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Everything posted by Paul_

  1. Hi Steve Ahhh thank you for that ..... I will try this tomorrow and let you know how I got on Cheers Steve Paul
  2. Cheers Greg I'm onto it now
  3. Shane .... I have had this issue ever since I changed to Win 10 months ago ... No problems at all using Win 7 I'm using the new GoFlight driver/software but alas still struggling with this!! I'm at a loss what to try next Paul
  4. Hi everyone I have a copy of GFX for FSX .... My question is will it work in Prepar3D version 3.2 or will I have to update/patch it or purchase it again for P3D? Thank you Paul
  5. Hi everyone Just wondering if you can use DSR when spanning over three screens? I've got a funny feeling the answer is no Cheers Paul
  6. Hi everyone Now I know this sounds a bit obvious and daft but have you systematically gone through the menus again and chosen the various cloud textures ... runway markings etc etc and selected 'install' Also set yourself up at the threshold of a runway and see if you have any tyre marks visible ... that is always a good indicator to ascertain if Rex is installed or not Paul
  7. Fellas Thank you very much indeed for the informative information I think I have made my mind up to wait until the new range of Pascal Graphics Cards are out from NVidia and then re-evaluate Once again .. thank you very much Paul
  8. I'm just wondering if this post is visible!! I posted this a few days ago and it says zero views which surprises me somewhat Paul
  9. Hi everyone I just wanted to find out if anyone is spanning P3D over three x 4K screens and if there are any issues in doing so Is it a case of WOW .. this is amazing or more like don't waste your money because of the poor performance of the simulator Also, can you tell me what resolution and graphics card you are running P3D in? Cheers Paul
  10. I had unusual stuttering issues which happened unexpectedly and for the life of me could not pin down the culprit ..... I then updated my system from Win 7 to Win 10 and guess what ...... The stuttering has disappeared and the sim is now smooth as butter .... Paul
  11. Beats me why on earth you'd want two versions .... That's just gobbling up valuable disk space
  12. My only issue is with the numerous GoFlight modules I have on startup of P3D Sometimes they light up and on other occasions I have to manually start them ... and if all else fails I have to reboot Win 10 I am hoping the next GoFlight driver will address this problem ..... apart from that everything is fine
  13. Hi Kevin I was having issues with FS Commander causing P3D to stutter badly once it was connected ... I tried everything to sort it and in sheer desperation upgraded to Win 10 from 7 and guess what ... the problem went away .. also getting better frame rates ... my only issue is GoFlight modules occasionally not working which is a bit of pain Paul
  14. Hi everyone ... Just an observation really .... I'm a little surprised to see Active Sky Next still in Beta for version 3 of Prepar3D ... almost two months on since it's release ... Dragging their heels or does it have an issue I wonder? Paul
  15. Ahhh Kevin ... I respect what you are saying but if it screws up a perfectly working P3D with stacks of addons installed then I am sure you'd agree that you wouldn't be that pleased!! Paul
  16. Their installer is an absolute nightmare so I wouldn't go anywhere near P3D with these products!!
  17. FS Estonia Migration Tool (Development Build) works a dream in Prepar3D version 3 :smile:
  18. Having thought I'd sorted things out ... sadly the stutters reappeared and whatever I tried nothing would sort this out ...... Until I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 !!!! I've been flying with FS Commander ... Opus weather engine ... Rex4 etc etc for over a week now and everything is as smooth as butter So that looks as if this is the solution Paul
  19. Hello Just follow this link ... Works a treat in P3D v3 http://www.avsim.com/topic/477247-guide-to-install-mytraffic-6-in-to-p3d-v3/ Paul
  20. Thank you for letting me know ... and there was me thinking the update I had downloaded was for v3 Has anyone had any issues with Beta build 5781 or does it seem to be stable? Paul
  21. Hi everyone God .. I am tearing my hair out with this one I have downloaded and installed ASN Build 5707 and the update SP3 5707 I have also made sure that the paths it requires are all correct ..... I start ASN and it tells me I am up to date with everything .... Active Sky Next for Prepar3D Version 1.0.5707.28979 At this point everything looks good .. but as soon as I start P3D I get an ASconnect error with these words underneath ASConnect is designed to be used with P3D version 2.5.12942 to 2.5.12945 Now this is where I am at a loss ... because as far as I can see I have downloaded the latest version I am obviously missing something here and really could do with some pointers please Oh yes ... if I click ok at that point another box opens saying Error ASN cannot control ambient weather parameters correctly thus it cannot function properly at this point and will shut down Any help with this would be greatly appreciated Paul
  22. Hello Nuitkati Firstly thank you for your suggestions but I think I have cracked it I installed Simconnect from the 'redist' folder within P3D and it looks as if that has sorted things out ...I think it was Opus requiring this but once again thank you for your input Regards Paul
  23. Ok ... an update on my findings ..... If I run FS Commander v9.6 (Moving map/Flight planner program) everything is still smooth (I previously said it stuttered as soon as I loaded it but OPUS must of been running) ... but as soon as I run Opus FSI weather engine P3D immediately starts to stutter really bad ... If, whilst P3D is still running, I then close either FS Commander or Opus FSI everything smooths out again ..... It doesn't matter which combination I choose ... If I run just one of these programs with P3D everything is fine ... it only starts to stutter if I run both ... and when I say stutter I mean it really stutters dreadfully! I am wondering if it is a 'Simconnect' problem Any ideas would be appreciated Paul
  24. Well this is very interesting!!!! I posted a message on here the other day saying that my FS Commander (Moving map/Flight Planner) is doing exactly the same!!! .... As soon as I disconnect FS Commander everything smooths out again With this happening on two similar programs surely this points to an issue with P3D struggling to deal with it!! Paul
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