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Everything posted by ZiMi

  1. If you are using PFPX, it should give you a maximum diversion distance. Divide that number by 3.45 (207/60) if youre using ETOPS 207 and thats gonna give you the range you should use in the fix page.
  2. LPV (localizer performance with vertical guidance) approaches utilizing the Wide Area Augmentation System are designed to be used for CAT IIIC autolands in the future and are completely independent of any ground equipment. The measured accuracy of a WAAS GPS system is less than 1m vertically and horizontally if I'm not wrong. I know Flight1 simulates WAAS approaches in a few of their planes, but i dont think any of them have autoland.
  3. PFPX has its own built in ETOPS calculation implementation. You can edit it in the aircraft editor, ETOPS tab. PFPX uses 422kts for the 777-200LR.Now, I dont have the PMDG 777,but There should be a table in one of the manuals, probably the FCOM performance inflight section, called "Engine Inop Long Range cruise Control" that gives you the best speed and flight level for a given weight in the case on an engine failure. You can use PFPX to estimate your weight at the Equal Time Point and use that with the chart for a more precise E/O speed. The manual should also include a similar chart for a gear down scenario, and for an inoperative engine+gear down scenario.
  4. you can get a cabin view by switching to the wing view and using CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER and CTRL+SHIFT+BACKSPACE to move the eyepoint left and right, and SHIFT+ENTER and SHIFT+BACKSPACE to move it up and down. If I'm not wrong CTRl+BACKSPACE/ENTER also moves you forward and back. Yoav Zimron
  5. I had a similar problem with FsBuild.. Are you running it as admin? You can also use simroutes to build a flightplan and export it to PMDG .RTE format
  6. noticed something in the beginning: Isn't 2.1 tons pretty low for reserves ? considering that the weather in Oslo was bad enough to require a CATIII and there was a higher than usual chance of diversion/hold/GA
  7. Hey Alexis, I have a similar problem. Try resizing the CDU ( or any other display, for me it's really bothering with the pedestal) window and making it a little wider or longer untill the blurring disappears. worked for me. Yoav
  8. Today i was wondering around the 737 Technical Site systems section and came across a few methods to transfer hydraulic fluid between the hydraulic systems in the NG. I had some doubts whether this will be simulated in the NGX, and i immediately proceeded to try it out..... and IT WORKS ! I tried the second and third methods and they work down to the line. here's how it looks after about 4 cycles try it out ! Thank you, PMDG, for creating such an accurate simulation !
  9. So i take the -800 on the KRNO - KLAS route a lot, simulating different conditions each time. As we are all aware, VNAV is giving a hard time on descent, and usually i find myself forced to use LVL CHG to achieve 16000 and 250KTS at FUZZY on the SUNST2 arrival. The other day I was flying the exact same route as i always do with real world weather, but this time i checked the "download winds aloft data with real-world weather" box in the DISPLAY->WEATHER settings just to see what it does. I didn't input any winds aloft data to the FMC, and i was getting a steady 50 knot tailwind for the majority of the flight. This time, on descent, VNAV worked perfectly ! descended smoothly out of cruise without too many changes in V/S, got me exactly at 16,000 and 250KTS at FUZZY, and I didn't need to switch to LVL CHG up until i was at CHIPZ. So can anyone think why a 50 knot tailwind straightened up VNAV and made it fly right ? my instinct says it should only tamper with the descent, considering the fact that the FMC didn't account for the wind in calculating TOD since I didn't make any wind inputs..
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