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  1. So my question is do most fsx addons work with out having to pay like PMDG.
  2. I am planning on doing most of the EK flights.Should keep me busy for a while!
  3. Try adding Anti-Aliasing. AA will get rid of that and give a sharper image.
  4. Hello all, I am going to be building a new pc sometime in the spring and I was wondering what GPU i should use.I will be getting a 2500K and will try to overclock it to 4.5 on Liquid cooling and I will also be using two monitors. Any help will be greatly appreciated thanks.
  5. And why get the haswell processor I herd it runs a lot hotter at an overclock than sandy and ivy bride processors.
  6. I would love that. Better than calling up a phone number every time for the ATIS.
  7. That would be a good idea.
  8. Isn't topcat coming out with a 777 profile soon?
  9. What I do is reduce my speed bug to my minimum maneuvering speed for the next flap setting and throw out my flaps right after I select my speed.
  10. Yea since fuel in FS is free I figure why not just put it high.
  11. I use 250 gives me a Mach number of about 0.84.
  12. I am going start subbing the 777L on A330 routes for delta should be fun.
  13. PHNL-RJAA so far hopefully more this weekend.
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