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Everything posted by Arndt777

  1. Thank you, gbobb! I followed your advice, and so far my GoFlight modules are working in MSFS 2020. For me, this is a huge step forward. With P3D 5.1 and 5.2, I never had any problem.
  2. It seems, that my installation is fine: I wasn't aware of the fact, that LINDA should run in parallel to the Sim. If LINDA is running in parallel to P3Dv5, then the programmed device is working fine. Great! Arndt
  3. I am completely new to LINDA, so sorry for my newbie questions ... As my sim is P3Dv5, I have downloaded and installed LINDA_3_2_6_1111. Because I would like to use LINDA with my FSLabs a320, I additionally downloaded FSLabs_A3xx_v1_5. I have installed LINDA_3_2_6_1111 into my FSCUIPC 6.0.10 installation at c:/users/{yourname}/documents/prepar3d v5 add-ons/FSUIPC6, as recommended. And then I installed the FSLabs_A3xx_v1_5 module into LINDA folders. My questions Do I have to install additionally the Lua_Plugins_200518 package from Pete Dowson for FSUIPC (it is from 2011)? Do I have to do anything at FSUIPC to enable its cooperation with LINDA? Do I have to copy anything from my FSUIPC/LINDA folder on drive 😄 into my P3Dv5 installation on drive D:? Right now, there is no modules folder, no FSUIPC and no LINDA file. in the root directory of P3Dv5. I am asking this, because I was able to program a device with LINDA, but then pressing any button on the device is ignored by the sim. Arndt
  4. Yes. But I realized, that it is also possible to select "modify" in the installer dialog. Then you are asked in the next step, whether installation shall be in P3Dv4 or P3Dv5. I selected P3Dv5, and this worked fine for me, So I now have the NGXu both in P3Dv4 and P3Dv5.
  5. I have already installed the PMDG NGXu in P3Dv4.5. Now I would like to install it additionally into P3Dv5. How can I do this? The installer is offering me modify, repair and delete as install options, I think this is referring to my existing P3Dv4.5 installation. But I cannot select P3Dv5. How can I proceed?
  6. Thank you, Gerald! I did this, but there was no improvement. It seems that there is some problem in the communication between MCE and ChasePlane. But otherwise MCE is working great!
  7. The speech commands are: Pilot View, Left Panel, Right Panel, Overhead Panel, Radio Panel, Fuel Panel, Landing View, Top Down View, Rear View, View Left, View Right, Left Side View, Right Side View. I have created a special Voxkey profile. The different views have been created with ChasePlane. When I am using one of my GoFlight modules and press the keys, then there is always an immediately a reaction to all keys. If I am using MCE, then with approx. 30 % of the commands I have problems.
  8. Crtl + Shift + A Ctrl + Shift + B ........ Ctrl + Shift + P Arndt Laube
  9. In the meantime I tested with several other aircraft, including PMDG 737 NGX. There is always the same problem.
  10. My sim is Prepar3D v4. The airplanes are A2A Bonanza and Comanche. I have defined a few view commands with Voxkey, and I would like to control these views by voice. For example: view overhead panel, view radio panel, ... It works in 70 % of all cases, but then there are also cases, there I have to repeat and repeat ... Arndt Laube
  11. I have installed MCE following the valuable hints in this forum. The speech recognition is excellent. So far every command is understood, as I always can follow up in the top left corner of the main screen. Unfortunately my commands sometimes are not translated into action. And so I have to repeat some commands up to five times. What can I do to improve this situation? Arndt Laube
  12. This company from Poland is offering via Simmarket cockpit hardware for 737 NGX and A320. Is there anybody who has ordered from this company already? If yes, I would be interested in any feedback. I am interested to buy some of their stuff, but I want to be sure ... Regards Arndt
  13. Hello, the OP shows me 1.20.8389 as the current version and 1.20.8885 as the newest version. I tried the update several times, but it does not work. At least OP still is showing 1.20.8389 as the current version. Is there a fix for this? Regards Arndt Laube
  14. I am using the 737NGX virtual cockpit as main view on a monitor with 3440x1440 resolution. At the same time I am displaying the FW Overhead Panel on a monitor with 1920X1920 resolution and the AFT Overhead Panel on a monitor with 1920x1080 resolution. If I use the panels from Views/New View/Cockpit for the FW and AFT Overhead Panels, then the quality of the panels is great and they fit optimally with the specific monitor resolution. But the downside is the huge decrease in fps. There is nearly no decrease in fps, when I use the panels from Vehicles/Instrument Panels. But unfortunately here the Forward Overhead Panel does not fit with the resolution of my 1920X1920 monitor and is displayed distorted. It seems that a monitor in the 16:9 or 21:9 format is requested. Does anyone know, how to adopt the FW Overhead Panel from Vehicles/Overhead Panels to the resolution of my 1920X1920 monitor. I already looked for an option in the panel.cfg. But in the panel.cfg, I only found options for the panels from Views/New View/Cockpit. Kind regards Arndt Laube
  15. I have more or less the same configuration, and more or less the same question! I suppose, that adding a second monitor will reduce performance to some degree. Would it reduce the gap in performance, if I install a second graphic card (perhaps a GTX 1060) for the second monitor? Regards Arndt
  16. Should I look for addon airplanes, sceneries, utilities as potential cause for this ongoing CTDs? Or are non flightsim programs the cause? The potential reasons seem to be endless. Where to start?
  17. Are there any new findings? I am constantly getting the typ of CTD. And I have no clue regarding the potential reason? If this is going on, I have to give up and uninstall P3D. Other wise I am wasting more and more time. Regards Arndt
  18. Since I have installed Chaseplane in the beginning of this year, I am getting CTDs of P3Dv4 more often when in the past. If I then go to the event viewer, it is reporting a crash of Framework v4.0.30319, followed by a crash of terrain.dll, panel.dll or atc.dll. So far I didn't found a solution for these CTDs. Could this be in connection with Chaseplane? Is Chaseplane requiring Framework v4.0.30319? Would Chaseplane work without Framework Framework v4.0.30319? Regards, Arndt
  19. Sorry, I forgot to mention that I am on P3D v4.2 and Windows 10. Recently I got several CTDs. They seem to be in relation with .Net Framework problems, but once a crash of panels.dll was reported too. So far, I started the sim via SIMstarter NG. I had chosen in SIMstarter NG mostly my beloved Realair Beech Duke B60, an airport and a parking ground. As this configuration might cause problems, in future I intend to start with the default flight selected. The default flight of Prepar3D is with the F22 Raptor from Aglin AFB. My question was: Should I start with the default flight until the scenario screen only, and then should select a different plane and airport? Or should I load the default flight fully, and then select a different plane ans airport? Arndt
  20. What does "loading a default aircraft first" really mean? Loading a default aircraft, until the scenario screen is showing up? And then adjust aircraft, airport, etc. on the scenario screen. Or: Loading a flight with a default aircraft, and then change to an addon aircraft? And: Is the airport important? Do we have to load a flight with the complete default flight? Kind regards Arndt
  21. Now MCE is stable working, and voice recognition is no problem anymore. The solution was to uninstall the Realtek drivers. Thank you, Gerald!
  22. I uninstalled the Realtek drivers, and now it seems to work. I will test this over a longer time.
  23. My devices are correctly recognized. I checked that. I have a headset with 3 mm jacks and an USB adapter. So far, I have used the USB adapter and plugged it on the front. Now I tested with plugging the jack into the back. But still the same: At speech training it is working, but not in game. Yes, I have a Realtek audio device.
  24. Although I followed all the recommendations above, MCE doesn't hear/understand me. During setup process, I was able to perform the speech training. But at step 9, I didn't got a response. And with flightsim started, I don't get any response/reaction too. My flightsim is P3Dv4. Could this be a problem with fsinsider64.dll? What can I do?
  25. I have created a custom checklist for the RealAir Duke. When starting MCE, I am getting following Message: "Missing separator (--) at line 21 ..." I am sure that there isn't any missing separator. Regarding line 21: is this refering to checklist item no. 21, or to the line 21 in the txt doc. What can I do? Kind regards Arndt
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