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About lupedelupe

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  1. Request for those happy customers with the SWS PC-12: please post a screenshot of your controller curves (yoke and rudder).
  2. I like the SWS in many ways, but the yawing is hopelessly unrealistic. Some folks seem to have this problem (like I do), some not. That in itself is alarming (and yes I have spent more time building and crafting controller profiles for this than flying the darned thing). Carenado for hop in and quick flight. SWS for slow and careful startup and taxi to threshold, then quit the flight and go fly something else. 😆
  3. Er … Seb is French (like the rest of Asobo), no? My current grip with Microsoft is the woeful bandwidth they allocate to my region. Speedtest says I’m good to go, Microsoft … thinks for a good while … then a little more, and eventually can’t respond because it’s forgotten what the question was. Sometimes funny, mostly infuriating.
  4. Like any other heli: map throttle and collective to your controller of choice. Throttle can be adjusted via mouse (or whatever you use I'd imagine) and I'm sure collective can be too. If the Cabri works for you then this will too. 💁‍♂️ It's an excellent release: truly very well done (and LOUD). This comes very close to the flight model of the Huey we had in X-Plane, and the modelling far exceeds it. Three versions included: classic low-skid, high-skid and military. Plus clipboard to convert to ambulance version, water-drop version etc. Easy to fly (Hueys are: it's a heavy and stable ship) but will keep you on your toes during certain aspects of flight (read: near the ground). Highly enjoyable and WELL WORTH buying this and supporting the developer that has spent thousands of hours making it.
  5. a) Cockpit visuals b) General flight dynamics and handling 'realism' c) Pure IFR procedures e.g. SIDs, STARs and ILS approaches. A. Visuals Excellent in all three with the Dukes pipping the DA to the post by a chock. B. Flight dynamics I'd say the DA's flight dynamics rule here; there is something quite brilliant in Tommy's work (he did the mod for the DA62). Not as pronounced as the C310 the DA42 does show a tendency to yaw in flight (as real aircraft do). I cannot recall noticing this being obvious in either of the Dukes. But that's. only one tiny aspect of the flight dynamics. All three these products are very good from a flight perspective. You will enjoy them. C. Procedures All three do what you want them to do with flight plans and approaches. They are decades apart so obviously there is an enormous level of automation with the DA42 that the Dukes simply don't have. Want to click more buttons? Get a Duke. A raw comparison of the Duke (take your pick) vs the COWS DA42: The Duke(s) are in a different league. They are really that good. They have and deserve legend status (not that the COWS DA42 is bad, it's an excellent product and well worth buying). Want legs, speed and a little more simplicity (plus that oh $%#@ did I introduce fuel too early!) then go for the turbine Duke. Want a huge and broad smile every time an engine fires up (and a sigh of relief that you primed enough but not too much) then go for the internal combustion Duke. I will eat my RAM with some chilli sauce if the IC Duke doesn't stir something in you. Now ... which Duke to get? The enter is obvious my friend. Both.
  6. Excellent. In the bag, something to enjoy for the weekend. His recent releases have been significantly better than his early efforts.
  7. Download-speed limitations compliments of MicroSobo.
  8. By far my greatest annoyance is the fact that Microsoft has ZERO servers anywhere near my location. Meaning I pay what everyone else pays (and often more due to exchange rate fluctuations) and my download speeds are truly laughable. The fact that I have a 200 Mbps fibre line makes absolutely no difference to my download speeds (often 1 Mbps, last it timed out entirely during Short Skyvan purchase). Aaaaarrrrrgghhhhh! 🤯🤬 Edit: probably worth mentioning that my flight simulator PC is used ONLY for FS2020. The computer right next to it, where I am now – wired to the very same network – gets the advertised bandwidth. Go Microsoft ... 🙄
  9. And a few more Taog helicopters would be nice (we have the UH-1 Huey incoming). But hey, it's sort of unfair to complain about what we don't (yet) have if you consider the vast amount of aircraft (and airports etc) we DO have.
  10. You twisted my rubber arm. 😂 I don't even like this kind of thing ... 💁‍♂️😆
  11. Cessna 185 Harvard/T6 (yes, I know Asobo made one ... but it needs a soul, not to mention vaguely realistic engine behaviour and much-needed realistic ground and flight characteristics) Citabria All of the above at the very least SWS quality, even better if A2A or Black Square.
  12. Changelog says: Elevator trim is now reflected in control stick position (non-VR only) Isn't on mine. AFAIK the indicator moves with the yoke (shaft). In my MSFS it's still magically pinned to the panel. What's the behaviour for everyone else?
  13. I am not quite sure what "all the switches to the left of the yoke" mean. BUT. You spent good money on a good aircraft and to get any semblance of value out of that I suggest at LEAST reading – and understanding – the user manual (Bert's link or in the installation folder) and if that fails watch good (from commercial pilots or similar) YT videos. Any turbo-prop is a complex machine; you may have likely already cooked the engines (user manual on how to disable damage), in which case I'd imagine the aircraft will load again with that damage in place. Learn the procedure (and why WHAT is done WHEN), follow the detailed check lists (they are in the MSFS interface) and learn when to introduce fuel (and why then). It may seem frustrating when you just want to fly the beast but trust me: the start-up procedure is why 99% of us have bought this beaut. Master the turbine Duke (I'm assuming you mean the TB when writing the turbo Duke) and you'll want the reciprocating version (which is more complex to start and manage ... again, the manual will show you how to pre oil and inject a suitable amount of fuel before 'turning the key'. Like a real aircraft this is about understanding and procedures. When you know how you will love it (and want the other one, if you don't already have both).
  14. I had snow on the ground at Megève (the airfield and town) using Live Weather just a few hours ago. Surrounding hills to the west were completely clear. Must emphasise this is snow on the ground; clear skies.
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