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About pilatuz

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  1. AAO is an excellent program and when you're used to it it only gets more powerful for whatever application you are asking of it. The developer Lorby is one of the best developers when it comes to personally helping with any item you might be having trouble with. I highly recommend it and see a great future for the program with 2024.
  2. Thank you so much! I will tinker around with these settings!
  3. Hello! I'm thrilled to have my Behringer X-Touch mini 99% set up with the 777, lights and all. But I'm trying to configure the main slider control to activate and increase reverse thrust and I just cannot figure it out.. This is what I'm trying to achieve: Normal throttle control is on "bank A" and works fine with the slider control. I want to be able to switch to "bank B" and give the slider control of the reversers, push up to activate/increase reverse thrust, then when pulled down to "0" it cancels reverse thrust i.e. "F1 effect" only when it's at 0. I just can't seem to figure out the right combination to do this. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? As always, this is my favorite addon in the sim, fantastic job. P
  4. Dang it well it seemed like a cool thing for them to do anyway hahaha
  5. 1257 why doesn't anyone believe me lol
  6. I'm telling you guys, 12:57pm Las Vegas time (PMDG headquarters) that's 777 minutes into their work day, only seems right!
  7. It will be released at 12:57pm Pacific US. That is exactly 777 minutes into the day..
  8. Excited to be able to move around the CJ4 cabin, amongst other things
  9. I also utilize the 'long click, 1000ms' function for many off items, as it allows me to really think about what I'm turning off in case I'm about to make a mistake, ie autopilot needs a long click for off, as does run switches etc. Labeled with a small square next to the item on the xtouch overlay helps to remind which function requires it.
  10. I'm on my 3rd flight in Europe, going between some towered/non towered fields and so far I love this program. It's such a clean easy to use interface, and the potential of it is exactly what I've been hoping for ever since being disappointed by ASOBO in 2020. I love the voices and accents it's pretty spot on and believable. Looking forward to the AI traffic someday as right now it's very lonely up there with just me getting controlled. So far no issues or weird handling of my flight etc but I'm sure eventually I'll see a hiccup, but that's a given for something in development. I would like to see emergency options, obviously the ability to request different runways/approaches (although everything I've been assigned so far is what I've wanted), and weather deviation requests. But it's obvious the dev's are going to keep this thing future proof. Highly recommend.
  11. All I can say is PMDG is starting to consistently bring smiles to their competitor's faces.
  12. Anyone else using a ds4 or Xbox controller with their PC and the 737? Is the rudder/taxi steering really odd to you as well?
  13. Seriously. GFO was the most frustrating thing I let myself get excited for from PMDG.. definitely learned to take RSRs updates with a grain of sea salt.
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