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Everything posted by Paul_

  1. Hi Everyone Hmmmmm .. this is an interesting one I installed Prepar3D Version 3 a few days ago and then went through the arduous task of installing most of my addons which went very well indeed ... I span the simulator over three 26" screens and a fourth 22" screen to put FS Commander on I was extremely pleased with how fluid P3D was until I installed and loaded FS Commander 9.6 It doesn't matter whether I place FS commander on the 4th screen or position it in a small windows on one of the three spanned screens .... as soon as I load it the stutters are awful ... If I close it with the sim running P3D smooths out beautifully So without a doubt the culprit is FS Commander ... come to think of it I am pretty sure it was the same issue in v2.5 so it's not a v3 compatibility issue I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem and if so whether there is a solution Thanks in advance Paul
  2. Great responses chaps .... :smile: JYW ..... just for the record it isn't normally as bad as this so hopefully very soon you will see your Orbx England scenery in all it's glory
  3. Ahhhh .... great to hear Jim .... beads of sweat and all of that ...... Hahaha How were your frames rates during the decent into Gatwick? .... I guess with dense fog stutters aren't an issue!! :wink:
  4. Hi everyone Well .... with all this fog we have been experiencing in the UK for the last few days has anyone dialled up the real world weather in either Opus FSI or ASN and taken to the skies? Certainly challenging times .... This small video clip was good to watch .. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34703566 Paul
  5. Thank you for explaining Rob ....... I thought You Tube would be the culprit Thank you for uploading Paul
  6. Hi Rob Without putting a dampener on things ... the rollout of the PMDG 737 video looked like it was suffering from micro stutters ... or is that caused by uploading to You Tube? Regards Paul
  7. Thanks for the heads up J van E
  8. Can anyone tell me if the Anistropic Filtering is any better? There is a lot of shimmering going on in 2.5 ... especially around Gary Summon's UK Airports ...... Also the exterior views of the Aircraft aren't very good until you zoom in nearer .......... Is this any better in V3??
  9. I'm in but I'm not purchasing it today
  10. Well having read the comments up to now and the new features offered for Version 3 from the Lockheed Martin website I think I am going to sit on the fence quietly and see what everyone has to say about it after it's release tomorrow .... It will be interesting reading I'm sure!! Paul
  11. Here is a link to the news on the Lockheed Martin Website http://www.prepar3d.com/latest-news/ Paul
  12. The heading says it all Great news .... Can't wait Paul
  13. Hi fellas Here is the long awaited link http://support.goflightinc.com/ Looks far more informative ...... :smile: Kind regards Paul
  14. Hello everyone Does any know ... or has anyone managed to get the Pro Panel II Flight Console working in Prepar3D Ver 2.5? I posted a message on 11th August on their forums asking this and whether it works in Windows 10 and guess what? Absolutely nothing back from them!! I could understand if it was a plastic little toy joystick costing £5 or $5 but at $2695.00 you think someone would of come back with some help!! Hence why I have asked this question here .... I just hope someone can shed some light on this Thanking you in advance Paul
  15. Goodness me yes ....... MUCH better Paul :smile:
  16. Well I thought it was funny @GSalden :dance: :dance:
  17. Ahhh ... Pete's too astute to make a 'slip of the pen' ...
  18. Ahhhhh ..... thank you for that Rob I will send them an email Hmmmmm .. I wonder why the forum has been down so long!! Cheers Paul
  19. Hi Rich Hmmmm good call .... I will check that in the morning ... Paul
  20. Hi everyone I decided to 'upgrade' to Win 10 just allowing it to overwrite my Win 7 installation Everything went fine and P3D seems to be playing ball but I have an issue with my GoFlight modules Before .. when I started P3D the GoFlight modules would light up and off we go ..... Now I am finding that I have to initiate the modules by double clicking of the GFDev icon which resides in the modules folder and then they will 'sort of' work Some modules behave themselves and other just won't start at all I do find that in the GF config utility manager all my modules are showing and all of the settings are there ..... Anyone else found this anomaly? I have been to the GoFlight forum but it seems to be down at the mo Cheers Paul
  21. That is superb news ... It was only three weeks ago I flew into Naples for real ... it will be good to try it on the sim ... thank you very much Paul
  22. Haha ... If only you knew! Oh .... and please don't throw your toys out of the pram on my account with your creditless remark!!
  23. An absolute total waste of time as far as I am concerned .. there is no way I would purchase this I would rather Rex had concentrated on getting their weather engine out to us which is well overdue!!
  24. Looks like it's a fine tuned driver to take into consideration of the brand new GTX 980Ti card
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