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About StevenK

  • Birthday 04/21/1987

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    Just your average guy living your average life :D
  1. OK sounds like a driver issue then. Maybe a recent update of the driver or codecs caused this issue. Glad to hear its sorted though.
  2. LOL thats the best offer I have had all night so ill take it Tell me where to print my name lol *starts humming to top gun*
  3. Great stuff Glad I could help... Maybe Byork will give me a job lol (jokes)
  4. Check your FS2Crew settings. On the FS2Cew dialogue click on the CFG button. Then check that your headphones are set on the "Audio Setup" Change it from Speakers to Headphones. Then press the HS button on the main FS2Crew panel If you still have issues please reply and we can work out some other way. (please note the images may be different from yours as I used google and just edited them for this post)
  5. hahahahahaha good catch Would have been a great april fools
  6. It is not possible because FS2Crew uses a gauge file within FSX to allow it to work. FSX will not run over a network PC. My recommendation if you want to hear the FO over your headset is to attach a line from your "headphones" on your main PC to your "Line-In" on your 2nd PC. This will work as I helped a friend do the same thing. This will send the headset audio from your main PC to your 2nd PC but FS2Crew will still have to run on your Main PC.
  7. Im sure Brian will reply to this as soon as he can.
  8. Give it time. The forum has just got back online and not everyone knows about it yet. The "we are not stabilized" and "Localizer deviation" callouts are because you have moved off the path of the localiser This means your not heading towards the runway. The same thing for "We are not stabilized"
  9. Your co-pilot will turn them off just before engine start. He should then turn them back on during the "before taxi checklist." Make sure you have set the correct pressure setting on the overhead (bottom right) Also make sure the pressurisation mode selector is set to "Auto" mode. Please take a look at these and then reply. If the problem is still there please take a screenshot of your overhead when you are 30nm from T/D and the Recall Button is lit.
  10. Hummm I'm not sure on this one then. Something its definitely screwed up... I would recommend that you wait for Brian to reply to this, maybe he can help shed some light on the issue
  11. This could be that your sound card is not set to use the speakers at the same time as the headset. To change this you need to open your soundcard settings. Look for something that says something like "Independent Headset" Then you need to check your FSX settings and also FS2Crew's settings. If your soundcard is set correctly then you can check the following. Check your FSX sound settings and make sure that they are set to the correct values. It would be also worth checking that FS2Crew is set correctly also. To check your FSX settings click on "Settings" then "Sound" Make sure that the drop down boxes are set as you want them to be. For FS2Crew click on "CFG" then check the audio setup value is set to your headset device. IF ALL THAT DOESN'T WORK TRY THIS. Unplug your headphones and play a video on youtube. The audio should come through your speakers. Then whilst the video is still playing plug your headphones in. If the audio comes through the headphones then you need to check your sound card settings again. If the audio still plays through your speakers then it should work as described above. I could arrange a teamviewer session to help if needed.
  12. Welcome back to the online world... I'm glad that they finally solved the hard drive problem... Lets hope it doesn't happen again and hope that the forums now pick up some speed. Happy to be back...
  13. Locate your FSX.cfg and remove the entries from FS2Crew It should look something like this C:\FSX\FS2Crew2010\Versions\PMDG737NGX\Gauges\FS2CrewNGXVoice.GAU.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx C:\FSX\FS2Crew2010\Versions\PMDG737NGX\Gauges\FS2CrewNGXVoice.GAU.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx C:\FSX\FS2Crew2010\Versions\PMDG737NGX\Gauges\FS2CrewNGXVoice.GAU.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx C:\FSX\FS2Crew2010\Versions\PMDG737NGX\Gauges\FS2CrewNGXVoice.GAU.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx C:\FSX\FS2Crew2010\Versions\PMDG737NGX\Gauges\FS2CrewNGXVoice.GAU.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Then when you start FSX it will ask to run FS2Crew just click "No not this time" When your ready to start using FS2Crew again just add the lines back into your FSX.cfg Make a backup of the FSX.cfg before you do this just incase
  14. yes some of the FO voices come through the speakers there is a button on the main FS2Crew panel that says "HS" This will direct all FO audio to the headset
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