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About alderon57

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  1. Beautiful shots! Best Hawaii scenery I think I have seen. What is it?
  2. Thank you, Mitch! Very kind of you to post this detailed info! I will try to set mine up to closely match yours (don't have all the same addons...) We'll see what happens! Regards, Ron
  3. Beautiful shots. Can I ask what type of scenery, clouds, etc you have running? I am also using 3.2, and my scenery does not look as good / realistic as yours. Thanks for sharing! Ron
  4. Rob, New Mobo has not arrived yet - so, impatiently waiting! Yes, lots of great advice from everyone here. Much appreciated! Ron
  5. Thanks for the great advice, everyone. Anyone have any experience with Johnman's comment? Hadn't thought of that. I do have multiple, complete backups of my P3D install and files; and Windows will remain untouched unless I wipe it out and start over. I just assumed everything would need to be officially installed from scratch. Ron
  6. Hi, all. The motherboard in my computer has passed on. I will be getting a similar replacement (not matching); which means reinstalling Windows 7, and then P3D. What is the preferred method to reinstalling everything? ORBX landclass and mesh product first? Regional sceneries next? Aircraft last? I only want to go through this one time... Thanks, Ron
  7. No regrets at all - I am thrilled. But I came from an FS9.1 system that was tweaked out years ago. P3D is like a breath of fresh air. It will tax your system if you want all the bells and whistles. Good luck. Ron
  8. Bill, I went from 3.0 to 3.2 myself. I was / am happy with both. I did not notice any radical differences, but depending on your machine and flying habits, you might. Ron
  9. Agree with you. NoCal and SoCal regions are truly amazing. But around LA and a couple of other places, it really starts to shudder on my rig...
  10. Thanks, guys. Following this thread closely - the screenies look very tempting!
  11. All, I barely know how to find the Shader files. LOL I have never attempted to delete or modify them. Would someone be so kind as to explain to us non-techno types how to install / set up this "Shader Pack"? Thanks! Ron
  12. Like others here, I have been sim-flying since the green-lines-on-black-background days. :-) Since my last full installation was a fully tweaked-out FS9.1 setup; I am extremely happy with my P3d v3.2. I personally don't see the need to go any further than this for the foreseeable future - except to add scenery and aircraft. Everything is in place to enjoy a scenic flight almost anywhere in the world; or to practice and improve my piloting skills. Modern technology is pretty cool! Ron
  13. On a (I think) related issue - what about aircraft nav lights? Even in daylight, I have these huge glowing orbs on the aircraft that you can see miles away. Very unrealistic. Anyone know of a fix for those? (I assume it's AI planes - never tried looking at my own plane from a distance.) Ron
  14. I really liked those mods that Gino mentioned, but on my monitor, I had way too much banding in the colors - had to remove it. :-( Using Soft Clouds. Ron
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