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  1. So I’m upgrading my system. I bought a 9800x3d, new ddr5 ram, new motherboard, and a new 4tb ssd. My currency system has two 2TB ssds with msfs2020. I should be able to take out the old motherboard and install the old ssds in my new motherboard with the new 4tb ssd. I’ll reuse my cooler and 3090. windows and my ssds should function as if nothing changed right? Or should I just clean install windows?
  2. I've got rex global airport textures, but this is payware EGNX. This happens at all the payware airports I have. It's like there is some blurry textures just in front of me that get better as the plane gets closer to them. I have anisotropic filtering set to 16x in nvidia control panel. https://imgur.com/a/aW1o2ap
  3. Looking to build a completely new system. I've been following the intel vs amd in recent times, but I still can't get past one thing. Everyone seems to be recommending the 7800x3d (L3 etc.) at 4.2 base up to 5.0 ghz. The 7950x3d is at 4.2 base up to 5.7 ghz. I know the old adage was the higher the clock speed the better the performance. So it would seem the 7950x3d is the answer. Is there any upside to the 7800x3d over the 7950x3d other than price (not an issue)?
  4. I just updated to the latest version and I no longer get a box popping up from the mod when launching MSFS. I did update to the latest nvidia driver. Has nvidia blocked this now? I suppose I could always revert to the previous driver.
  5. I'm looking at upgrading from a 13900k and 3090 to a 7800x3d and 4090. Does the 7800x3d perform better than the 7950x3d?
  6. I look forward to the day that hifi are able to bring us the weather that msfs deserves. I've got to believe if hifi already had a product in the Sim we would have weather radar in the fenix and pmdg. Just did a long haul in p3d v5 for the first time in a while and forgot how valuable a working weather radar can be. 😂
  7. In running a kraken z73 with no thermal issues on the 13900k.
  8. There is nothing scientific about what I've done. I didn't look much outside of running process lasso (which I don't even do anymore with the 13900k). I assumed the 12900k was bottlenecking my 3090. It seems like it was indeed (again, not scientific).
  9. I did mess around a bit trying to overclock, but with the e and p cores it's not as easy as back in the day. I tried with hyperthreading off as this used to get me better performance than with it on. I can't explain it (maybe just the overall higher clock speed?). I have not touched anything with the 13900k. It just worked. If I had known how significant a difference it is I would have bought it day one.
  10. I was running a 12900k and a 3090. I wasn’t happy with performance on p3d and msfs with my 4k monitor so much I went and bought a 1440p monitor. One day I was at microcenter and just decided to buy a 13900k on a whim. I was blown away with the amount of frames improvement I got over the 12900k. I am using my 4k monitor again and getting 45-60 fps in both p3d and msfs. I was struggling 30-35 fps at 4k with the 12900k. I’m extremely happy with the 13900k.
  11. Anyone know if there is one available?
  12. Thanks for the tip. The </SimBase.Document> at the bottom had jumped up a line. I put down it down a line and it works now. Thanks.
  13. I'm trying to set VFX central to open with when p3d is opened. It tells me "unexpected xml file structure. (the file wasn't modified). Everything else works fine, it's just vfx central won't open automatically when p3d is.
  14. Has anyone else had problems getting the morse code from VORs? I am using the Flight1 GTN 750 and it is setup correctly. I was tracking the Thermal VOR, but I couldn't get the morse code.
  15. My go to jet has always been the eaglesoft citation x. They are working on a challenger right now. Milviz is working on a Learjet 60XR. The flight1 mustang has the best G1000 simulation in my opinion. I just got the flysimware learjet 35A that is amazing, and I use the flight1 GTN 750 in the it. I decided to take the learjet out for the first flight on PilotEdge, and well..... it was interesting. haha.
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