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Daniel choen

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Everything posted by Daniel choen

  1. just do the before startup checklist, you will never forget it on closed again.
  2. I don't know what you'r talking about, i just didn't understand the question, i will be more then a glad to help, i am sorry of it's look like i tried to teased or provoke him.
  3. It's funny, i actually get better FPS then you with a far cheaper computer with the same addon's. something isn't right, you have a Nasa computer.
  4. I did not understand what you are trying to ask? in An aged aircraft somethings are not working? i don't think so, but maybe someone else understood and can help you cheers.
  5. yes, it's actually great! one thing i always noticed at fsx is that the colors are way more bright then the rael one LOL, thanks again nice sir, happy valentine!
  6. thank you very much, you don't have to apologize, it's the valentine day in here to, so have a great one and thanks very much.BTW have noticed that the livery from PMDG web has 146 PAX instead of 148 in the real one?
  7. i wish the deal was so easy, all the calculations are not accurate, before that it was very accurate, before i did a clean uninstall of fsx and lost the previous registration, thanks.
  8. yes, as i am using topcat i have this registration for easy virtual, and it has 148 pax and the one that at the PMDG web is 146 and the registration is different.i can't get the registration from pmdg be accurate, but the old one, very accurate so if some one knows where i can get it it will be nice(: thanks and sorry for the big mess.
  9. I know, i am sorry US but i have to get it LOL(:
  10. about that, where can i get easy jet G-EZKC it's very important, thanks.
  11. thanks for encouraging, and thank you, good luck mate!
  12. good good, so as An ATPL student, would you say that fsx is helping you with your career? and would you say that it's worth the risk? wish you all luck mate!
  13. great, it's always nice to hear from you, thank you sir(:
  14. do you mean that the GPU needs to be available but not connected?
  15. not true according to the fact, let's take my previous flight, the take off thrust was 84.4% but after the acceleration at the climb thrust it increased to 90.0%.BTW the reduction has to be after the acceleration height, true? thanks again
  16. thank you, but i don't get it why is the throttle decrease if the thrust for take off let's say 83.3% so will it decrease to a lower thrust?
  17. Hey,can some one please explain me the two? i am not sure, i read about it but didn't entirely understand.reduction is when the flaps will retracted?and acceleration height is when the auto pilot will leave the v2+10 and begin to accelerate?thanks.
  18. can you confirm that in real life when you'r come in to the cockpit the ground power is connected? or not connected?
  19. Oh, and Andrea, can you confirm that when i load this panel state, c and d the fmc isn't working? so how do i connect the ground power without the FMC working, and again thank you very much, your work is absolutely appreciated!(:
  20. is it just me, or you are awesome, thanks mate!!, BTW how it's called, so we can all know in case we'll want it?
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