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About RynardtSpies

  • Birthday 12/24/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Computers, Technology, Flight Sim, Aviation, Formula One, Private Pilot

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  • Virtual Airlines

About Me

  • About Me
    Private Pilot and Sim Builder
  1. Hi, Just a word of caution for those planning on flying into Runway 26 for Tel Aviv (LLBG), using the default scenery for FSX. There is a radio mast right next to the runway, almost on the runway border. I've just clipped it with my left wing after a 4.5hrs flight and a perfect touchdown. Even with the 777 bang on the centreline, the wing will not clear the mast. All I can say at the moment is that I'm not in a happy place right now. I'll either have to get add-on scenery to replace the default LLBG with or I'll have to edit the airport and move the mast myself. Regards,
  2. Hi, Just a word of caution for those planning on flying into Runway 26 for Tel Aviv (LLBG), using the default scenery for FSX. There is a radio mast right next to the runway, almost on the runway border. I've just clipped it with my left wing after a 4.5hrs flight and a perfect touchdown. Even with the 777 bang on the centreline, the wing will not clear the mast. All I can say at the moment is that I'm not in a happy place right now. I'll either have to get add-on scenery to replace the default LLBG with or I'll have to edit the airport and move the mast myself. Regards,
  3. Hi, I've rebuilt my simulator PC over the weekend and have got it running line a dream now. Up until this point I've not had many issues, in fact no issues other than what is described in the issue tracking thread. However, whilst planning an arrival into London Heathrow, I managed to crash FSX to the desktop. I restarted and performed the same steps and it crashed again. I then did it a third time to be sure that I can reproduce the issue. I was wondering if the issue is only isolated to my sim or if it's a bug? Can someone please test this and let me know the results? This is how I managed to get the CTD and how I am also able to reproduce the CDT on my sim. 1. Program the arrival into the FMC without pressing EXEC afterwards. 2. Switch to the LEGS page of the FMC 3. Switch to MAP view 4. Switch the LWR CTR display to NAV 5. Crash Is it only on my sim that this is happening? Thanks Rynardt Never mind, I just saw this has been added to the issue tracking thread...
  4. Tried this and it also seemed to have crashed at first, but when I switched to Window mode from full screen mode, the license key was displayed in a dialog box, not the FMC. I closed the dialog and switched back to FSX and continued the flight. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  5. Not my best attempt at landing a plane. Wasn't happy at all with the final app and landing. Touchdown @ 150fpm. Not good enough. Nose gear also came down way too hard. Then again, any landing you can walk away from is a good landing I guess.
  6. That is good news. I think my PC is asking for a rebuild anyway. EZdok dialogs take forever to close as well I see. Something is wrong, so a clean rebuild is on the cards. Thanks for letting me know it works for you. Fills me with hope. May I ask, how frequently is the autosave set to you your system? Rgds,
  7. Hi, I've had to disable autosave in FSUIPC as it takes around 5 - 10 seconds to do the save. I first set autosave to 120seconds, but to have the sim freeze for 5 - 10 seconds every two minutes is just not going to fly with me. Has anyone managed to get better results than a long pause, or is it just one of those things well have to put up with? Rynardt
  8. No I guess you don't. The only reason I have everything going through FSUIPC is because back when the NGX came out, I had all sorts of controller issues using FSX inputs. Sending them all through FSUIPC sorted the issues for the NGX. When I installed the 777, it all still just worked without me actually having to change anything, and as it's not broken on my system, I thought it would be wise not to try and fix it :lol:
  9. HI Tim, I believe I had an issue very similar to your's yesterday myself. What's the FMC speeds showing as on the LEGS page? See the thread here for a description and short video of my issue. Also. in the end it was caused by a VROUTE imported flight plan. Not sure if your issue is related, but I thought it's worth a try responding, so just throwing it out there. Regards Rynardt
  10. I've had that spray/smoke thing happen to me with several other aircraft as well. I think it's just one of those annoying glitches within FSX. Rynardt
  11. I am currently livestreaming my 777 flight from London Heathrow to Bahrain. I wrote a small C++ program to export simulation variables to XML, which I then read from an external machine using XSplit and an AVermedia Live Gamer Portable to display on the lower third banner. Works sweet. For those interested in checking it out, here's the link: http://bit.ly/1aeYLl2 Regards, Rynardt
  12. Assign a key or yoke button to A/P Disengage in the CDU. Press the button twice with each press being at least 1.5 seconds apart. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  13. I use the yoke with FSUIPC (everything goes through FSUIPC) and all works fine. I still don't understand why PMDG recommends to not calibrate through FSUIPC. Then again, I could just be the lucky one for a change. Rynardt Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  14. RTFM! Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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