awesome!
  11. is that at vatsim? UK? i think i was in that frequency! LOL... are you british?
  12. now that you'r saying the 757, i totally forgot him, i have to get him, and the 777 PMDG quality and i will shut my mouse for the next 2 years, please please please. amen!
  13. Hey, i am assuming you'r flying in the US, in the US the altimeter change at FL180 like you describe, so basically you needed to change it before reached or at reaching FL180, so it's ok it's not a problem, as for the 1000, never noticed it, but you didn't do something wrong , you can't do something wrong, if you set it correctly to the pressure. regards William.and like Johan said, you should look what you put in the perf page.
  14. it's possible to arm the LNAV if you'r 5 miles from the first waypoint, or something like that, so it's possible that you did not select the correct departure route.and for the autopilot procedures, after you arm the VNAV the plane will reach to the acceleration height and then it'll start to accelerate, if the plane is flying on VNAV it'll do all automatically, just don't forget to set the mcp altitude and it'll automatically reach to the altitude according to the route that you selected. cheers, BTW of some one can explain it better then me please do it, as i am not the best at explanations. LOL..
  15. acutally autopilot can be engaged at 800ft, Lnav at 400ft,.
  16. 1. RTO takeoff will occur at 90 and above not above V1!! v1 is the latest time you can perform a RTO (from real pilot resource)2.i have no Idea as i am not using fsbuild.3. you should put the V2 speed as someone else mentioned this will automatically will increase to V2+20, i highly recommend the TOPcat for calculation, i recently bought it, and it's one amazing program!4.depends, are you flying online?5.as someone else mentioned at avsimhave a great time with the beauty!
  17. we will probably won't see any airbus at the near future time, it's sucks.
  18. Hellos fallows,which airplane would you like to see full simulate in fsx? i would like to see the A340-300.
  19. when i hit to/ga at manual handfly it won't engage the to/ga...
  20. 1.777-200LR2.777-300ER3.777-200ER4.777-3005.777-200LOL, i love this plane!
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